Francesco Parisi

  • Oppenheimer Wolff and Donnelly Professor of Law
442 Mondale Hall


  • University of California-Berkeley, M.A., LL.M., S.J.D.
  • University of Rome, D.Jur.
  • George Mason University, Ph.D.


  • Analytical Methods
  • Comparative Law
  • Law & Economics

Francesco Parisi is a lawyer and economist. He is the Oppenheimer Wolff and Donnelly Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota, Law School, and a Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna.

In 2018, the European Law and Economic Association awarded Professor Parisi the Lifetime Achievement Award for Law & Economics. He previously received the Garvin Prize in Law & Economics by the University of California, Berkeley, and the Research Award for Scholarship on Law & Economics by the Latin American and Caribbean Law & Economics Association. Professor Parisi is internationally recognized as a leader in his field of research. Since 2007 Professor Parisi has been invited to serve as a nominator for the Nobel Prize for Economics. In 2002 he was awarded a Distinguished Chair (“Chiara Fama”) in Private Law by the University of Milan, was subsequently awarded a Distinguished Chair (“Chiara Fama”) in Public Economics by the University of Bologna. 

Professor Parisi has authored  seven books and more than two hundred and fifty articles. His articles have been published in leading peer-reviewed law and economics and legal journals, such as the American Law and Economics Review, Journal of Legal Studies, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional Economics, American Journal of Comparative Law, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, and Journal of Legal Analysis. His more recent books include “The Economics of Lawmaking” (Oxford University Press, 2011), with Vincy Fon; “The Language of Law and Economics” (Cambridge University Press, 2013); and “The Italian Legal System” (Stanford University Press, 2015), with P.G. Monateri and Michael Livingston. Professor Parisi served as the sole editor of the Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics (3 volumes, 2017). As a result of his scholarship, Professor Parisi ranks among the most prolific and most-cited law professors of his generation. In 2024, the Top Italian Scientists Journal listed him as a top 10 Italian scholar in the social sciences. In 2017, the article “Which Articles Have Most Influenced Law & Economics Scholarship?” by Elgar Publishing named him as top 4 among the “Leading Thinkers.” Brian Leiter’s Blog mentioned Professor Parisi in his 2022 “Top 75 Law Professors by h-index” and “Top 95 Law Professors by d-index” rankings.

Professor Parisi was born and raised in Rome, Italy. He  received his D.Jur. degree, cum laude from the University of Rome “La Sapienza.” He came to the United States as a Fulbright Scholar and received LL.M. and J.S.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. He later completed a M.A. degree in Economics at U.C. Berkely and a Ph.D. in Economics at George Mason University. Professor Parisi has taught at U.C. Berkeley, Louisiana State University, George Mason University, University of Virginia, and University of Minnesota. Professor Parisi served as Editor-in-Chief of the Supreme Court Economic Review and the Review of Law and Economics, and as Associate Editor of the International Review of Law and Economics, European Journal of Law and Economics and Public Choice.

