Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Human Rights and Sociological Duties, 32 Sociological Forum 213 (2017)
Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics, vols. 1-3 (Oxford University Press, 2017) (editor)
– Implementing Proportionality, 50 U.C. Davis Law Review 961 (2017)
– Human Rights Lost: The (Re)making of an American Story, 26 Minnesota Journal of International Law 1 (2017)
– Corporate Torts: International Human Rights and Superior Officers, 17 Chicago Journal of International Law 447 (2017)
– Grasping at Origins: Shifting the Conversation in the Historical Study of Human Rights, 17 Chicago Journal of International Law 573 (2017)
Monica McWilliams
– Human Rights Meets Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, in Marital Rape: Consent, Marriage, and Social Change in Global Context 187-198 ( Kersti Yllö and M. Gabriela Torres, eds., Oxford University Press, 2016)
Thomas Luce
– An Analysis of Student Performance in Chicago’s Charter Schools, 24(111) Education Policy Analysis Archives (2016)
– Contestation and Competitiveness in State Supreme Court Elections, 1946-2015: A State-Level Analysis, in Judicial Elections in the 21st Century 33-53 (Chris W. Bonneau & Melinda Gann Hall, eds., Routledge, 2017)
– Information Mandates as Environmental Regulation, in Decision Making in Environmental Law 199 (LeRoy C. Paddock, Robert L. Glicksman & Nicholas S. Bryner, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016)
– Impact of Judicial Elections on Judicial Decisions, 12 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 353-371 (2016)
– Roll-Off in State Court Elections: The Impact of the Straight-Ticket Voting Option, 4 Journal of Law and Courts 409-435 (2016)
Naomi Cahn
– Nonmarriage, 76 Maryland Law Review 55 (2016)
Edward E. Rhine
Joan Petersilia
– The Future of Parole Release,​ ​46 Crime and Justice​ 279 (2017)
Sharon Reich Paulsen
Michael Vanselow
Successful First Depositions (West Group, 1st ed., 2001; Thomson West, 2d ed., 2005; 3d ed., 2011; West Academic, 4th ed., 2017) (with teacher's manuals)
– Friending the Privacy Regulators, 58 Arizona Law Review 959 (2016)
Matthew R. Ginther
Richard J. Bonnie
Morris B. Hoffman
Kenneth W. Simons
Owen D. Jones
René Marois
– Parsing the Behavioral and Brain Mechanisms of Third-Party Punishment, 36 Journal of Neuroscience 9420 (2016)
et al.
– When Participants in Genomic Research Grow Up: Contact and Consent at the Age of Majority, 168 Journal of Pediatrics 226-31 (2016)
Mari Sako
George Chondrakis
– How Do Plural-Sourcing Firms Make and Buy? The Impact of Supplier Portfolio Design, 27 Organization Science 1161-1182 (2016)
Douglas L. Kriner
– Conscription, Inequality, and Partisan Support for War, 60 Journal of Conflict Resolution 1419 (2016)
et al.
– Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine, 98 American Journal of Human Genetics 1051-66 (2016)
– From Policing to Parole: Reconfiguring American Criminal Justice​,​ ​46 Crime and Justice​ 1-26 (2017)
– Making American Sentencing Just, Humane, and Effective, 46 Crime and Justice 441-504 (2017)
– What Should We Expect from Police Data: Can They Tell Us Whether Crime Rates Rise or Fall?, 37 Cahiers Politiestudies 13-24 (2016)
Daniel S. Nagin
Reinventing American Criminal Justice (University of Chicago Press, 2017) (co-editor)
Nicole B. Porter
Disability Law: Cases and Materials (West Academic, 2017; 2d ed., 2021)
Eugene Kontorovich
Economic Analysis of International Law (Edward Elgar, 2016) (co-editor)
Daniel Pi
– The Economic Analysis of International Treaty Law, in Economic Analysis of International Law 101-122 (Eugene Kontorovich & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2016)
– The Overlooked History of Neurolaw, 85 Fordham Law Review 667 (2016)
– Kelsen in the United States: Still Misunderstood, in Hans Kelsen in America - Selective Affinities and the Mysteries of Academic Influence 17-29 (D.A. Jeremy Telman, ed., Springer, 2016)