Fionnuala Ní Aoláin

Fionnuala Ní Aoláin

  • Honorary Kings Counsel
  • Regents Professor
  • Robina Chair in Law, Public Policy, and Society
  • Faculty Director, Human Rights Center
  • Professor, Queen's University of  Belfast, School of Law, Northern Ireland


  • Queen's University Law Faculty, Belfast, Northern Ireland, LL.B., Ph.D.
  • Columbia Law School, LL.M.


  • Feminist Theory
  • Human Rights Law
  • international Criminal Law
  • International Human Rights
  • International Law
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Professor Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin is a University Regents Professor; holder of the Robina Chair in Law, Public Policy, and Society; and faculty director of the Human Rights Center at the Law School. She is concurrently a professor of law at the Queen's University of  Belfast, School of Law.

In 2017, Professor Ní Aoláin was appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council as United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. In this capacity she worked closely with states and United Nations entities to advance human rights protections in some of the most difficult contexts globally. She was re-elected by States for a further three-year term in 2020, and her term ended in November 2023.  She was elected to the International Commission of Jurists in 2023. In 2024, Professor Ní Aoláin  was appointed Honorary King's Counsel (KC Hon) by His Majesty The King of England.  This is a life-time appointment.

Professor Ní Aoláin received her LL.B. and Ph.D. in law at the Queen's University Law Faculty in Belfast and also holds an LL.M. degree from Columbia Law School. She was a visiting professor at the Law School in 2003-04 and has been a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School (1993-94); an associate-in-law at Columbia Law School (1994-96); a visiting professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (1996-2000); an associate professor of law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel (1997-99); a visiting fellow at Princeton University (2001-02), visiting fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (2011-2012) and visiting professor at Harvard Law School (2012-13). She is an elected member of the American Law Institute. She was also elected an honorary fellow of the Royal Irish Academy in 2019, Ireland’s leading body of experts in the sciences and humanities.

She is the recipient of numerous academic awards and honors, including a Fulbright scholarship, the Alon Prize, the Robert Schumann scholarship, a European Commission award, the Lawlor fellowship, and was a Leverhulme Senior Fellow. She had held multiple research awards including from the British Academy, the US Institute of Peace, DfID (Department for International Development, UK), Research Council UK, and the Economic and Social Research Council.

Her teaching and research interests are in the fields of international law, human rights law, national security law, transitional justice, and feminist legal theory. Her first book, The Politics of Force (Blackstaff Press, 2000), examined the use of force by state agents during the conflict in Northern Ireland and contained a unique empirically based analysis of all conflict-related deaths in the jurisdiction by state agents. The theoretical and policy focus of the research was located in an examination of the relationship between international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Professor Ni Aoláin's work has continued to focus on the intersection of human rights and humanitarian norms. Her 2006 book, Law in Times of Crisis (Cambridge University Press), was awarded the Certificate of Merit for creative scholarship in 2007, the American Society of International Law's preeminent prize. Another monograph, On the Frontlines: Gender, War and the Post-Conflict Process (Oxford University Press, 2011), explores the experiences of women in post-conflict societies across multiple case studies. Her book, Exceptional Courts and Military Commissions in Comparative and Policy Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2013), was coauthored with Law School Professor Oren Gross, and examined the use of exceptional courts across numerous jurisdictions, with particular emphasis on post-9/11 developments. She has published widely in the fields of emergency powers, conflict regulation, transitional justice, and sex-based violence in times of war and continues to write extensively on theoretical aspects of transition. She is also editor of the Oxford Handbook on Gender and Conflict (2016  with Cahn, Haynes, and Valji). Her forthcoming book with Cambridge University Press, Occupational Hazards, addresses the gender dimensions of the Law of Occupation.

Professor Ní Aoláin was a representative of the prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at domestic war crimes trials in Bosnia (1996-97). In 2003, she was appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as Special Expert on promoting gender equality in times of conflict and peace-making. In 2011, she was appointed as consultant jointly by the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights and UN WOMEN to prepare a Study on Reparations for Conflict Related Sexual Violence. In 2015, she was appointed by the International Criminal Court’s Trust Fund for Victims to lead an Expert Review on Reparations to victims in the Court’s first case.

