Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Will Stancil
Thomas Luce
Eric Myott
– High Costs and Segregation in Subsidized Housing Policy, 25 Housing Policy Debate 574 (2015)
Will Stancil
Thomas Luce
Eric Myott
– Response to Poverty-Pimping CDCs: The Search for Dispersal's Next Bogeyman, 25 Housing Policy Debate 619 (2015)
– The Economic Rehabilitation of Offenders: Recommendations of the Model Penal Code (Second), 99 Minnesota Law Review 1735 (2015)
– The Imaginary Trademark Parody Crisis (and the Real One), 90 Washington Law Review 713 (2015)
– Teaching Unincorporated Business Associations through a Simulated Start-Up, 59 Saint Louis University Law Journal 725 (2015)
– Transforming Trepidation into Transactional Lawyering, 59 Saint Louis University Law Journal 841 (2015)
– Accommodating an Employee's Commute to Work Under the ADA: Reasonable, Preferential, or Both?, 63 Drake Law Review 749 (2015)
– Casebooks and the Future of Contracts Pedagogy, 66 Hastings Law Journal 879 (2015)
– Miller v. Alabama and the Retroactivity of Proportionality Rules, 17 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 929 (2015)
– Standing Our Legal Ground: Reclaiming the Duties within Second Amendment Rights Cases, 47 Arizona State Law Journal 235 (2015)
– The Right Not To Hold a Political Opinion: Implications for Asylum in the United States and the United Kingdom, 46.3 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 1 (2015)
Mario F. Bognanno
More Than We Have Ever Known About Discipline and Discharge in Labor Arbitration: An Empirical Study (Vandeplas Publishing, 2015)
Barbara Luppi
– Litigation as Rent Seeking, in Companion to the Political Economy of Rent Seeking 293-307 (Roger D. Congleton & Arye L. Hillman, eds., Edward Elgar, 2015)
– Library Director as Consultant, in Academic Law Library Director Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights 343 (Michelle M. Wu, ed., William S. Hein & Co., 2015)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Eric Langlais
Bruno Lovat
– Asymmetries in Rent Seeking, in Companion to the Political Economy of Rent Seeking 73-91 (Roger D. Congleton & Arye L. Hillman, eds., Edward Elgar, 2015)
Stephen Gottlieb
Timothy Lytton
Robin West
Jurisprudence Cases and Materials: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law and Its Applications (LexisNexis, 2d ed., 2006; 3d ed, 2015) (co-editor)
Naomi Cahn
– Growing Inequality and Children, 23 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 283 (2015)
Dena M. Gromet
– Red States, Blue States, and Brain States Issue Framing, Partisanship, and the Future of Neurolaw in the United States, 658 The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 86 (2015) 
– When Do Human Rights Treaties Help Asylum Seekers? A Study of Theory and Practice in Canadian Jurisprudence Since 1990, 51 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 627 (2014)
– Do Human Rights Treaties Help Asylum-Seekers?: Lessons from the United Kingdom, 48 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 123 (2015)
– More Women--But Which Women? A Reply to Stephanie Hennette Vauchez, 26 European Journal of International Law 229 (2015)
Lindsay Farmer
S.E. Marshall
Massimo Renzo
Victor Tadros
Criminalization: The Political Morality of the Criminal Law (Oxford University Press, 2014) (co-editor)
– Venerate, Amend...and Violate, 46 Arizona State Law Journal 1151 (2014)
Naomi Cahn
– Whither/wither Alimony?, 93 Texas Law Review 925 (2015) (reviewing Cynthia Lee Starnes, The Marriage Buyout: The Troubled Trajectory of U.S. Alimony Law (New York University Press, 2014)) (review essay)
Lawyers at Work (Quid Pro Books, 2015)
– Engagement with Economics: The New Hybrids of Family Law/Law and Economics Thinking, in Law and Economics: Philosophical Issues and Fundamental Questions 245-266 (Aristides N. Hatzis & Nicholas Mercuro, eds., Routledge, 2015)
Ronen Avraham
Kyle D. Logue
– Towards a Universal Framework for Insurance Anti-Discrimination Laws, 21 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 1 (2014)
Milliken, Meredith and Metropolitan Segregation, 62 UCLA Law Review 364 (2015)
Why Crime Rates Fall and Why They Don't (University of Chicago Press, 2014) (editor)
– Why Crime Rates Are Falling throughout the Western World, in Why Crime Rates Fall and Why They Don't (Michael Tonry, ed., University of Chicago Press, 2014)