Susan M. Wolf

  • Regents Professor and McKnight Presidential Professor of Law, Medicine & Public Policy
  • Faegre Drinker Professor of Law
  • Professor of Medicine


  • Princeton University, A.B.
  • Yale Law School, J.D.


  • Bioethics
  • Disability
  • Health Law
  • Medicine & Law
  • Science & Law
  • Women's Legal Issues

Professor Susan M. Wolf is a Regents Professor; McKnight Presidential Professor of Law, Medicine & Public Policy; Faegre Drinker Professor of Law; and Professor of Medicine. She is Chair of the University-wide Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences.

Professor Wolf is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), an elected member of the American Law Institute (ALI), and an elected fellow of The Hastings Center as well as a past-member of the Fellows' Council. She has received numerous grants to support her research, including from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and The Greenwall Foundation. In 2007-2010, Wolf served as a member of the Law & Neuroscience Project funded by the MacArthur Foundation. She has worked with The Hastings Center on guidelines for end-of-life care, directing the original project resulting in Guidelines on the Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment and the Care of the Dying: A Report of The Hastings Center (1987) and co-authoring a second edition published by Oxford University Press (2013), with a third edition in preparation. In 2012, she received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Investigator Award in Health Policy Research to fund research in 2012-14.

Professor Wolf teaches in the areas of health law, law and science, and bioethics. She is the faculty chair of the Law School's Concentration in Health Law & Bioethics. Professor Wolf was co-holder of the 1999-2000 Julius E. Davis Chair in Law, a 1998-99 Opperman Research Scholar, a 1996 recipient of the John K. & Elsie Lampert Fesler Research Grant, and a 1996 recipient of a University of Minnesota Medical School Merit Award. She was appointed to the Faegre Drinker Professorship in Law in 2000 and the McKnight Presidential Professorship in Law, Medicine & Public Policy in 2006; and Regents Professorship in 2021.

Professor Wolf received an A.B. degree summa cum laude from Princeton University and a J.D. degree from Yale Law School, with graduate work at Harvard University. She clerked for Judge Leonard B. Sand of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and then practiced with the New York law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison from 1981 to 1984. In 1984-85, Professor Wolf was a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellow at The Hastings Center in New York, a senior bioethics research institute. She then became the Center's Associate for Law. She also taught law and medicine at New York University School of Law as an adjunct associate professor from 1987 to 1992. In 1992-93, she was a Fellow at Harvard University in the Program in Ethics and the Professions.

Professor Wolf has served on a variety of governmental and institutional panels, including for the National Academies, as well as the American Bar Association (ABA) Coordinating Group on Bioethics and the Law, American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Ethics Committee, New York City AIDS Review Panel, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Ethics Committee. In 2011, she was appointed by the Secretary of Health & Human Services to the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) and served through 2016. She currently sits on the National Academies' Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust and was previously a member of the Committee on Science, Engineering, Medicine, and Public Policy (COSEMPUP). She is a past chair of the AALS Section on Law, Medicine and Health Care and a past board member (elected) of the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH). Professor Wolf has served on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB); Journal of Urban Health; and Journal of Women's Health and Law; and as Faculty Advisor to the Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology. She has lectured widely, in the United States and abroad.

Many of Professor Wolf's publications may be found on her SSRN page.

Or visit the Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences.

You can also visit Professor Wolf’s webpage on the Department of Medicine website.

Law, Biomedicine and Bioethics


The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life (Oxford University Press, rev. and expanded 2d ed., 2013)
Nancy Berlinger
Bruce Jennings
Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction (Oxford University Press, 1996) (editor)
Coordinating Council on Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment Decision Making by the Courts, Guidelines for State Court Decision Making in Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment Cases (West Publishing, rev. 2d ed., 1993) (Council member)
Coordinating Council on Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment Decision Making by the Courts, Guidelines for State Court Decision Making in Authorizing or Withholding Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment (West Publishing, 1991) (Council member)
Guidelines on the Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment and the Care of the Dying: A Report of The Hastings Center (Indiana University Press & The Hastings Center, 1987) (project director)