She has been nominated twice (2004 and 2007) by the Irish government to the European Court of Human Rights, the first woman and the first academic lawyer to be thus nominated. She was appointed by the Irish Minister of Justice to the Irish Human Rights Commission in 2000 and served until 2005. She remains an elected member of the Executive Committee for the Belfast-based Committee on the Administration of Justice, and is also a member of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. She served a three-year term on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law (2010-2013), and co-chaired its Annual Meeting in 2014. She was Board Chair of the Open Society Foundations Women Program (2011-2017), and serves on the Board of the Center for Victims of Torture National Advisory Council.

International Human Rights Law

International Law

International Law - 1L

Laws of War

International Criminal Law


The Paradox of Democratic Transition (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)
Colm Campbell
The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict (Oxford University Press, paperback ed. with updated introduction, 2023) (co-editor) 
Naomi Cahn
Dina Francesca Haynes
Nahla Valji
The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict (Oxford University Press, 2018) (co-editor)
Naomi Cahn
Dina Francesca Haynes
Nahla Valji
The Development of International Human Rights Law (Ashgate Publishing, 2014) (co-editor)
David Weissbrodt
Mary Rumsey
Guantanamo and Beyond: Exceptional Courts and Military Commissions in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2013) (co-editor)
On the Frontlines: Gender, War, and the Post-Conflict Process (Oxford University Press, 2011)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Naomi Cahn
International Human Rights: Law, Policy, and Process (LexisNexis, 4th ed., 2009)
David Weissbrodt
Selected International Human Rights Instruments and Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights (LexisNexis, 4th ed., 2009)
David Weissbrodt
Mary Rumsey
Law in Times of Crisis: Emergency Powers in Theory and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2006) (recipient of the American Society of International Law's 2007 Certificate of Merit for a preeminent contribution to creative scholarship)
The Politics of Force: Conflict Management and State Violence in Northern Ireland (Blackstaff Press, 2000)