Game Theory and the Law

Law & Economics

Analytical Methods for Lawyers: An Introduction


Comparative Laws


Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics, vols. 1-3 (Oxford University Press, 2017) (editor)
Economic Analysis of International Law (Edward Elgar, 2016) (co-editor)
Eugene Kontorovich
The Italian Legal System: An Introduction (Stanford Law Books, 2d ed., 2015)
Michael A. Livingston
Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Classics in Comparative Law, vols. I-IV (Edward Elgar, 2014) (general co-editor)
Tom Ginsburg
Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Customary Law and Economics (Edward Elgar, 2014) (co-editor)
Lisa Bernstein
Economic Approaches to Law, vols. 1-20 (Edward Elgar, 2006-2013) (general co-editor)
Richard A. Posner
The Coase Theorem, vols. 1-2 (Edward Elgar, 2013) (co-editor)
Richard A. Posner
The Language of Law and Economics: A Dictionary (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
Research Handbooks in Comparative Law, vols. 1-12 (Edward Elgar, 2012-2014) (general co-editor)
Thomas Ginsburg
Production of Legal Rules (Edward Elgar, 2011) (editor)
Research Handbooks in Law and Economics, vols. 1-20 (Edward Elgar, 2011-2014) (general co-editor)
Richard A. Posner
Foundations of Law and Economics (Edward Elgar, 2009) (co-editor)
Robert D. Cooter
Legal Institutions and Economic Development (Edward Elgar, 2009) (co-editor)
Robert D. Cooter
Recent Developments in Law and Economics (Edward Elgar, 2009) (co-editor)
Robert D. Cooter
The Economics of Lawmaking (Oxford University Press, 2009)
Vincy Fon
Responsabilita Civile e Analisi Economica (Tort Law and Economics) (Giuffre, 2006)
Giampaolo Frezza
The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity (Cambridge University Press, 2006) (co-editor)
Mark F. Grady
The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior (Stanford University Press, 2005); translated into Chinese (Peking University Press) (co-editor)
Vernon L. Smith
The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers (Edward Elgar, 2005) (co-editor)
Charles K. Rowley
The Law and Economics of the European Union (Lexis Publishing, 2003)
Paul Stephan
Ben Depoorter
Economic Foundations of Private Law (Edward Elgar, 2002) (co-editor)
Richard A. Posner
The Collected Economic Essays of Richard A. Posner, vols. 1-3 (Edward Elgar, 2000-2001) (editor)
Law and Economics, vols. 1-3 (Edward Elgar, 1997) (co-editor)
Richard A. Posner
Liability for Negligence and Judicial Discretion (University of California, 1st ed., 1990; 2d ed., 1992)
Il Contratto Concluso Mediante Computer (The Formation of Contracts via Computer) (Cedam, 1987)