Selected Research Grants

Grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) (#2220611) (2022-24), on NetEthics: Building Tools & Training to Advance Responsible Conduct in Complex Research Networks Pioneering Novel Technologies (Susan M. Wolf, Timothy Pruett, Gillian Roehrig, Keisha Varma, Korkut Uygun (Massachusetts General Hospital) (PIs))
Grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) (#1941543) (2020-25), on NSF Engineering Research Center for Advanced Technologies for the Preservation of Biological Systems (ATP-BioSM) (John Bischof, Mehmet Toner (Massachusetts General Hospital), Guillermo Aguilar (Texas A&M University), Kevin Healy (UC Berkeley) (PIs))
Grant from National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institutes of Health (NIH) (#1-RF1-MH123698-01 ) (2020-24), on Highly Portable and Cloud-Enabled Neuroimaging Research: Confronting Ethics Challenges in Field Research with New Populations (Francis Shen, Susan M. Wolf, Frances Lawrenz (PIs))
Grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) & National Cancer Institute (NCI) (#1-R01-HG008605) (2016-19), on LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application (Susan M. Wolf, Ellen Wright Clayton (Vanderbilt Univ.), Frances Lawrenz (PIs))
Grant from MnDRIVE Transdisciplinary Research, University of Minnesota (2014-16) on DNA Nanotechnology: Developing and Analyzing a New Tool for Sensing and Targeting Disease (Efrosini Kokkoli, Karen Ashe, Scott McIvor & Susan M. Wolf (PIs))
Grant #1-R01-CA154517 from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), and National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (2011-16) on Disclosing Genomic Incidental Findings in a Cancer Biobank: An ELSI Experiment (Profs. Barbara Koenig, UCSF (Co-PI), Gloria Petersen, Mayo Clinic (Co-PI), and Susan M. Wolf (Co-PI))
Grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Investigator Award in Health Policy Research (2012-14) on Translating Research into Health Benefits: Returning Research Results & Incidental Findings (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI))
Grant #1-RC1-HG005338 from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (2009-11) on Nanodiagnostics and Nanotherapeutics: Building Research Ethics and Oversight (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI) with Profs. Jeffrey McCullough, Jeffrey Kahn, and Ralph Hall (Co-Investigators))
Grant #2-R01-HG003178 from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (2009-11) on Managing Incidental Findings and Research Results in Genomic Biobanks & Archives (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI) with Profs. Brian Van Ness, Jeffrey Kahn, and Frances Lawrenz (Co-Investigators))
Grant #SES-0608791 from National Science Foundation (NSF) (2006-10) on Evaluating Oversight Models for Active Nanostructures and Nanosystems: Learning From Past Technologies in a Societal Context (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI) with Profs. Efrosini Kokkoli, Jennifer Kuzma, and Gurumurthy Ramachandran, and Jordan Paradise (Co-Principal Investigators))
Grant from the MacArthur Foundation (2007-10) on Law & Neuroscience (Prof. Michael S. Gazzaniga (PI); Prof. Susan M. Wolf, Project Member)
Grant from the MacArthur Foundation (2008-09), subaward from University of California, Santa Barbara on How Should Neuroscience Change Law? Lessons from the Impact of Genetics and Emerging Convergence of Genomics and Neuroscience (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI))
Grant from the Greenwall Foundation (2007-08) on Emerging Problems in Neurogenomics: Ethical, Legal & Policy Issues at the Intersection of Genomics & Neuroscience (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI) with Prof. Harry Orr and Jordan Paradise (Co-Investigators))
Grant #1-R01-HG003178 from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (2005-07), on Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research (Prof. Susan M. Wolf (PI) with Profs. Charles Nelson, Jeffrey Kahn, and Frances Lawrenz (Co-Investigators))
Grant #1-R01-HG002818 from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (2003-04), on Colliding Categories: Haplotypes, Race & Ethnicity (Dr. Jon Kahn (PI), Prof. Jeffrey Kahn, and Prof. Susan M. Wolf (Co-Investigators))
Grant #1-R01-HG02089 from National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (2000-04) on Genetics & Disability Insurance: Ethics, Law & Policy (Prof. Jeffrey Kahn (PI) and Prof. Susan M. Wolf (Co-Investigator))