Journal Articles

The Belfast/Good Friday Agreement and Transformative Change: Promise, Power and Solidarity, 57 Israel Law Review 4 (2024)
Rory O'Connell
Lina Malagón
Navigating Colonial Debris: Structural Challenges for Colombia’s Peace Accord, 11 Peacebuilding 62 (2023)
Claire Wright
Bill Rolston
State Responsibility for Human Rights Violations Perpetrated in the Name of International Counter-Terrorism Financing Obligations, 46 Fordham International Law Journal 691 (2023)
Alyssa T. Yamamoto
Are Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Side-Lined in Peace Agreements? Insights From Peace Agreement Databases, 26 Gonzaga Journal of International Law 25 (2022)
Rory O’Connell
Lina Malagón
Exceptionality: A Typology of Covid-19 Emergency Powers, 26 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 49 (2022)
On the Sanctity of Borders: A Response to "Getting Ready", 32 Irish Studies in International Affairs 44 (2021)
Brendan O'Leary
‘Soft Law’, Informal Lawmaking and ‘New Institutions’ in the Global Counter-Terrorism Architecture, 32 European Journal of International Law 919 (2021)
The Contemporary Exercise of Emergency Powers: Reflections on Permanence, Impermanence and Challenging Times, 1 Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences (PARISS) 197 (2020)
The Gender of Occupation, 45 Yale Journal of International Law 335 (2020)
The Inner and Outer Limits of Gendered Transitional Justice, 55 Éire-Ireland 279 (2020)
The Limits of Equality and Gender Discourses in Counter-Terrorism: The Case of Women and Children in Syria and Iraq, 29 Minnesota Journal of International Law 7 (2020)
Between Reparations and Repair: Assessing the Work of the ICC Trust Fund for Victims Under Its Assistance Mandate, 19 Chicago Journal of International Law 490 (2019)
Anne Dutton
How Can States Counter Terrorism While Protecting Human Rights?, 45 Ohio Northern University Law Review 389 (2019)
Colonialism, Redress and Transitional Justice: Ireland and Beyond, 7 State Crime Journal 329 (2018)
Bill Rolston
Gendering the Law of Occupation: The Case of Cyprus, 27 Minnesota Journal of International Law 107 (2018)
L’exercice contemporain des pouvoirs d’urgence: réflexions sur la permanence, la non-permanence et les ordres juridiques administratifs, 2018/4 (n° 112) Cultures & Conflits 15 (2018)
Managing Terrorism, 9 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 367 (2018)
Colm Campbell
The Feminist Institutional Dimensions of Power-Sharing and Political Settlements, 24 Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 116 (2018)
After Things Fall Apart: Challenges for Transitional Justice Futures, 11 Human Rights & International Legal Discourse 23 (2017)
The "War on Terror" and Extremism: Assessing the Relevance of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, 92 International Affairs 275 (2016)
Feminism Facing International Law, 22 European Journal of Women's Studies 457 (2015)
More Women--But Which Women? A Reply to Stephanie Hennette Vauchez, 26 European Journal of International Law 229 (2015)
Through the Looking Glass: Transitional Justice Futures through the Lens of Nationalism, Feminism and Transformative Change, 9 International Journal of Transitional Justice 127 (2015)
Kris Brown
Transforming Reparations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Principles and Practice, 28 Harvard Human Rights Journal 97 (2015)
Catherine O'Rourke
Aisling Swaine
Gendered Harms and their Interface with International Criminal Law, 16 International Feminist Journal of Politics 622 (2014)
The Rhetoric of War: Words, Conflict, and Categorization Post 9/11, 24 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 241 (2014)
"Anything Can Happen:" Interpreting the 'End' of War, 49 Tulsa Law Review 569 (2013) (reviewing Thomas U. Berger, War, Guilt, and World Politics After World War II (Cambridge University Press, 2012), Larry May, After War Ends: A Philosophical Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2012), and Kimberly Theidon, Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013)) (review essay)
Justice in Times of Transition: A Reflection on Transitional Justice, 29 Constitutional Commentary 81 (2013) (reviewing Transitional Justice (Melissa S. Williams, Rosemary Nagy & John Elster, eds., New York University Press, 2011))
Situating Women in Counterterrorism Discourses: Undulating Masculinities and Liminal Femininities, 93 Boston University Law Review 1085 (2013)
“There is a War Going on You Know”: Addressing the Complexity of Violence Against Women in Conflicted and Post Conflict Societies 1(2) Transitional Justice Review 4 (2013)
Monica McWilliams
Advancing Feminist Positioning in the Field of Transitional Justice, 6 International Journal of Transitional Justice 205 (2012)
Women in the Post-Conflict Process: Reviewing the Impact of Recent UN Actions in Achieving Gender Centrality, 11 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 189 (2012)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Naomi Cahn
Gendering Constitutional Design in Post-Conflict Societies, 17 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 509 (2011)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Naomi Cahn
Criminal Justice for Gendered Violence and Beyond, 11 International Criminal Law Review 425 (2011)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Naomi Cahn
Women, Vulnerability, and Humanitarian Emergencies, 18 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 1 (2011)
