Networking & Careers
Career Services
The Law School’s Career Center offers a wide range of services to alumni. Consider career possibilities, find information on career transitions and career management, and connect to other alumni-specific online resources. Visit the Career Center’s For Alumni page for more information about career services available to alumni.
University of Minnesota Alumni Association Webinar Series
The University of Minnesota Alumni Association offers regular free conversations with University of Minnesota Experts on life, career, and personal development. Visit the UMAA’s YouTube webinar channel for the latest list of offerings.
The Law Library and Office of Alumni Relations are pleased to provide remote access to HeinOnline's Law Journal Library to University of Minnesota Law School alumni.
The Law Journal Library contains more than 1,800 law and law-related journals with a broad range of coverage. If you need assistance using HeinOnline, please contact the Law Library Reference Desk at (612) 625-4309 or [email protected].