Journal Articles

Advanced Cryopreservation as an Emergent and Convergent Technological Platform, 79 Technology in Society (published online Nov. 2, 2024)
Evelyn Brister
Paul B. Thompson
John C. Bischof
Anticipating Biopreservation Technologies that Pause Biological Time: Building Governance & Coordination Across Applications, 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 534-552 (2024)
Timothy L. Pruett
Claire Colby McVan
Evelyn Brister
Shawneequa L. Callier
Alexander M. Capron
James F. Childress
Michele Bratcher Goodwin
Insoo Hyun
Rosario Isasi
Andrew D. Maynard
Kenneth A. Oye
Paul B. Thompson
Terrence R. Tiersch
Behind the Scenes: Facilitators and Barriers to Developing State Scarce Resource Allocation Plans for the COVID-19 Pandemic, 166 CHEST 561-571 (2024)
Kirsten A. Riggan
Nicholas V. Nguyen
Jackson S. Ennis
Debra A. DeBruin
Richard R. Sharp
Jon C. Tilburt
Erin S. DeMartino
Biopreservation Beyond the Biosphere: Exploring the Ethical, Legal & Social Implications of Suspended Animation in Space, 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 648-665 (2024)
Roel Feys
Korkut Uygun
Irina Filz von Reiterdank
Rosario Isasi
Biopreserving Pathogens: Promise & Peril, 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 624-636 (2024)
Justyna Jaskiewicz
Mehmet Toner
Rebecca D. Sandlin
Ethical Issues in Emerging Technologies to Extend the Viability of Biological Materials Across Time and Space, 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 570-584 (2024)
James F. Childress
Evelyn Brister
Paul B. Thompson
Shawneequa L. Callier
Alexander M. Capron
Timothy L. Pruett
Nikolas Zuchowicz
Ethical, Legal, and Policy Challenges in Field-Based Neuroimaging Research Using Emerging Portable MRI Technologies: Guidance for Investigators and for Oversight, 11:1 Journal of Law and the Biosciences (2024)
Frances Lawrenz
Donnella S. Comeau
Kafui Dzirasa
Barbara J. Evans
Damien Fair
Martha J. Farah
S. Duke Han
Judy Illes
Jonathan D. Jackson
Eran Klein
Karen S. Rommelfanger
Matthew S. Rosen
EfraĂ­n Torres
Paul Tuite
J. Thomas Vaughan
Michael Garwood
Governing New Technologies That Stop Biological Time: Preparing for Prolonged Biopreservation of Human Organs in Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation (published online Sept. 19, 2024)
Timothy L. Pruett
Claire Colby McVan
Peter Lyon
Alexander M. Capron
James F. Childress
Barbara J. Evans
Erik B. Finger
Insoo Hyun
Rosario Isasi
Gary E. Marchant
Andrew D. Maynard
Kenneth A. Oye
Mehmet Toner
Korkut Uygun
John C. Bischof
Safeguarding Earth's Biodiversity by Creating a Lunar Biorepository, BioScience (published online July 31, 2024)
Mary Hagedorn
Lynne R. Parenti
Robert A. Craddock
Pierre Comizzoli
Paula Mabee
Bonnie Meinke
John C. Bischof
Rebecca D. Sandlin
Shannon N. Tessier
Mehmet Toner
Scientists' Perspectives on Ethical Issues in Research with Emerging Portable Neuroimaging Technology: The Need for Guidance on Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications (ELSI), NMR in Biomedicine e5243 (published online Sept. 8, 2024)
Frances Daniels
EfraĂ­n Torres
Frances Lawrenz
Successfully Bridging Innovation and Application: Exploring the Utility of a Risk Innovation Approach in the NSF Engineering Research Center for Advanced Biopreservation Technologies (ATP-Bio), 52  Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 553-569 (2024)
Andrew D. Maynard
Kenneth A. Oye
Marissa Scragg
Tim Tripp
The Need for Early Engagement with Interested Groups on Advanced Biopreservation, 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 585-594 (2024)
Insoo Hyun
John Bischof
Shawneequa L. Callier
Alexander M. Capron
Michele Bratcher Goodwin
Ishan Goswami
Rosario Isasi
Andrew D. Maynard
Timothy L. Pruett
Korkut Uygun
Trends in US Public Confidence in Science and Opportunities for Progress, 121:11 PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (published online Mar. 4, 2024)
Arthur Lupia
David B. Allison
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Jennifer Heimberg
Magdalena Skipper
Assessment of Stored Red Blood Cells Through Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies for Precision Transfusion Medicine, 120:32 PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (published online July 26, 2023)
Ziya Isiksacan
Angelo D’Alessandro
David H. McKenna
Shannon N. Tessier
Erdem Kucukal
A. Aslihan Gokaltun
Nishaka William
Rebecca D. Sandlin
John Bischof
Narla Mohandas
Michael P. Busch
Caglar Elbuken
Umut A. Gurkan
Mehmet Toner
Jason P. Acker
Martin L. Yarmush
O. Berk Usta
Return of Results in Genomic Research Using Large-Scale or Whole Genome Sequencing: Toward a New Normal, 24 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 393-414 (2023)
Robert C. Green
Triage Procedures for Critical Care Resource Allocation During Scarcity, 6(8) JAMA Network Open e2329688 (2023)
Jackson S. Ennis
Kirsten A. Riggan
Nicholas V. Nguyen
Daniel B. Kramer
Alexander K. Smith
Daniel P. Sulmasy
Jon C. Tilburt
Erin S. DeMartino
Vitrification and Nanowarming Enable Long-Term Organ Cryopreservation and Life-Sustaining Kidney Transplantation in a Rat Model, 14 Nature Communications 3407 (2023)
Zonghu Han
Joseph Sushil Rao
Lakshya Gangwar
Bat-Erdene Namsrai
Jacqueline L. Pasek-Allen
Michael L. Etheridge
Timothy L. Pruett
John C. Bischof
Erik B. Finger
Designing COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Colleges and Universities: A Roadmap to the 10 Key Questions, 9 Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1 (2022)
James G. Hodge, Jr.
Addressing a Missing Link in Emergency Preparedness: New Insights on the Ethics of Care in Contingency Conditions from the Minnesota COVID Ethics Collaborative, 21(8) The American Journal of Bioethics 17-19 (2021)
Joel T. Wu
Debra A. DeBruin
Thomas Klemond
Erin S. DeMartino
Emerging Ethical Issues Raised by Highly Portable MRI Research in Remote and Resource-limited International Settings, 238 NeuroImage (2021)
Supriya Bhavnani
Sean Deoni
Jed T. Elison
Damien Fair
Michael Garwood
Michael S. Gee
Sairam Geethanath
Kendrick Kay
Kevin O. Lim
Georgia Lockwood Estrin
Monica Luciana
David Peloquin
Karen Rommelfanger
Nicoline Schiess
Khan Siddiqui
EfraĂ­n Torres
J. Thomas Vaughan
Pharmacogenomics Education, Research and Clinical Implementation in the State of Minnesota, 22 Pharmacogenomics 681-691 (2021) (with others)
A Roadmap for Precision Medicine Research Recruitment: Empirical Assessment of the Public's Willingness to Participate, 17 Personalized Medicine 345-359 (2020)
Kelsey Moriarty
Patricia M. Veach
Bonnie LeRoy
Ian M. MacFarlane
Heather A. Zierhut
Developing an Ethics Framework for Allocating Remdesivir in the COVID-19 Pandemic, 95 Mayo Clinic Proceedings 1946-1954 (2020) (with others)
Ethical Challenges Arising in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors (ABPD) Task Force, 20:7 The American Journal of Bioethics 15-27 (2020)
Amy L. McGuire
Mark P. Aulisio
F. Daniel Davis
Cheryl Erwin
Thomas D. Harter
Reshma Jagsi
Robert Klitzman
Robert Macauley
Eric Racine
Matthew Wynia
Paul Root Wolpe
The COVID-19 Task Force of the Association of Bioethics Program Directors (ABPD)
Ethical Issues Posed by Field Research Using Highly Portable and Cloud-Enabled Neuroimaging, 105 Neuron 771-775 (2020)
Ramon Gilberto Gonzalez
Michael Garwood
