Susan M. Wolf

Regents Professor and McKnight Presidential Professor of Law, Medicine & Public Policy
Faegre Drinker Professor of Law
Professor of Medicine

Prof. Susan Wolf Interviewed on MPR About Smithsonian Study to Put Biorepository on the Moon

Professor Susan Wolf, Regents Professor and McKnight Presidential Professor of Law, Medicine & Public Policy, and Prof. John Bischof of the College of Science and Engineering were interviewed by MPR News host Cathy Wurzer. The professors are working with the Smithsonian on a proposal to deep freeze and store animal cells at about -380 degrees Fahrenheit. They argue that craters of the moon are an ideal place to preserve cells in this way because they are that cold with no electricity needed. Prof. Wolf said, “There are all kinds of threats to our home ecosystem. If we could biopreserve, on the moon, for the benefit of all humankind for future generations, the core cells of all species — that’s the ultimate vision.”