Journal Articles

Are Individual Care Investments Affected by Past Accident Experiences? An Experiment, 20 Review of Law and Economics 225-266 (2024)
Alice Guerra
Institutional Flexibility in Tax Law and Enforcement, 79 International Review of Law & Economics 1 (2024)
Emanuela Carbonara
Philip A. Curry
Opportunistic Breach of Contract, 37 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 199-230 (2024)
Ariel Porat
and )
Second, But Not Last: Competition with Positive Spillovers, 15 Asian Journal of Law & Economics 231-242 (2024)
Alice Guerra
Burdens of Proof in Establishing Negligence: A Comparative Law and Economics Analysis, 9 Italian Law Journal 77-100 (2023)
Giampaolo Frezza
Liability or No Liability? Promoting Safety by Shifting Accident Losses onto Third Parties, 2:3 Journal of Law, Market & Innovation 16-27 (2023), reprinted in The Grand Strategy of Comparative Law: Themes, Methods, Developments (Luca Siliquini-Cinelli, Davide Gianti & Mauro Balestrieri, eds., Routledge, 2024)
The Multifaceted Method of Comparative Law and Economics, 12 Comparative Law Review 25-32 (2023)
Wealth Maximization Redux: A Defense of Posner’s Economic Approach to Law, 31 History of Economic Ideas 101-136 (2023)
Daniel Pi
Access to Evidence in Private International Law, 23 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 77-96 (2022)
Daniel Pi
Alice Guerra
Courts As Auditors of Legislation?, 29 George Mason Law Review 447-469 (2022)
Giampaolo Frezza
Daniel Pi
Do Presumptions of Negligence Incentivize Optimal Precautions?, 54 European Journal of Law and Economics 349-368 (2022)
Alice Guerra
Barbara Luppi
Injurers versus Victims: (A)Symmetric Reactions to Symmetric Risks, 22 B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 603-620 (2022) 
Alice Guerra
Investing in Private Evidence: The Effect of Adversarial Discovery, 14 Journal of Legal Analysis 1-16 (2022)
Alice Guerra
Liability for Robots I: Legal Challenges, 18 Journal of Institutional Economics 331-343 (2022)
Alice Guerra
Daniel Pi
Liability for Robots II: An Economic Analysis, 18 Journal of Institutional Economics 553-568 (2022)
Alice Guerra
Daniel Pi
Will Competition Reduce Attention Costs in Social Media?, 1 Journal of Law, Markets and Innovation 39-50 (2022)
Ram Singh
Asymmetric Solutions to Asymmetric Information Problems, 66 International Review of Law & Economics 1-8 (2021)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Sander Onderstal
Early Repayment of Loans Under EU Law: The Lexitor Judgment, 7 Italian Law Journal 227 (2021)
Enrico Baffi
The Role of Comparative Law in the Social Sciences: An Introduction, 69 American Journal of Comparative Law 627–635 (2021)
Tom Ginsburg
Accuracy of Verdicts Under Different Jury Sizes and Voting Rules, 28 Supreme Court Economic Review 221-236 (2020)
Alice Guerra
Barbara Luppi
Law and Economics as We Grow Younger, 16 Review of Law and Economics 1-20 (2020)
Multiple Causes and Stacked Inferences: Comment, 176 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 73-78 (2020)
Quantifying Reasonable Doubt, 72 Rutgers University Law Review 455-508 (2020)
Daniel Pi
Barbara Luppi
Comment on “Accuracy in Public Law Enforcement under Political Competition,” 27 Supreme Court Economic Review 213-218 (2019)
Productive and Unproductive Competition: A Unified Framework, 36 Economia Politica 785-804 (2019)
Alice Guerra
Barbara Luppi
Standards of Proof and Civil Litigation: A Game-Theoretic Analysis, 19: 1 The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics (2018)
Alice Guerra
Barbara Luppi
Gordon Tullock and the Virginia School of Law and Economics, 28 Constitutional Political Economy 48-61 (2017)
Barbara Luppi
Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, 14 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 527-547 (2017)
Maria Bigoni
Stefania Bortolotti
Ariel Porat
Double-Edged Torts, 46 International Review of Law and Economics 43-48 (2016)
Barbara Luppi
Daniel Pi
Optimal Liability for Optimistic Tortfeasors, 41 European Journal of Law and Economics 559-474 (2016)
Barbara Luppi
Sharing Residual Liability: ‘Cheapest Cost Avoider’ Revisited, 45 Journal of Legal Studies 173-202 (2016)
Emanuela Carbonara
Alice Guerra
Rent-Seeking and Litigation: The Hidden Virtues of Limited Fee-Shifting, 11 Review of Law and Economics 113-148 (2015)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
Loss-Sharing between Nonnegligent Parties, 170 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 571-598 (2014)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Bruno Lovat