From Genetics to Genomics: Facing the Liability Implications in Clinical Care, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 11-43 (2020) (for the LawSeq Liability Task Force)
Gary Marchant
Mark Barnes
James P. Evans
Bonnie LeRoy
How Can Law and Policy Advance Quality in Genomic Analysis and Interpretation for Clinical Care?, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 44-68 (2020) (for the LawSeq Quality Task Force)
Barbara J. Evans
Gail Javitt
Ralph Hall
Megan Robertson
Pilar Ossorio
Thomas Morgan
Ellen Wright Clayton
Integrating Rules for Genomic Research, Clinical Care, Public Health Screening and DTC Testing: Creating Translational Law for Translational Genomics, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 69-86 (2020) (for the LawSeq Framework Task Force)
Pilar N. Ossorio
Susan A. Berry
Henry T. Greely
Amy L. McGuire
Michelle A. Penny
Sharon F. Terry
Key Expert Stakeholder Perceptions of the Law of Genomics: Identified Problems and Potential Solutions, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 87–104 (2020)
Fook Yee Cheung
Lauren Clatch
Ellen Wright Clayton
Frances Lawrenz
Return of Results in Participant-Driven Research: Learning from Transformative Research Models, 48: 1(Supp) Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 159-166 (2020)
A Faustian Bargain That Undermines Research Participants’ Privacy Rights and Return of Results, 71 Florida Law Review 1281-1345 (2019)
Barbara J. Evans
Consent for Clinical Genome Sequencing: Considerations from the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium, 16 Personalized Medicine 325–333 (2019) (with others)
How Can Law Support Development of Genomics and Precision Medicine to Advance Health Equity and Reduce Disparities?, 29(Suppl 3) Ethnicity & Disease 623-28 (2019)
Vence L. Bonham
Marino A. Bruce
Improving Recommendations for Genomic Medicine: Building an Evolutionary Process from Clinical Practice Advisory Documents to Guidelines, 21 Genetics in Medicine 2431-2438 (2019)
Wylie Burke
Ellen Wright Clayton
Susan A. Berry
Barbara J. Evans
James P Evans
Ralph Hall
Diane Korngiebel
Anne-Marie Laberge
Bonnie S. LeRoy
Amy L. McGuire
Should Researchers Offer Results to Family Members of Cancer Biobank Participants? A Mixed-Methods Study of Proband and Family Preferences, 10 AJOB Empirical Bioethics 1-22 (2019)
Deborah R. Gordon
Carmen Radecki Breitkopf
Marguerite Robinson
Wesley O. Petersen
Jason S. Egginton
Kari G. Chaffee
Gloria M. Petersen
Barbara A. Koenig
Approaches to Carrier Testing and Results Disclosure in Translational Genomics Research: The Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium Experience, 6 Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 898-909 (2018)
Kathryn M. Porter
et al.
Return of Results and Data to Study Participants, 362 Science 159-60 (Oct. 12, 2018)
Barbara J. Evans
Attitudes Toward Return of Genetic Research Results to Relatives, Including After Death: Comparison of Cancer Probands, Blood Relatives, and Spouse/Partners, 13 Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 295–304 (2018)
Carmen Radecki Breitkopf
Kari G. Chaffee
Marguerite E. Robinson
Noralane M. Lindor
Deborah R. Gordon
Barbara A. Koenig
Gloria M. Petersen
Navigating the Research-Clinical Interface in Genomic Medicine: Analysis from the CSER Consortium, 20 Genetics in Medicine 545–53 (2018)
et al.
Pragmatic Tools for Sharing Genomic Research Results with the Relatives of Living and Deceased Research Participants, 46 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 87-109 (2018)
et al.
The Continuing Evolution of Ethical Standards for Genomic Sequencing in Clinical Care: Restoring Patient Choice, 45 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 333-340 (2017)
The Need to Develop a Patient-Centered Precision Medicine Model for Adults with Chronic Disability, 17 Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 415-18 (2017)
Bharat Thyagarajan
Brent L. Fogel
A Survey of Current Practices for Genomic Sequencing Test Interpretation and Reporting Processes in US Laboratories, Genetics in Medicine (published online Nov. 3, 2016)
et al.
Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine, 98 American Journal of Human Genetics 1051-66 (2016)
et al.
When Participants in Genomic Research Grow Up: Contact and Consent at the Age of Majority, 168 Journal of Pediatrics 226-31 (2016)
et al.
40 Years of Work on End-of-Life Care: From Patients’ Rights to Systemic Reform, 372 New England Journal of Medicine 678-82 (2015)
Nancy Berlinger
Bruce Jennings
International Policies on Sharing Genomic Research Results with Relatives: Approaches to Balancing Privacy with Access, 43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 576-93 (2015)
Rebecca Branum
Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research-Clinical Divide, 43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 486-501 (2015)
Wylie Burke
Barbara A. Koenig
Preferences Regarding Return of Genomic Results to Family Members of Research Participants, Including After Participant Death: Empirical Results from a Cancer Biobank, 43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 464-75 (2015)
Carmen Radecki Breitkopf
Gloria M. Petersen
Returning a Research Participant’s Genomic Results to Relatives: Analysis & Recommendations, 43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 440-63 (2015)
Addressing the Ethical Challenges in Genetic Testing and Sequencing of Children: Recent Statements by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, 14(3) AJOB: American Journal of Bioethics 3-9 (2014)
Ellen Wright Clayton
The Challenge of Informed Consent and Return of Results in Translational Genomics: Empirical Analysis and Recommendations, 42 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 344-355 (2014)
Gail E. Henderson
Kristine J. Kuczynski
Steven Joffe
Richard R. Sharp
D. Williams Parsons
Bartha M. Knoppers
Joon-Ho Yu
Paul S. Appelbaum
Patient Autonomy and Incidental Findings in Clinical Genomics, 340 Science 1049-50 (2013)
George J. Annas
Sherman Elias
Recommendations for Returning Genomic Incidental Findings? We Need to Talk!, 15 Genetics in Medicine 854-59 (2013)
Wylie Burke
Return of Individual Research Results and Incidental Findings: Facing the Challenges of Translational Science, 14 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 557-77 (2013)
The Big Picture on Small Medicine: Analyzing the Landscape of Approved and Clinical Nanomedicine Products, 9(1) Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 1-14 (2013)
Michael L. Etheridge
Stephen A. Campbell
Arthur G. Erdman
Christy Haynes
Jeffrey McCullough
Managing Incidental Findings and Research Results in Genomic Research Involving Biobanks and Archived Data Sets, 14 Genetics in Medicine 361-84 (2012)
et al.
The Past, Present, and Future of the Debate over Return of Research Results and Incidental Findings, 14 Genetics in Medicine 355-57 (2012)
Mapping the Inputs, Analyses, and Outputs of Biobank Research Systems to Identify Sources of Incidental Findings and Individual Research Results for Potential Return to Participants, 14 Genetics in Medicine 385-92 (2012)
Heather R. Bemmels
Brian Van Ness
Recommendations for Nanomedicine Human Subjects Research Oversight: An Evolutionary Approach for an Emerging Field, 40 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 716 (2012)