Returning Home: Women in Post-Conflict Societies, 39 University of Baltimore Law Review 339 (2010)
Naomi Cahn
Dina Francesca Haynes
Women, Security, and the Patriarchy of Internationalized Transitional Justice, 31 Human Rights Quarterly 1055 (2009)
Gender, Masculinities, and Transition in Conflicted Societies, 44 New England Law Review 1 (2009)
Naomi Cahn
Exploring a Feminist Theory of Harm in the Context of Conflicted and Post-Conflict Societies, 35 Queen's Law Journal 219 (2009)
Gender and the Rule of Law in Transitional Societies, 18 Minnesota Journal of International Law 380 (2009)
Michael Hamilton
Gendering the Declaration, 24 Maryland Journal of International Law 335 (2009)
A Skeptical View of Deference to the Executive in Times of Crisis, 41 Israel Law Review 545 (2008)
Expanding the Boundaries of Transitional Justice, 22 Ethics & International Affairs 213 (2008) (reviewing Justice as Prevention: Vetting Public Employees in Transitional Societies (Alexander Mayer-Rieckh and Pablo de Greiff, eds., Social Science Research Council, 2007) and What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations (Ruth Rubio-Marin, ed., Social Science Research Council, 2006)) (review essay)
Terror Conflated?, 25 Constitutional Commentary 131 (2008) (reviewing Eric A. Posner & Adrian Vermeule, Terror in the Balance: Security, Liberty, and the Courts (Oxford University Press, 2007)) (review essay)
Foreword, Transitional Justice: (Re)Conceptualising the Field, 3 International Journal of Law in Context 81-88 (2007)
Christine Bell
Colm Campbell
Gender, Truth & Transition, 16 UCLA Women's Law Journal 229 (2007)
Catherine Turner
Hamdan and Common Article 3: Did the Supreme Court Get It Right?, 91 Minnesota Law Review 1523 (2007)
The No-Gaps Approach to Parallel Application in the Context of the War on Terror, 40 Israel Law Review 563 (2007)
Underenforcement and Intersectionality: Gendered Aspects of Transition for Women, 1 International Journal of Transitional Justice 338-354 (2007)
Eilish Rooney
Political Violence and Gender in Times of Transition, 15 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 829-849 (2006)
The Paradox of Transition in Conflicted Democracies, 27 Human Rights Quarterly 172 (2005)
Colm Campbell
Justice Discourses in Transition, 13 Social & Legal Studies 305-328 (2004)
Christine Bell
Colm Campbell
Looking Ahead: Strategic Priorities and Challenges for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 35 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 469 (2004), reprinted in International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals (Henry J. Steiner, Philip Alston & Ryan Goodman, eds., Oxford University Press, 3d ed., 2007)
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Enforcing Socio-Economic Rights in Northern Ireland, [2004] 2 European Human Rights Law Review 158-180 (2004)
Grainne McKeever
Balancing Human Rights: International Legal Responses to Terrorism in the Wake of September 11, 33 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 63 (2003)
Local Meets Global: Transitional Justice in Northern Ireland, 26 Fordham International Law Journal 871 (2003)
Colm Campbell
The Frontiers of Legal Analysis: Reframing the Transition in Northern Ireland, 66 Modern Law Review 317-345 (2003)
Colm Campbell
Colin Harvey
Truth Telling, Accountability and the Right to Life in Northern Ireland, [2002] 5 European Human Rights Law Review 572-590 (2002)
Emergency, War and International Law - Another Perspective, 70 Nordic Journal of International Law 29 (2001)
From Discretion to Scrutiny: Revisiting the Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Context of Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights, 23 Human Rights Quarterly 625 (2001)
The Evolving Jurisprudence of the European Convention Concerning the Right to Life, 19 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 21-42 (2001)
Rethinking the Concept of Harm and Legal Categorizations of Sexual Violence During War, 1 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 307 (2000)
Sex-Based Violence and the Holocaust--A Reevaluation of Harms and Rights in International Law, 12 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 43 (2000)
The Relationship between Situations of Emergency and Low-Intensity Armed Conflict, 28 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 97 (1999)
The Fractured Soul of the Dayton Peace Agreement: A Legal Analysis, 19 Michigan Journal of International Law 957 (1998), reprinted in Reconstructing Multiethnic Societies: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Florian Bieber & Dzemal Sokolovic, eds., Ashgate Publishing, 2001)
Radical Rules: The Effects of Evidential and Procedural Rules on the Regulation of Sexual Violence in War, 60 Albany Law Review 883 (1997)
Beyond the Laws of War: Peacekeeping in Search of a Legal Framework, 27 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 293 (1996)
Robert O. Weiner
The Fortification of an Emergency Regime, 59 Albany Law Review 1353 (1996)
Where Hope and History Rhyme--Prospects for Peace in Northern Ireland?, 50 Journal of International Affairs 63 (1996)
The Emergence of Diversity: Differences in Human Rights Jurisprudence, 19 Fordham International Law Journal 101 (1995)
The Entrenchment of Systematic Abuse - Mass Rape in the Former Yugoslavia, 8 Harvard Human Rights Journal 285 (1995) (reviewing Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Former Yugoslavia (Alexandra Stiglmayer, ed., University of Nebraska Press, 1994)) (review essay)