Returns to Effort in Rent-Seeking Games, 159 Public Choice 99-104 (2014)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Enforcing Bilateral Promises: A Comparative Law and Economics Perspective, 21 European Review of Private Law 423-450 (2013), reprinted in Comparative Contract Law (Pier Giuseppe Monateri, ed., Edward Elgar, 2017)
Marta Cenini
Barbara Luppi
Jury Size and the Hung-Jury Paradox, 42 Journal of Legal Studies 399-422 (2013)
Barbara Luppi
Unjust Laws and Illegal Norms, 32 International Review of Law & Economics 285-299 (2012)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
Litigation and Legal Evolution: Does Procedure Matter?, 152 Public Choice 181-201 (2012)
Barbara Luppi
Politics with(out) Coase, 59 International Review of Economics 175-187 (2012)
Barbara Luppi
The Rise and Fall of the Polluter-Pays Principle in Developing Countries, 32 International Review of Law & Economics 135-144 (2012)
Barbara Luppi
Shruti Rajagopalan
Incentive Effects of Class Actions and Punitive Damages Under Alternative Procedural Regimes, 32 European Journal of Law and Economics 229-240 (2011)
Marta Cenini
Barbara Luppi
Optimal Remedies for Bilateral Contracts, 40 Journal of Legal Studies 245-271 (2011); translated into Spanish, 41 Ius et Veritas (2012)
Barbara Luppi
Vincy Fon
Separating Complements: The Effects of Competition and Quality Leadership, 103 Journal of Economics 107-131 (2011)
Matteo Alvisa
Emanuela Carbonara
Toward an Asymmetric Coase Theorem, 31 European Journal of Law and Economics 111-122 (2011), reprinted in Coase Theorem (Francesco Parisi & Richard A. Posner, eds., Edward Elgar, 2012), and in Economics of Remedies 111-122 (Ariel Porat, ed., Edward Elgar, 2012); translated into Spanish, 15 Cathedra Lex (2012)
Barbara Luppi
Judicial Creativity and Judicial Errors: An Organizational Perspective, 6 Journal of Institutional Economics 91-98 (2010)
Barbara Luppi
Responsabilidad Extracontractual: Elementos Basicos para una Aplicacion en Paises en Desarrollo, 58 Themis: Revista de Derecho 313-319 (2010)
Barbara Luppi
The Efficiency of Comparative Causation, 6 Review of Law and Economics 219-245 (2010)
Ram Singh
Allocazione del Rischio tra Clausola Penali e Autonomia Contrattuale, 50 Rivista di Diritto Civile II, 309-325 (2009)
Marta Cenini
Beyond Liability: Correcting Optimism Bias Through Tort Law, 35 Queen's Law Journal 47-66 (2009); translated into Spanish, Mas alla de la Responsabilidad: Corrigiendo el sesgo de optimismo a traves de la responsabilidad extracontractual, 40 Ius et Veritas 30-43 (2010)
Barbara Luppi
Choice of Law and Legal Evolution: Rethinking the Market for Legal Rules, 139 Public Choice 461-492 (2009)
Emanuela Carbonara
Mass Torts e Responsabilità per Danno Ambientale: Un'Analisi Economica, 14 Danno e Responsabilità (2009)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Optimal Timing of Legal Intervention: The Role of Timing Rules, 122 Harvard Law Review Forum 18 (2009)
Barbara Luppi
Seeking Rents in the Shadow of Coase, 139 Public Choice 171-196 (2009)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Sander Onderstal
Self-Defeating Subsidiarity, 5 Review of Law & Economics 741-783 (2009)
Emanuela Carbonara
Barbara Luppi
Stability and Change in International Customary Law, 17 Supreme Court Economic Review 279-309 (2009), reprinted in Customary Law and Economics 628-658 (Lisa Bernstein & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2014)  
Vincy Fon
The Economics of Treaty Ratification, 5 Journal of Law, Economics & Policy 209 (2009)
Vincy Fon
Interesse Positivo, Interesse Negativo e Incentivi nella Responsabilità Contrattuale: Un'Analisi Economica e Comparata, 54 Rivista di Diritto Civile 218-242 (2008)
Marta Cenini
Lawmakers as Norm Entrepreneurs, 4 Review of Law & Economics 779-799 (2008)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
Legal Innovation and the Compliance Paradox, 9 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 837-860 (2008)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
Role-Reversibility, Stochastic Ignorance, and Social Cooperation, 37 Journal of Socio-Economics 1061-1075 (2008)
Vincy Fon
Social Networks, Self-Denial, and Median Preferences: Conformity as an Evolutionary Strategy, 37 Journal of Socio-Economics 1319-1327 (2008)
Jonathan Klick
The Hidden Bias of the Vienna Convention on the International Law of Treaties, 4 Review of Law & Economics 383-406 (2008)
Vincy Fon
Creating Failures in the Market for Tax Planning, 26 Virginia Tax Review 943 (2007)
Philip A. Curry
Crowding-Out in Productive and Redistributive Rent-Seeking, 133 Public Choice 199-229 (2007)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Eric Langlais