Ralph Hall
The Role of Law in the Debate over Return of Research Results and Incidental Findings: The Challenge of Developing Law for Translational Science, 13 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 435-48 (2012)
Designing Oversight for Nanomedicine Research in Human Subjects: Systemic Analysis of Exceptional Oversight for Emerging Technologies, 13 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1449-1465 (2011)
Cortney Jones
Recommendations for Oversight of Nanobiotechnology: Dynamic Oversight for Complex and Convergent Technology, 13 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1345-1371 (2011)
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Jordan Paradise
Jennifer Kuzma
Ralph Hall
Efrosini Kokkoli
Leili Fatehi
Ethical and Practical Guidelines for Reporting Genetic Research Results to Study Participants: Updated Guidelines from an NHLBI Working Group, 3 Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics 574-80 (2010)
Richard R. Fabsitz
Incidental Findings in Imaging Research: Evaluating Incidence, Benefit and Burden, 170 Archives of Internal Medicine 1525-32 (2010)
Nicholas M. Orme
Developing U.S. Oversight Strategies for Nanobiotechnology: Learning from Past Oversight Experiences, 37 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 688-705 (2009)
Jordan Paradise
Jennifer Kuzma
Aliya Kuzhabekova
Alison W. Tisdale
Efrosini Kokkoli
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Gene Therapy Oversight: Lessons for Nanobiotechnology, 37 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 659-684 (2009)
Rishi Gupta
Peter Kohlhepp
Confronting Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: My Father's Death, 38 Hastings Center Report 23-26 (Sept./Oct. 2008)
An Integrated Approach to Oversight Assessment for Emerging Technologies, 28 Risk Assessment 1197-1220 (2008)
Jennifer Kuzma
Jordan Paradise
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Jee-Ae Kim
Adam Kokotovich
Developing Oversight Frameworks for Nanobiotechnology, 9 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 399 (2008)
Jordan Paradise
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Efrosini Kokkoli
Ralph Hall
Jennifer Kuzma
Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice, 36 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 320-31 (2008)
Hassan Siddiki
J.G. Fletcher
Beth McFarland
Nora Dajani
Nicholas Orme
Barbara Koenig
Marguerite Strobel
Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Analysis and Recommendations, 36 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 219-48 (2008) (with others)
Neurolaw: The Big Question, 8 American Journal of Bioethics 21-22 (Jan. 2008)
Practical Approaches to Incidental Findings in Brain Imaging Research, 70 Neurology 384-90 (2008) (with others)
The Law of Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Establishing Researchers' Duties, 36 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 361-83 (2008)
Jordan Paradise
Charlisse Caga-anan
Genetic Testing and the Future of Disability Insurance: Ethics, Law & Policy, 35 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 6-32 (2007) (special supp. to v.35:2)
Jeffrey P. Kahn
Doctor and Patient: An Unfinished Revolution, 6 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics 485-500 (2006)
Incidental Findings in Brain Imaging Research, 311 Science 783-84 (2006) (with others)
Assessing Physician Compliance with the Rules for Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, 165 Archives of Internal Medicine 1677-79 (2005)
Physician-Assisted Suicide, 21 Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 179-92 (Linda L. Emanuel ed., Palliative Care II: Improving Care, 2005)
Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Informing Offspring of their Conception by Gamete Donation, 81 Fertility and Sterility 527-31 (2004) (Committee member)
Law & Bioethics: From Values to Violence, 32 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 293-306 (2004)
Using Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to Create a Stem Cell Donor: Issues, Guidelines & Limits, 31 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 327-39 (2003)
Jeffrey P. Kahn
John E. Wagner
Toward a Systemic Theory of Informed Consent in Managed Care, 35 Houston Law Review 1631-81 (1999)
Foreword: Facing Death, 82 Minnesota Law Review 885-93 (1998)
Pragmatism in the Face of Death: The Role of Facts in the Assisted Suicide Debate, 82 Minnesota Law Review 1063-1101 (1998)
Ban Cloning? Why NBAC is Wrong, 27 Hastings Center Report 12-15 (Sept./Oct. 1997)
A Professional Response to Demands for Accountability: Practical Recommendations Regarding Ethical Aspects of Patient Care, 124 Annals of Internal Medicine 240-49 (1996) (with Linda L. Emanuel for the Working Group on Accountability) (Working Group member)
Foreword: Bioethics From Mirror to Window, 15 St. Louis University Public Law Review 183-89 (1996)
Physician-Assisted Suicide in the Context of Managed Care, 35 Duquesne Law Review 455-79 (1996)
Beyond "Genetic Discrimination": Toward the Broader Harm of Geneticism, 23 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 345-53 (1995)
Health Care Reform and the Future of Physician Ethics, 24 Hastings Center Report 28-41 (Mar./Apr. 1994)
Quality Assessment of Ethics in Health Care: The Accountability Revolution, 20 American Journal of Law & Medicine 105-28 (1994)
Shifting Paradigms in Bioethics and Health Law: The Rise of a New Pragmatism, 20 American Journal of Law & Medicine 395-415 (1994)
Decisions Near the End of Life: Professional Views on Life-Sustaining Treatments, 83 American Journal of Public Health 14-23 (1993) (with others)
Toward a Theory of Process, 20 Law, Medicine & Health Care 278-90 (1993)
Final Exit: The End of Argument, 22 Hastings Center Report 30-33 (Jan./Feb. 1992)
Ethics Committees and Due Process: Nesting Rights in a Community of Caring, 50 Maryland Law Review 798-858 (1991)
Sources of Concern About the Patient Self-Determination Act, 325 New England Journal of Medicine 1666-71 (1991) (with others)
Toward an Expanded Vision of Clinical Ethics Education: From the Individual to the Institution, 1 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 225-45 (1991) (with others)
Nancy Beth Cruzan: In No Voice At All, 20 Hastings Center Report 38-41 (Jan./Feb. 1990)
"Near Death" -- In the Moment of Decision, 322 New England Journal of Medicine 208-10 (1990)
Holding the Line on Euthanasia, 19 Hastings Center Report 13-15 (Jan./Feb. 1989)
Conflict Between Doctor and Patient, 16 Law, Medicine & Health Care 197-203 (1988)
The Professions: Public Interest and Common Good, 17 Hastings Center Report 3-11 (Feb. 1987)
Bruce Jennings
Daniel Callahan
Enforcing Surrogate Motherhood Agreements: The Trouble with Specific Performance, 4 New York Law School Human Rights Annual 375-412 (1987)
Trying Not to Talk Forever: A Tool for Change, 15 Law, Medicine & Health Care 248-53 (1987/88)
Ethics Committees in the Courts, 16 Hastings Center Report 12-15 (June 1986)
HIV Antibody Screening: An Ethical Framework for Evaluating Proposed Programs, 256 JAMA 1768-74 (1986)
Ronald Bayer
Carol Levine
Public Involvement in Medical Ethics, A Model for Government Action, 310 New England Journal of Medicine 627-32 (1984)
Morris B. Abram