Book Chapters

On the Frontlines: Gender, War and the Post-Conflict Process, in Leading Works in International Law 129-144 (Donna Lyons, ed., Routledge, 2024)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Naomi Cahn
The Datafication of Counterterrorism, in Big Data and Armed Conflict: Legal Issues Above and Below the Armed Conflict Threshold 319-348 (Laura A. Dickinson & Edward W. Berg, eds., Oxford University Press, 2024)
Limitaciones a la libertad de expresión en el contexto de la lucha contra el  terrorismo y el extremismo, in La libertad de expresión en tiempos convulsos 31-50 (Jon Mirena Landa Gorostiza & Enara Garro Carrera, Directores; Mikel Anderez Belategi & Iñigo Gordon Benito, Coordinadores, Tirant, 2023)
The Complexity of Sexual Violence, Birthing, and Status After the Fall of the Caliphate, in Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation 199-216 (Kimberly Theidon, Dyan Mazurana & Dipali Anumol, eds., Oxford University Press, 2023)
The Limits of Law and the Value of Rights in Addressing Terrorism: A Study of the UN Counterterrorism Architecture, in Between Crime and War: Hybrid Legal Frameworks for Asymmetric Conflict 45-62 (Jens David Ohlin, Claire Finkelstein, Christopher J. Fuller & Mitt Regan, eds., Oxford University Press, 2023)
Transitional Justice (Increasingly) Meets Counter-Terrorism, in Research Handbook on Transitional Justice Research 473-490 (Cheryl Lawther & Luke Moffett, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2d. ed., 2023) 
Anne Charbord
The Inner and Outer Limits of Gendered Transitional Justice, in Redress: Ireland's Institutions and Transitional Justice 146-157 (Katherine O'Donnell, Maeve O'Rourke & James M. Smith, eds. University College Dublin Press, 2022)
Occupational Hazards: Gender and the Law of Occupation in Israel-Palestine, in Strengthening Human Rights Protections in Geneva, Israel, the West Bank and Beyond 157-178 ( Joseph E. David, Yaël Ronen, Yuval Shany & J. H. H. Weiler, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021)  
The Ever-Expanding Legislative Supremacy of the Security Council in Counterterrorism, in 9/11 and the Rise of Global Anti-Terrorism Law: How the UN Security Council Rules the World 34-55 (Arianna Vedaschi & Kim Lane Scheppele, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021)
The Special Criminal Court: A Conveyor Belt of Exceptionality, in The Offences Against the State Act 1939 at 80: A Model Counter-Terrorism Act? 59-71 (Mark Coen, ed., Hart Publishing, 2021)
Lawyers, Military Commissions and the Rule of Law in Democratic States, in Counter-terrorism, Constitutionalism and Miscarriages of Justice : A Festschrift for Professor Clive Walker 117-134 (Genevieve Lennon, Colin King & Carole McCartney, eds., Hart, 2019)
Scholarly Debates and Contested Meanings of WPS, in The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security 53-66 (Sara E. Davies & Jacqui True, eds., Oxford University Press, 2019)
Nahla Valji
Transformative Gender Justice?, in From Transitional to Transformative Justice 150-171 (Paul Gready & Simon Robins, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Principle 29: Restrictions on the Jurisdiction of Military Courts, in The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary 315-323 (Frank Haldemann & Thomas Unger, eds., Oxford University Press, 2018)
The Complexity and Challenges of Addressing the Conditions Conducive to Terrorism, in Using Human Rights to Counter Terrorism 166-194 (Manfred Nowak & Anne Charbord, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018)
Transitional Justice, in Gender: War 271-285 (Andrea Pető, ed., Macmillan, 2018)
Good Fences Make Good Neighbours: Assessing the Role of Consociational Politics in Transitional Justice, in Power-Sharing: Empirical and Normative Challenges 229-249 (Allison McCulloch & John McGarry, eds., Routledge, 2017)
Kristian Brown
The Aftermath of War: Considering Gender in the Process of Disarmament, Demilitarization and Reintegration, in Women, Gender Equality, and Post-Conflict Transformation: Lessons Learned, Implications for the Future 34-50 (Kristen P. Williams & Joyce P. Kaufman, eds., Routledge, 2017)
Human Rights Meets Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, in Marital Rape: Consent, Marriage, and Social Change in Global Context 187-198 ( Kersti Yllö and M. Gabriela Torres, eds., Oxford University Press, 2016)
Monica McWilliams
The Cloak and Dagger Game of Derogation, in Human Rights in Emergencies 124-147 (Evan J. Criddle, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2016)
The Gender Politics of Fact-Finding in the Context of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, in The Transformation of Human Rights Fact-Finding 89-105 (Philip Alston & Sarah Knuckey, eds., Oxford University Press, 2016)
Southern Voices in Transitional Justice: A Critical Reflection on Human Rights and Transition, in Law's Ethical, Global and Theoretical Contexts: Essays in Honour of William Twining 73-89 (Upendra Baxi, Christopher McCrudden & Abdul Paliwala, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2015)