Bruno Lovat
La Babele dell'AEL e il Diritto Penale, 20 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Penale dell'Economia 45-71 (2007)
Eleonora Montani
Matching Rules, 29 Managerial and Decision Economics 57-70 (2007)
Vincy Fon
On the Optimal Specificity of Legal Rules, 3 Journal of Institutional Economics 147-164 (2007); translated into Japanese, 15 Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy 319-343 (2012)
Vincy Fon
The Comparative Law and Economics of Pure Economic Loss, 27 International Review of Law and Economics 29-48 (2007), reprinted in Economics of Comparative Law (Gerrit de Geest, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Vernon V. Palmer
Mauro Bussani
The Formation of International Treaties, 3 Review of Law & Economics 37-60 (2007)
Vincy Fon
The Paradox of Legal Harmonization, 132 Public Choice 367-400 (2007)
Emanuela Carbonara
A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism, 128 Public Choice 147-168 (2006), reprinted in The Political Economy of Terrorism (Charles K. Rowley, ed., Springer, 2007) and Criminal Law and Economics (Nuno Garoupa, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Nuno Garoupa
Jonathan Klick
From "Tragedy" to "Disaster": Welfare Effects of Commons and Anticommons Dilemmas, 26 International Review of Law and Economics 104-122 (2006)
Sven Vanneste
Alain Van Hiel
Ben Depoorter
International Customary Law and Articulation Theories: An Economic Analysis, 2 International Law and Management Review 201-232 (2006), reprinted in Customary Law and Economics 733-764 (Lisa Bernstein & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2014)
Vincy Fon
Judicial Precedents in Civil Law Systems: A Dynamic Analysis, 26 International Review of Law and Economics 519-535 (2006), reprinted in The Economics of Judicial Behaviour (L. Epstein, ed., Edward Elgar, 2013); translated into Spanish, Los Precedentes Judiciales en los Sistemas del Civil Law: Un Analisis Dinamico, 4 Jurisprudencia - Revista de Analisis Especializado de Jurisprudencia 481-501 (2008)
Vincy Fon
Substituting Complements, 2 Journal of Competition Law and Economics 333-347 (2006), reprinted in Commons and Anticommons (Michael Heller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
The Role of Status Quo Bias and Bayesian Learning in the Creation of New Legal Rights, 3 Journal of Law, Economics & Policy 25-45 (2006)
Robert L. Scharff
Two Dimensions of Regulatory Competition, 26 International Review of Law and Economics 56-66 (2006)
Norbert Schulz
Jonathan Klick
Causation and Responsibility: The Compensation Principle from Grotius to Calabresi, 64 Maryland Law Review 108-135 (2005)
Vincy Fon
Duality in Property: Commons and Anticommons, 25 International Review of Law and Economics 578-591 (2005), reprinted in Commons and Anticommons (Michael Heller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Norbert Schulz
Ben Depoorter
Intra-Jurisdictional Tax Competition, 16 Constitutional Political Economy 387-395 (2005)
Jonathan Klick
Legislate Today or Wait Until Tomorrow? An Investment Approach to Lawmaking, 23 Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 19-42 (2005), reprinted in Legal Orderings and Economic Institutions (Fabrizio Cafaggi, Antonio Nicita & Ugo Pagano, eds., Routledge, 2007)
Nita Ghei
Litigation, Judicial Path-Dependence, and Legal Change, 20 European Journal of Law and Economics 43-56 (2005)
Vincy Fon
Ben Depoorter
Problems with the Enforcement of Copyright Law: Is there a Social Norm Backlash?, 12 International Journal of the Economics of Business 361-369 (2005)
Ben Depoorter
Sven Vanneste
Rents, Dissipation, and Lost Treasures: Rethinking Tullock's Paradox, 124 Public Choice 411-422 (2005)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Scuole e Metodologie dell'Analisi Economica del Diritto, 21 Rivista Critica del Diritto Privato 377-399 (2005)
The Behavioral Foundations of Retaliatory Justice, 7 Journal of Bioeconomics 45-72 (2005)
Vincy Fon
The Modernization of European Antitrust Enforcement: The Economics of Regulatory Competition, 13 George Mason Law Review 309-324 (2005), reprinted in Economics of European Union Law (Paul Stephan, ed., Edward Elgar, 2007)
Ben Depoorter
Wealth, Utility, and the Human Dimension, 1 NYU Journal of Law and Liberty 590-608 (2005), reprinted in Efficiency in Law and Economics (Richard O. Zerbe, ed., Edward Elgar, 2014)
Jonathan Klick
Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Forum Shopping: Conflicts Law as Spontaneous Order, 25 Cardozo Law Review 1367-1392 (2004)
Nita Ghei