Book Chapters

Liability Implications of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing, in Consumer Genetic Technologies: Ethical and Legal Considerations 15-25 (I. Glenn Cohen, Nita A Farahany, Henry T Greely, Carmel Schachar, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Gary E. Marchant
Mark Barnes
Ellen W. Clayton
Generalizable Architectures and Principles of Informatics for Scalable Personalized and Precision Medicine (PPM) Decision Support, in Personalized and Precision Medicine Informatics: A Workflow-Based View 277-303 (Terrence Adam &  Constantin Aliferis, eds., Springer, 2020)
Steven G. Johnson
Pamala Jacobson
Kingshuk K. Sinha
Douglas Yee
Constantin Aliferis
The Rise of Patient-Driven Research on Biospecimens and Data: The Second Revolution, in Specimen Science: Ethics and Policy Implications 317-34 (Holly Fernandez Lynch, Barbara E. Bierer, I. Glenn Cohen & Suzanne M. Rivera, eds., MIT Press, 2017)
Isaac S. Kohane
Incidental Findings in Neuroscience Research: A Fundamental Challenge to the Structure of Bioethics and Health Law, in Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics 623-34 (Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian, eds., Oxford University Press, 2011)
Should We Offer Predictive Tests for Fatal Inherited Diseases and, If So, How?, in Ethical Dilemmas in Neurology 22-40 (Adam Zeman & Linda L. Emanuel, eds., W.B. Saunders, 2000)
Thomas G. Horejsi
Advocating for Patients in Managed Care: Commentary, in Ethical Challenges in Managed Care: A Casebook 219-26 (Karen Gervais et al., eds., Routledge, 1999)
Erasing Difference: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Bioethics, in Embodying Bioethics: Recent Feminist Advances 65-81 (Laura M. Purdy & Anne Donchin, eds., Rowman and Littlefield, 1998)
Facing Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in Children and Adolescents, in Regulating How We Die: The Ethical, Medical, and Legal Issues Surrounding Physician-Assisted Suicide 92-119, 274-94 (Linda L. Emanuel, ed., Harvard University Press, 1998)
Physician-Assisted Suicide, Abortion, and Treatment Refusal: Using Gender to Analyze the Difference, in Physician-Assisted Suicide 167-201 (Robert Weir, ed., Indiana University Press, 1997)
Gender, Feminism, and Death: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, in Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction 282-317 (Susan M. Wolf, ed., Oxford University Press, 1996)
Introduction: Gender and Feminism in Bioethics, in Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction 3-43 (Susan M. Wolf, ed., Oxford University Press, 1996)
Beyond the Double Agent: Moving Toward an Ethics of Case Management, in Ethical Conflicts in the Management of Home Care: The Case Manager's Dilemma 59-68 (Rosalie A. Kane & Arthur L. Caplan, eds., Springer Publishing, 1993)

Book Reviews

Book Review, 357 New England Journal of Medicine 426-27 (2007) (reviewing Bethany J. Spielman, Bioethics in Law (Humana Press, 2007))
Book Review, 10 Constitutional Commentary 502-9 (1993) (reviewing Frances Myrna Kamm, Creation and Abortion: A Study in Moral and Legal Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 1992))
Book Review, 102 Ethics 671-72 (1992) (reviewing Surrogate Motherhood: Politics and Privacy (Larry Gostin, ed., Indiana University Press, 1990)