The Trial of Terrorism: National Security Courts and Beyond, in Routledge Handbook of Law and Terrorism 206-221 (Genevieve Lennon & Clive Walker, eds., Routledge, 2015)
A Gendered Reading of Security and Security Reform in Post-Conflict Societies, in Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: International Agendas and African Contexts 193-215 (Doris Buss, Joanne Lebert, Blair Rutherford, Donna Sharkey & Obijiofor Aginam, eds., Routledge, 2014)
Naomi Cahn
Dina Haynes
The Compatibility of Justice for Women with Jus Post Bellum Analysis, in Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations 161-177 (Carsten Stahn, Jennifer S. Easterday & Jens Iverson, eds., Oxford University Press, 2014)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Advancing a Feminist Analysis of Transitional Justice, in Feminist Perspectives on Transitional Justice: From International and Criminal to Alternative Forms of Justice 43-62 (Martha Albertson Fineman & Estelle Zinsstag, eds., Intersentia, 2013)
Close Encounters of the Female Kind in the Land of Counter-Terrorism, in Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Human Rights Perspectives 230-250 (Margaret L. Satterthwaite & Jayne C. Huckerby, eds., Routledge, 2013)
Gender, Masculinities and Transition in Conflicted Societies, in Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Theory Reflections 127-44 ( Martha Albertson Fineman & Michael Thomson, eds., Ashgate Publishing, 2013)
Naomi Cahn
Dina Haynes
Introduction: Guantanamo and Beyond, in Guantanamo and Beyond: Exceptional Courts and Military Commissions in Comparative Perspective 1-34 (Fionnuala Ni Aolain & Oren Gross, eds, Cambridge University Press, 2013)
The Gender Dimensions of Rule of Law Reform, in Promoting the Rule of Law: A Practitioner's Guide to Key Issues and Developments 129-142 (Lelia Mooney, ed., American Bar Association, Section of International Law, 2013)
What Does Postconflict Security Mean for Women?, in Gender, Violence, and Human Security: Critical Feminist Perspectives 33-49 (Aili Mari Tripp, Myra Marx Ferree & Christina Ewig, eds., NYU Press, 2013)
Gendered Under-Enforcement in the Transitional Justice Context, in Gender in Transitional Justice 59-87 (Susanne Buckley-Zistel & Ruth Stanley, eds., Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
International Law, Gender Regimes and Fragmentation: 1325 and Beyond, in Non-State Actors, Soft Law and Protective Regimes: From the Margins 53-68 (Cecilia M. Bailliet, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2012)
Masculinities and Child Soldiers in Post-Conflict Societies, in Masculinities and the Law: A Multidimensional Approach 231-251 (Frank Rudy Cooper & Ann C. McGinley, eds., New York University Press, 2012)
Naomi Cahn
Dina Haynes
Transitional Emergency Jurisprudence: Derogation and Transition, in Transitional Jurisprudence and the European Convention on Human Rights 24-51 (Antoine Buyse & Michael Hamilton, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2011)
Gendered Transitional Justice and the Non-state Actor, in Contested Transitions: Dilemmas of Transitional Justice in Colombia and Comparative Experience 115-143 (Michael Reed Hurtado & Amanda Lyons, eds., International Center for Transitional Justice, 2010)
Catherine O'Rourke
Learning the Lessons: What Feminist Legal Theory Teaches International Human Rights Law and Practice, in Transcending the Boundaries of Law: Generations of Feminism and Legal Theory 281-289 (Martha Albertson Fineman, ed., Routledge, 2010)
Rights after Revolution: Progress or Backslide after the Good Friday Agreement?, in Human Rights & Conflict Resolution in Context: Colombia, Sierra Leone, & Northern Ireland (Eileen F. Babbitt & Ellen L. Lutz, eds., Syracuse University Press, 2009)
Maggie Beirne
Enforcing Social and Economic Rights at the Domestic Level: A Proposal, in Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism 221-239 (Margot Young, Susan Boyd, Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, eds., UBC Press, 2007)
Grainne McKeever
The Battle for Transitional Justice: Hegemony, Iraq and International Law in Judges, Transition, and Human Rights (John Morison, Kieran McEvoy & Gordon Anthony, eds., Oxford University Press, 2007)
Christine Bell
Colm Campbell
The Individual Right of Access to Justice in Times of Crisis: Emergencies, Armed Conflict, and Terrorism, in Access to Justice as a Human Right 57-93 (Francesco Franconi, ed., Oxford University Press, 2007)
The European Convention on Human Rights and its Prohibition on Torture, in Torture: A Collection 213-228 (Sanford Levinson, ed., Oxford University Press, 2004)
To Know Where We Are Going, We Need to Know Where We Are: Revisiting States of Emergency, in A Human Rights Agenda for the 21st Century 79 (Angela Hegarty & Siobhan Leonard, eds., Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999)

