Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Colm Campbell
– Managing Terrorism, 9 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 367 (2018)
Shamika D. Dalton
Yvonne J. Chandler
Dennis C. Kim-Prieto
Carol Avery Nicholson
Michele A. L. Villagran
Celebrating Diversity: A Legacy of Minority Leadership in the American Association of Law Libraries (William S. Hein, 2d ed., 2018) (recipient of the 2019 AALL Joseph P. Andrews Legal Literature Award)
Economic Approaches to Legal Reasoning and Interpretation (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018) (editor)
– Caremark as Soft Law, 90 Temple Law Review 681 (2018)
Naomi Cahn
Laurie F. DeRose
W. Bradford Wilcox
Unequal Family Lives: Causes and Consequences in Europe and the Americas (Cambridge University Press, 2018) (co-editor)
– Marriage Agreements and Religious Family Life, in The Contested Place of Religion in Family Law 218-233 (Robin Fretwell Wilson, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Naomi Cahn
– Custody and Visitation in Families with Three (or More) Parents, 56 Family Court Review 399 (2018)
– Ending Public Utility Style Rate Regulation in Insurance, 35 Yale Journal on Regulation 941 (2018)
Barclay E. James
– Minority Rules: Credible State Ownership and Investment Risk Around the World, 29 Organization Science 653-677 (2018)
– Cheap Sentiment, 81 Law & Contemporary Problems 67 (2018)
Patent Wars: How Patents Impact Our Daily Lives (Oxford University Press, 2018)
– Symbolism and Separation of Powers in Agency Design, 93 Notre Dame Law Review 1475 (2018)
– Consent and Contracts, in The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent 222-234 (Andreas Müller & Peter Schaber, eds., Routledge, 2018)
William Stancil
– The Summit for Civil Rights: Mission, Structure, and Initial Outcomes, 36 Law & Inequality 191 (2018)
– The Promise and Failure of Silence as a Shield Against Immigration Enforcement, 52 Valparaiso University Law Review 289 (2018)
Christopher N. Lasch
Ingrid V. Eagly
Dina Francesca Haynes
Annie Lai
Elizabeth McCormick
Juliet P. Stumpf
– Understanding "Sanctuary Cities," 59 Boston College Law Review 1703 (2018)
– Making Historical Sense of Responsibility, 4 Critical Analysis of Law 199-210 (2017) (review essay) (reviewing Nicola Lacey, In Search of Criminal Responsibility (Oxford University Press, 2016))
Germán Sucar
Enrique Serrano
¿Por qué leer a Nietzsche hoy? (Editorial Fontamara, 2018)
Morgan Hazelton
Emerson H. Tiller
– Panel Effects in Administrative Law: A Study of Rules, Standards, and Judicial Whistleblowing, 71 SMU Law Review 445 (2018)
Regina Jefferies
Immigration Simulations: Bridge to Practice (West Academic, 2018)
– The President’s Commission and Sentencing, Then and Now, 17 Criminology & Public Policy 341-54 (2018)
– Structural Bias, R.I.P., in Research Handbook on Fiduciary Law (Gordon Smith & Andrew S. Gold, eds., Edward Elgar, 2018)
– Punishment and Human Dignity: Sentencing Principles for Twenty-First-Century America, 47 Crime and Justice 119-57 (2018)
Lorraine Eden
Kathy Lund Dean
The Ethical Professor: A Practical Guide to Research, Teaching and Professional Life (Routledge, 2018)
Rhys Hester
Julian V. Roberts
– Prior Record Enhancements at Sentencing: Unsettled Justifications and Unsettling Consequences, 47 Crime and Justice 209 (2018)
– Punishing Kids in Juvenile and Criminal Court, 47 Crime and Justice 417 (2018)
– On Unknown Opportunities and Perils: Reflections on Carrier and Minniti's “Biologics: The New Antitrust Frontier,” 2018 University of Illinois Law Review Online 72 (2018)
– Multi-jurisdictional Water Governance in Australia: Muddle or Model?, in Reforming Water Law and Governance: From Stagnation to Innovation in Australia 57 (Cameron Holley & Darren Sinclair, eds., Springer, 2018)
– Principle 29: Restrictions on the Jurisdiction of Military Courts, in The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary 315-323 (Frank Haldemann & Thomas Unger, eds., Oxford University Press, 2018)
– A New Historical Jurisprudence?, 95 Washington University Law Review 1035 (2018)