Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Unresolved Legal Questions Concerning Operation Inherent Resolve, 52 Texas International Law Journal 221 (2017)
– Minority Mens Rea: Racial Bias and Criminal Mental States, 68 Hastings Law Journal 1007 (2017)
Emily Twedell
Caitlin Opperman
Jordan Dean Scott Krieg
Mikaela Brandt-Fontaine
Joshua Panduro Preston
Jaleh McTeigue
Alina Yasis
Morgan Carlson
– The Limited Effect of Electroencephalography Memory Recognition Evidence on Assessments of Defendant Credibility, Journal of Law and the Biosciences (2017)
– The Legal Person: Tracing the History of a Forensic Fiction, in The Routledge Research Companion to Law and Humanities in Nineteenth-Century America 96 (Nan Goodman & Simon Stern, eds., Routledge, 2017)
– The Interactions between Public and Private Health Insurance, in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Health Law (I. Glenn Cohen, Allison K. Hoffman & William M. Sage, eds., Oxford University Press, 2017)
Christopher Soper
Cristina D. Lockwood
Pamela Lysaght
Successful Legal Analysis and Writing: The Fundamentals (West Academic, 4th ed., 2017)
Ann Burkhart
Law School Success in a Nutshell: A Guide to Studying Law and Taking Law School Exams (Thomson/West, 1st ed., 1996; 2d ed., 2008; West Academic, 3d ed., 2017) (translated into Chinese)
– The Aftermath of War: Considering Gender in the Process of Disarmament, Demilitarization and Reintegration, in Women, Gender Equality, and Post-Conflict Transformation: Lessons Learned, Implications for the Future 34-50 (Kristen P. Williams & Joyce P. Kaufman, eds., Routledge, 2017)
– Lawyers’ Professional Liability: Comparative Perspectives, 24 International Journal of the Legal Profession 73-89 (2017)
– Surveillance Intermediaries, 70 Stanford Law Review 99 (2018)
Sonia Sotomayor
– The 2016 Stein Lecture: A Conversation Between U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Professor Robert A. Stein, 101 Minnesota Law Review 2139 (2017)
Will Stancil
– Why Are the Twin Cities So Segregated?, 43 Mitchell Hamline Law Review 1 (2017)  
Michael J. Gerhardt
– Majority Rule and the Future of Judicial Selection, 2017 Wisconsin Law Review 263 (2017)
– The History and Future of Capital Punishment in the United States, 54 San Diego Law Review 1 (2017)
– "Blue" Morality and the Legitimacy of the State--Ed Rubin's Soul, Self, and Society: The New Morality and the Modern State, 42 Law and Social Inquiry 582 (2017) (review essay)
– Repugnant Business Models: Preliminary Thoughts on a Research and Policy Agenda, 74 Washington and Lee Law Review 973 (2017)
– Between Sin and Redemption: Duty, Purpose, and Regulation in Religious Corporations, 74 Washington and Lee Law Review 1043 (2017)
Kristian Brown
– Good Fences Make Good Neighbours: Assessing the Role of Consociational Politics in Transitional Justice, in Power-Sharing: Empirical and Normative Challenges 229-249 (Allison McCulloch & John McGarry, eds., Routledge, 2017)
– Banker Behavior and the Individualist Ethos, 68 Alabama Law Review 931 (2017)
– Theories of Contract Law, in Comparative Contract Law 7-18 (Pier Giuseppe Monateri, ed., Edward Elgar, 2017)
– Moral Philosophy and Law and Economics, in I The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics 288-99 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Oxford University Press, 2017)
Peter Siegelman
– Law and Economics of Insurance, in II The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics (Francesco Parisi, ed., Oxford University Press, 2017)
– Coverage Information in Insurance Law, 101 Minnesota Law Review 1457 (2017)
– My Life in Crime: An Intellectual History of the Juvenile Court, 17 Nevada Law Journal 299 (2017)
Norman V. Siebrasse
– A New Framework for Determining Reasonable Royalties in Patent Litigation, 68 Florida Law Review 929 (2016)
Naomi Cahn
– Parents, Babies, and More Parents, 92 Chicago-Kent Law Review 9 (2017)
– When A Promise Is Not A Promise: Chicago-Style Pensions, 64 UCLA Law Review 356 (2017)  
– Benefit Corporations and Public Markets: First Experiments and Next Steps, 40 Seattle University Law Review 717 (2017)
Norman Siebrasse
– The Value of the Standard, 101 Minnesota Law Review 1159 (2017)
Nancy Levit
– The Death of the Firm, 101 Minnesota Law Review 963 (2017)