Comparative Causation, 6 American Law and Economics Review 345-368 (2004), reprinted in Recent Developments in Law and Economics (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2009); translated into Italian, Causalita Concorrente, 11 Danno e Responsabilita 701-712 (2006)
Vincy Fon
Functional Law and Economics: The Search for Value-Neutral Principles of Lawmaking, 79 Chicago-Kent Law Review 431-450 (2004), reprinted in Law and Economics: Philosophical Issues and Fundamental Questions (A.N. Hatzis & N. Mercuro, eds., Routledge, 2017) 
Jonathan Klick
Il Nesso Causale nell'Inquinamento Ambientale, 9 Danno e Responsabilita 942-951 (2004)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Positive, Normative and Functional Schools in Law and Economics, 18 European Journal of Law and Economics 259-272 (2004), reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005); translated into Italian, Le Scuole Positiva, Normativa e Funzionale nella Analisi Economica del Diritto, 12 Critica Sociale 35-43 (2005) (with Eleonora Melato); translated into Spanish, Escuelas positivas, normativas y funcionales en el Analisis Economico del Derecho, 41 Ius et Veritas 10-29 (2011)
Simultaneous and Sequential Anticommons, 17 European Journal of Law and Economics 175-190 (2004), reprinted in Commons and Anticommons (Michael Heller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Norbert Schulz
Ben Depoorter
The Harmonization of Legal Warranties in European Sales Law: An Economic Analysis, 52 American Journal of Comparative Law 403-431 (2004); translated into Hebrew, Uniformity and Diversity in Consumer Protection Law: An Economic Analysis, 5 Israeli Journal of Law and Business 257-286 (2006)
The Rise and Fall of Communal Liability in Ancient Law, 24 International Review of Law and Economics 489-506 (2004), reprinted in Economics of Ancient Law (Geoffrey Miller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2010)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
The Value of Waiting in Lawmaking, 18 European Journal of Law and Economics 131-148 (2004)
Vincy Fon
Nita Ghei
Fragmentation of Property Rights: A Functional Interpretation of the Law of Servitudes, 3:1 Global Jurist: Frontiers art. 2, 1-41 (2003)
Ben Depoorter
Liability for Pure Financial Loss in Europe: An Economic Restatement, 51 American Journal of Comparative Law 113-162 (2003), reprinted in Comparative Law and Economics 270-319 (Gerrit de Geest & Roger van den Bergh, eds., Edward Elgar, 2004)
Mauro Bussani
Vernon V. Palmer
Litigation and the Evolution of Legal Remedies: A Dynamic Model, 116 Public Choice 419-433 (2003), reprinted in The Evolution of Efficient Common Law 404-418 (Paul H. Rubin, ed., Edward Elgar, 2007) and Legal Institutions and Economic Development 244-258 (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Vincy Fon
Political Coase Theorem, 115 Public Choice 1-36 (2003), reprinted in Legal Institutions and Economic Development 366-401 (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2010), and in Coase Theorem (Francesco Parisi & Richard A. Posner, eds., Edward Elgar, 2012); abridged and translated into German, Das Coase-Theorem und politische Markte, 15 Journal fur Rechtspolitik 106-113 (2007)
Reciprocity-Induced Cooperation, 159 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 76-92 (2003)
Vincy Fon
The Cost of Delegated Control: Vicarious Liability, Secondary Liability and Mandatory Insurance, 23 International Review of Law and Economics 453-475 (2003)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
The Disunity of Unanimity, 14 Constitutional Political Economy 83-94 (2003)
Jonathan Klick
The Role of Reciprocity in International Law, 36 Cornell International Law Journal 93-123 (2003)
Nita Ghei
Treaty Reservations and the Economics of Article 21(1) of the Vienna Convention, 21 Berkeley Journal of International Law 1 (2003), reprinted in Economics of Public International Law (Eric A. Posner, ed., Edward Elgar, 2010)
Catherine Sevcenko
Entropy in Property, 50 American Journal of Comparative Law 595-622 (2002), reprinted in Comparative Law and Economics 151-188 (Gerrit de Geest & Roger van den Berg, eds., Edward Elgar, 2004) and Recent Developments in Law and Economics vol. 1, 284-321 (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2009); translated into Spanish, 61 Themis: Revista de Derecho 319-344 (2012)  
Fair Use and Copyright Protection: A Price Theory Explanation, 21 International Review of Law and Economics 453-473 (2002), reprinted in Commons and Anticommons (Michael Heller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2010)
Ben Depoorter