Edited Symposia & Journals

LawSeq: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 7-160 (2020)
Ellen Wright Clayton
Frances Lawrenz
The Future of Informed Consent in Research and Translational Medicine, 46 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 7-129 (2018) (co-editor)
Ellen Wright Clayton
Frances Lawrenz
Return of Genomic Research Results to a Participant’s Family, Including After Death, 43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 437-593 (2015) (co-editor)
Barbara A. Koenig
Gloria Petersen
Managing Incidental Findings and Research Results in Genomic Research Involving Biobanks and Archived Data Sets, 14 Genetics in Medicine 355-496 (2012) (co-editor)
Brian Van Ness
Frances Lawrenz
Nanodiagnostics and Nanotherapeutics : Building Research Ethics & Oversight, 40 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 712-864 (2012) (co-editor)
Governance of Nanobiotechnology, 13 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1341-1812 (2011) (co-editor)
Leili Fatehi
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Jennifer Kuzma
Developing Oversight Approaches to Nanobiotechnology: The Lessons of History, 37 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 535-789 (2009) (co-editor)
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Jennifer Kuzma
Jordan Paradise
Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: From Imaging to Genomics, 36 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 216-383 (2008) (co-editor)
Jordan Paradise
Charles A. Nelson
Jeffrey P. Kahn
Frances Lawrenz
Genetic Testing and Disability Insurance: Ethics, Law & Policy, 35 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 5-89 (2007) (special supp. to v.35:2) (co-editor)
Jeffrey P. Kahn
The Responsible Use of Racial and Ethnic Categories in Biomedical Research: Where Do We Go From Here?, 34 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 483-558 (2006) (editor)

Entries in Reference Works

Euthanasia, in The World Book Encyclopedia (World Book, Inc., 2008 ed.)
Living Will, in The World Book Encyclopedia (World Book, Inc., 2008 ed.)
Iatrogenic Illness and Injury, in 3 Encyclopedia of Bioethics 1187-91 (Warren T. Reich, ed., Macmillan Publishing Co., 2d ed., 1995)

Editorials, Commentary & Letters

Defending the Return of Results and Data, 362 Science 1255-1257 (Dec. 14, 2018) (letter)
Barbara J. Evans
What To Do about Too Much Medical Information?, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Dec. 12, 2013 (op-ed)
Return of Results in Genomic Biobank Research: Ethics Matters, 15 Genetics in Medicine 157-59 (2013) (letter)
Court Ruling Doesn't Answer Assisted Suicide Questions, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Jan. 29, 2006 (op-ed)
The Incidentalome, 296 JAMA 2800-01 (2006) (letter)
Jeffrey P. Kahn
Frances Lawrenz
Charles A. Nelson
What "Million Dollar Baby" Says About Disability and Death, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Feb. 13, 2005 (op-ed)
Preimplantation Testing to Produce an HLA-Matched Donor Infant, 292 JAMA 803-4 (2004) (letter)
John E. Wagner
Jeffrey P. Kahn
Jeffrey M. Lipton
Creating Embryos for Research, New York Times, June 2, 2002 (letter)
Negative Outcomes of Infant Home Apnea Monitoring, 286 JAMA 304 (2001) (letter)
Supreme Court Decision Rightly Forces More Talk About Life's End, Minneapolis Star Tribune, July 6, 1997 (op-ed)
Why the Bioethics Commission is Wrong to Seek a Ban on Cloning, Minneapolis Star Tribune, June 19, 1997 (commentary)
Key to Clinton Health Plan Is Choice that Works at Every Level, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Oct. 27, 1993 (commentary)
A Right to Exit?, 22 Hastings Center Report 45 (Nov./Dec. 1992) (reply to letters)
The Patient Self-Determination Act, 326 New England Journal of Medicine 1502-3 (1992) (reply to letters)
Rights of State and Family Clash in Forced-Immunization Cases, National Law Journal, May 13, 1991, at 28
Jennifer Trahan
More Women Doctors Will Make Doctors' Lives More Human, Newsday, Feb. 6, 1990 (op-ed)
Decision-Making in "Near Death," 322 New England Journal of Medicine 1606 (1990) (reply to letters)
The Health Care Needs of Homeless and Runaway Youths, 263 JAMA 811 (1990) (letter)
The Right to Die, 109 Annals of Internal Medicine 79 (1988) (letter)
Progress on Three Fronts, New Jersey Law Journal, July 16, 1987, at 23
Humane Rules on Surrogate Motherhood, Morristown Daily Record, Jan. 25, 1987 (op-ed)
Mandatory Screening for HIV Antibody, 257 JAMA 625 (1987) (reply to letter)
Ronald Bayer
Carol Levine
New York Avoids Dealing with Death, New York Times, Nov. 30, 1985 (op-ed)
Public Involvement in Medical Ethics, 311 New England Journal of Medicine 264 (1984) (reply to letters)
Morris B. Abram

