Laptop Recommendations

You are required to have a laptop computer for your Law School studies on which you are willing to install ExamSoft's software, Examplify.  This may be a Windows or Mac device, though these may perform differently in various circumstances.  Please keep in mind these recommendations are for the minimum laptop specs you should consider.

Examplify's Minimum System Requirements

General Laptop Requirements (minimums):

  • RAM: 8 GB or more
  • HDD or SSD: 100 GB or more with a minimum of 4 GB of available space
  • CPU Processor: Non-ARM-based processor supported by your operating system
  • For support purposes a functioning USB port (or compatible adaptor) is strongly encouraged.
  • You are required to have a laptop computer. The definition of "laptop" does not extend to slate-style tablets, phones, or devices running the Windows Mobile, iOS, or Android operating systems. While you are welcome and encouraged to use any of these devices, they will not give you printing and test-taking capabilities.

Windows Operating System:

The three most recent operating system versions are typically the ones supported by ExamSoft.

  • Windows 10 22H2
  • Windows 11  23H2
  • Windows 11  24H2

Windows 11 22H2 will no longer be supported as of January 6th, 2025. Plan accordingly.

Mac Operating System:

The three most recent operating system versions are typically the ones supported by ExamSoft.

  • MacOS 13 (Ventura)
  • MacOS 14 (Sonoma)
  • MacOS 15 (Sequoia)

MacOS 12 (Monterey) will no longer be supported as of November 5th, 2024. Plan accordingly.


  • Any operating system other than the ones listed above should be assumed to be unsupported by ExamSoft unless you are otherwise notified by [email protected]. Apple oftentimes releases its newest OS as we approach Fall finals. Please wait to update your system until notified by [email protected] that it is alright to do so.
  • Alternate versions of Windows 10 and Windows 11, such as Windows RT,  Windows 10 S, and Windows 11 S are NOT supported by ExamSoft and can NOT be used for exams.
  • Virtual environments are NOT supported by ExamSoft. Examples: VMWare, Parallels, Citrix workspace, and more
  • Laptops running Linux are NOT supported by ExamSoft.
  • Only US - English, French, Portuguese, Swedish, and British versions of Windows are supported by ExamSoft.
  • The server version of Mac OSX is not supported.