Floor Versus Screen Trading in the Stock Market: Comment, 158 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 55-62 (2002)
Fragmentation in Property: Towards a General Model, 158 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 594-613 (2002)
Norbert Schulz
Ben Depoorter
Freedom of Contract and the Laws of Entropy, 10 Supreme Court Economic Review 65-90 (2002)
Lessons from the Anticommons: The Economics of New York Times Co. v. Tasini, 90 Kentucky Law Journal 295-328 (2002)
Catherine Sevcenko
Rent-Seeking through Litigation: Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems Compared, 22 International Review of Law and Economics 193-216 (2002), reprinted in Economics of Evidence, Procedure and Litigation (Chris Sanchirico, ed., Edward Elgar, 2007) and 40 Years of Research on Rent Seeking (Roger Congleton, Arye Hillman & Kai Konrad, eds., Springer, 2008)
Rethinking Forum Shopping in Cyberspace, 77 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1325-1355 (2002)
Kimberly A. Moore
The Differential Calculus of Consent, 20 Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 115-123 (2002)
Jonathan Klick
Votes and Outcomes: Rethinking the Politics-Like-Markets Metaphor, 13 European Journal of Law and Economics 183-192 (2002)
Sources of Law and the Institutional Design of Lawmaking, 20 Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 100-125 (2001)
The Genesis of Liability in Ancient Law, 3 American Law and Economics Review 82-124 (2001), reprinted in Comparative Law and Economics vol. 1, 163-205 (Gerrit de Geest & Roger van den Berg, eds., Edward Elgar, 2004), in Economics of Ancient Law 152-194 (Geoffrey Miller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2010), and in Classics in Comparative Law (Thomas Ginsburg, Pier Giuseppe Monateri & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2013)
Palgrave on Law and Economics: A Review Essay, 20 International Review of Law and Economics 395-401 (2000) (reviewing The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Peter Newman, ed., Macmillan Reference, 1998)) (review essay)
The Cost of the Game: A Taxonomy of Social Interactions, 9 European Journal of Law and Economics 99-114 (2000)
Analisi Economica del Diritto Privato e Commerciale: Una Rassegna, 34 Biblioteca della Liberta 3-32 (1999)
Richard A. Posner
Analisi Economica del Diritto Pubblico e Penale: Una Rassegna, 34 Biblioteca della Liberta 37-55 (1999)
Richard A. Posner
Rischio e Causalita nel Concorso di Colpa, 45 Rivista di Diritto Civile 233-271 (1999)
Giampaolo Frezza
Crisi e Proposte di Riforma nel Sistema dei Torts, 63 Responsabilita Civile e Previdenza 555-563 (1998)
Giampaolo Frezza
La Responsabilita Stocastica, 63 Responsabilita Civile e Previdenza 824-847 (1998)
Giampaolo Frezza
Scuole e Tendenze nella Analisi Economica del Diritto, 33 Biblioteca della Liberta 3-19 (1998)
Richard A. Posner
The Constitutional and Political Economy of Trade Protection, 5 European Journal of Law and Economics 67-79 (1998) (reviewing Charles K. Rowley, Willem Thorbecke & Richard E. Wagner, Trade Protection in the United States (Edward Elgar, 1995)) (review essay)
The Market for Votes: Coasian Bargaining in an Arrovian Setting, 6 George Mason Law Review 745-766 (1998)
The Rise of Structuralism in European Merger Policy, 32 Stanford Journal of International Law 13 (1996)
Alessandro Bertolini
Private Property and Social Costs, 2 European Journal of Law and Economics 149-173 (1995), reprinted in Law and Economics (Richard A. Posner & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 1997)
Toward a Theory of Spontaneous Law, 6 Constitutional Political Economy 211-231 (1995)
Alterum non Laedere: An Intellectual History of Civil Liability, 39 American Journal of Jurisprudence 317-351 (1994), reprinted in Classics in Comparative Law (Thomas Ginsburg, Pier Giuseppe Monateri & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2013)
Autonomy and Private Ordering in Contract Law, 1 European Journal of Law and Economics 213-227 (1994) (reviewing Michael J. Trebilcock, The Limits of Freedom of Contract (Harvard University Press, 1993)) (review essay)
Environmental Policy in the 1990's, 18 Ecology Law Quarterly 459-484 (1991) (reviewing Environmental Policy in the 1990's (Norman J. Vig & Michael E. Kraft, eds., Congressional Quarterly Press, 1990)) (review essay)
Paolo Ricci
Interpretazione Giuridica ed Analisi Economica: Il Teorema di Coase Trenta Anni Dopo, 9 Rivista Critica del Diritto Privato 401-434 (1991)
Sviluppi nell'Elemento Soggettivo del Tort of Negligence, 36 Rivista di Diritto Civile I 545-599 (1990)