Other Publications & Abstracts

Learning from COVID-19 Triage Schemes to Face the Next Public Health Emergency, 72 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1298-1301 (2024)
Erin S. DeMartino
Jackson S. Ennis
Daniel P. Sulmasy
The Ethical, Legal & Policy Challenges of Stopping Biological Time, 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 529-533 (2024)
Timothy L. Pruett
Korkut Uygun
Ethics Support During COVID-19: The Minnesota COVID Ethics Collaborative, 104(1) Minnesota Medicine 10-11 (2021)
Debra DeBruin
What Has Covid-19 Exposed in Bioethics? Four Myths, Hastings Center Report 3-4 (May-June 2021)
Introduction: The Crucial Role of Law in Supporting Successful Translation of Genomics into Clinical Care, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 7-10 (2020)
Ellen Wright Clayton
Frances Lawrenz
It Is Time to Consult the Children: A Mother Who Faced Mitochondrial Replacement and Her Son Consider the Limits of Genetic Modification, 20:8 The American Journal of Bioethics 41-43 (2020)
Jacob S. Borgida
Introduction: The Past, Present, and Future of Informed Consent in Research and Translational Medicine, 46 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 7-11 (2018)
Ellen Wright Clayton
Frances Lawrenz
Returning Results in Biobank Research: Global Trends and Solutions, 21 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 128-31 (2017) (guest editorial)
Eva De Clercq
Jane Kaye
Barbara A. Koenig
Bernice S. Elger
 Introduction: Return of Research Results: What about the Family?, 43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 437-39 (2015)
What Adrienne Knew: Living Bioethics, 44(2) Hastings Center Report 17-19 (2014)
Abstract, International Governance Approaches to Whole Genome Sequencing: Who Governs Return of Results & Incidental Findings, Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Ethics & Policy, Arizona State University (2013)
Rebecca Boxhorn
Abstract, Return of Actionable Results to Kin in a Pancreatic Cancer Biorepository: Views of Probands and Family Members, American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting (2012)
Barbara A. Koenig
Gloria Petersen
The Challenge of Nanomedicine Human Subjects Research: Protecting Participants, Workers, Bystanders, and the Environment, 40 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 712-15 (2012)
Introduction: Designing Nanobiotechnology Oversight, 13 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1341-1343 (2011)
Leili Fatehi
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Jennifer Kuzma
Abstract, Managing Individual Research Results of Health Importance, 4th National Conference on Genomics and Public Health (2010)
Brian Van Ness
Introduction: MJLST at 5 Years, the Consortium at 10, 11 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 1-5 (2010)
Introduction: The Challenge of Developing Oversight Approaches to Nanobiotechnology, 37 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 543-545 (2009)
Jordan Paradise
Jennifer Kuzma
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Efrosini Kokkoli
Abstract, An Integrated Approach to Oversight for Emerging Technologies, Gordon Conference on New Frontiers in Science and Technology Policy (2008)
Jennifer Kuzma
Jordan Paradise
Jee-Ae Kim
Adam Kokotovich
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Introduction: The Challenge of Incidental Findings, 36 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 216-18 (2008)
Risks Posed By New Biomedical Technologies: How Do We Analyze, Communicate and Regulate Risk?, 13 Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Journal 5-8 (Fall 2006) (edited transcript of a May 2006 symposium presented by the University of Minnesota's Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences, co-sponsored by the University's Joint Degree Program in Law, Health & the Life Sciences; Center for Bioethics; & Center for Environment and Health Policy)
Jordan Paradise
Introduction: Debating the Use of Racial and Ethnic Categories in Research, 34 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 483-86 (2006)
Bioethics Matures: The Field Faces the Future, 35 Hastings Center Report 22-24, (July/Aug. 2005)
Jeffrey P. Kahn
Death & Dying in America: Schiavo's Implications, Minnesota Medicine, June 2005, at 34-35
Are We Making Progress in the Debate Over Racial and Ethnic Categories in Biomedical Research?, 37 Nature Genetics 789-90 (2005)
The Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology: A New Kind of Interdisciplinarity, 6 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology i-vi (2004)
Discrimination Against the Infertile: The Supreme Court Speaks, Minnesota Medicine, Oct. 1998, at 49-52
Should There Be an Age Limit for Recipients of Donor Oocytes? No, OB/GYN News, Aug. 15, 1997, at 12
The Ethical Challenge of Managed Care: A Critique of the AMA's Stance, Minnesota Medicine, June 1996, at 29-32
Constitutional Controversy over Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, The Center for Biomedical Ethics Newsletter (University of Minnesota), Summer 1995, at 1-2
Discussion: Euthanasia and the Care of Dying Patients (W. Bradford Patterson and Ezekiel J. Emanuel, eds.), 7 Journal of Clinical Oncology 1516-21 (1994)
Dreams, 22 Hastings Center Report (July/Aug. 1992) ("At the Center" feature)
Due Process in Ethics Committee Case Review, 4 HEC Forum 83-96 (1992)
Honoring Broader Directives, 21 Hastings Center Report s8-s9 (special supp., Sept./Oct. 1991)
After Cruzan: Preserving the Right to Refuse Unwanted Treatment, 15 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter 82-84 (1990)
La Promulgazione di Norme Giuridiche per Regolamentare le Tecnologie Riproduttive (The Creation of Legal Standards to Govern Reproductive Technologies), in Scienza ed Etica Nella Centralita dell'Uomo 244-47 (Paolo Cattorini, ed., FrancoAngeli, 1990)
On the Road, 19 Hastings Center Report (Nov./Dec. 1989) ("At the Center" feature)
"Maybe Together...": A Lawyer Among Allies, 19 Hastings Center Report (Mar./Apr. 1989) ("At the Center" feature)
For Lack of a Crystal Ball and a Second Self: The Real World of Surrogate Decisions, 5 Decisions Near the End of Life 18 (Education Development Center, 1989)
The Evolution of the Right to Refuse Treatment, 1 Decisions Near the End of Life 10 (Education Development Center, 1989)
The Law, Too, Urges Planning, 3 Decisions Near the End of Life 22 (Education Development Center, 1989)
Trying to Work it Out, 6 Decisions Near the End of Life 6 (Education Development Center, 1989)
When Doctors Dissent: The Limits of Objection and Withdrawal, 2 Decisions Near the End of Life 20 (Education Development Center, 1989)
Doing Ethics in Italy, 18 Hastings Center Report 13-14 (special supp., Aug./Sept. 1988)
Strachan Donnelley
The Persistent Problem of PVS, 18 Hastings Center Report 26 (Feb./Mar. 1988)
Life Versus Religious Liberty: The Case of Jamal Burke -- Commentary, in Casebook on the Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment and the Care of the Dying 52-54 (Cynthia B. Cohen, ed., Indiana University Press & The Hastings Center, 1988)
Whose Decision? The Case of Roy Gantos -- Commentary, in Casebook on the Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment and the Care of the Dying 4-7 (Cynthia B. Cohen, ed., Indiana University Press & The Hastings Center, 1988)
Reaching Judges, 17 Hastings Center Report (June 1987) ("At the Center" feature)