Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Naomi Cahn
Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family (Oxford University Press, 2014)
Guangya Liu
Neil Vidmar
– An Exploration of "Non-Economic" Damages in Civil Jury Awards, 55 William & Mary Law Review 971-1027 (2014)
– Who Must Presume Whom to Be Innocent of What?, 42 Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 170 (2013)
– "Anything Can Happen:" Interpreting the 'End' of War, 49 Tulsa Law Review 569 (2013) (reviewing Thomas U. Berger, War, Guilt, and World Politics After World War II (Cambridge University Press, 2012), Larry May, After War Ends: A Philosophical Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2012), and Kimberly Theidon, Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013)) (review essay)
Lisa Bernstein
Customary Law and Economics (Edward Elgar, 2014) (co-editor)
– Make No Little Plans: Response to Ted Sichelman, Purging Patent Law of Private Law Remedies, 92 Texas Law Review See Also 25 (2014)
– Reining in Remedies in Patent Litigation: Three (Increasingly Immodest) Proposals, 30 Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal 1 (2013)
Dina Francesca Haynes
– The Compatibility of Justice for Women with Jus Post Bellum Analysis, in Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations 161-177 (Carsten Stahn, Jennifer S. Easterday & Jens Iverson, eds., Oxford University Press, 2014)
FTC v. Actavis, Inc.: When Is the Rule of Reason Not the Rule of Reason?, 15 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 41 (2014)
– A Research Agenda for the Comparative Law and Economics of Patent Remedies, in Patent Law in Global Perspective 637 (Ruth L. Okediji & Margo A. Bagley, eds., Oxford University Press, 2014)
Owen D. Jones
Jeffrey Schall
Law and Neuroscience (Aspen Publishers, 1st ed., 2014) (coursebook)
Dennis R. Nolan
Richard A. Bales
ADR in the Workplace (West Academic Publishing, 3d ed., 2014)
– What's "Different" (Enough) in Eighth Amendment Law?, 11 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 9-36 (2013)
– Transparently Opaque: Understanding the Lack of Transparency in Insurance Consumer Protection, 61 UCLA Law Review 394 (2014)
– Guest Editor's Observations: Recurring Policy Issues of Guidelines (and non-Guidelines) Sentencing: Risk Assessments, Criminal History Enhancements, and the Enforcement of Release Conditions, 26 Federal Sentencing Reporter 145-157 (2014)
Erie's Four Functions: Reframing Choice of Law in Federal Courts, 89 Notre Dame Law Review 579 (2013)
– The Capstone Course in Labor and Employment Law: A Comprehensive Immersion Simulation Integrating Law, Lawyering Skills, and Professionalism, 58 Saint Louis University Law Journal 99 (2013)
– Law and Reasons: Comments on Rodriguez-Blanco, 7 Problema 27 (2013)
Naomi Cahn
Dina Haynes
– Gender, Masculinities and Transition in Conflicted Societies, in Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Theory Reflections 127-44 ( Martha Albertson Fineman & Michael Thomson, eds., Ashgate Publishing, 2013)
– Contract Texts, Contract Teaching, Contract Law: Comment on Lawrence Cunningham, Contracts in the Real World, 88 Washington Law Review 1251 (2013)
– Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration, in The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration (Sandra M. Bucerius & Michael Tonry, eds., Oxford University Press, 2014)
Sandra M. Bucerius
The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration (Oxford University Press, 2014) (co-editor)
– Violating Divine Law: Emergency Measures in Jewish Law, in Extra-Legal Power and Legitimacy: Perspectives on Prerogative 52 (Clement Fatovic & Benjamin A. Kleinerman, eds., Oxford University Press, 2013)
– A Mania for Accumulation: The Plea of Moral Insanity in Gilded Age Will Contests, in Making Legal History: Essays in Honor of William E. Nelson 181 ( Daniel J. Hulsebosch & R. B. Bernstein, eds., New York University Press, 2013)
– An Empirical Analysis of Case Outcomes Under the ADA Amendments Act, 70 Washington & Lee Law Review 2027 (2013)
– The Youth Discount: Old Enough to Do the Crime, Too Young to Do the Time, 11 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 107 (2013)
Wylie Burke
– Recommendations for Returning Genomic Incidental Findings? We Need to Talk!, 15 Genetics in Medicine 854-59 (2013)
– "Nothing" Works: Sentencing "Reform" in Canada and the United States, 55 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 465-79 (2013)
– Return of Individual Research Results and Incidental Findings: Facing the Challenges of Translational Science, 14 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 557-77 (2013)
Steven M. Davidoff
Law and Economics of Mergers and Acquisitions (Edward Elgar, 2013) (co-editor)