Book Reviews

Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding: An International Law Perspective, 23 Journal of Genocide Research 466 (2021) (reviewing Nadera Shalhoub- Kevorkian, Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding (Cambridge University Press, 2019))
Book Review, 34 Human Rights Quarterly 682 (2012) (reviewing Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights (Elizabeth D. Heineman, ed., University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011))
Naomi Cahn
Dina Francesca Haynes
The Power of Voice Narrative at the End of Conflict, 28 Journal of Law and Society 311 (2000) (reviewing Bill Rolston, Unfinished Business: State Killings and the Quest for Truth (Beyond the Pale Publications, 2000))
Book Review, 8 European Journal of International Law 539 (1997) (reviewing Michael O'Flaherty & Liz Heffernan, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: International Human Rights Law in Ireland (Brehon Publishing, 1995))
Book Review, 6 European Journal of International Law 156 (1995) (reviewing Henry Murdoch, A Dictionary of Irish Law (Topaz Publications, rev. 2d ed., 1993))

Other Publications

Repatriating Alleged ISIS-Linked Men from Northeast Syria: The Start of Judicial Responses to the Political Stalemate, Just Security (Feb. 16, 2023)
Anne Charbord
Guantánamo's Living Legacies: Fionnuala Ní Aoláin: "Guantánamo as an exemplar of due process exceptionalism," in Rupture and Reckoning: Guantánamo Turns 20 107 (European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, 2022) (interview)  
La lutte contre les abus de l'exception est un combat aussi ancien que le droit lui-même: conversation entre Fionnuala Ní Aoláin et Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez, in Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez, La démocratie en état d'urgence: quand l'exception devient permanente 161 (Éditions du Seuil, 2022)
The Child Victims of ISIS: Repatriating the Residents of Syria’s Detention Camps, Foreign Affairs (May 27, 2022)
Interview with Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin, Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism, 103 (916-917) International Review of the Red Cross 11 (2021) (Double edition on "Counterterrorism, sanctions and war")
Dean David Wippman: Strong Leadership in a Challenging Time, 102 Minnesota Law Review 1771 (2018)
Transitional Justice from the Margins: Intersections of Identities, Power and Human Rights, 12 International Journal of Transitional Justice 1 (2018) (editorial note)
Eilish Rooney
Transitional Justice and the European Convention on Human Rights (Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 2017) (Academy Briefing No. 10)
Remarks by Fionnuala Ni Aolain, 106 American Society of International Law Proceedings 337 (2012) (Jus Post Bellum in the Age of Terrorism)
Advancing Women's Rights in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations, 104 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 568 (2010)
Faculty Director
Human Rights Center