Book Chapters

Robotic Torts, in Cambridge Handbook of the Law, Policy, and Regulation for Human-Robot Interaction 607-621 (Woodrow Barfield, Yueh-Hsuan Weng & Ugo Pagallo, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2024)
Alice Guerra
Daniel Pi
Levi Seidel
Rethinking Remedies for the Attention Economy, in The Economics and Regulation of Digital Markets 75-97 (Frank Fagan & James Langenfeld, eds., Emerald Publishing, 2023)
Elvira Caterina Parisi
Allocazione del Rischio e Disegno delle Regole, in Il Contributo di Pietro Trimarchi all'Analisi Economica del Diritto 83-94 (Giuseppe Bellantuono & Umberto Izzo, eds., Editoriale Scientifica, 2022)
Liability Rules: An Economic Taxonomy, in Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives 112-132 (Mauro Bussani & Anthony J. Sebok, eds., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2021)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Deterrence of Wrongdoing in Ancient Law, in Roman Law and Economics: Volume II: Exchange, Ownership, and Disputes 347-378 (Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci & Dennis P. Kehoe, eds., Oxford University Press, 2020)
Daniel Pi
Barbara Luppi
Iole Fargnoli
Behavioral Models in Tort Law, in Research Handbook on Behavioral Law and Economics 221-246 (Joshua C. Teitelbaum & Kathryn Zeiler, eds., Edward Elgar, 2018)
Barbara Luppi
The Economic Analysis of International Treaty Law, in Economic Analysis of International Law 101-122 (Eugene Kontorovich & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2016)
Daniel Pi
The Emergence and Evolution of Customary International Law, in Economic Analysis of International Law 155-177 (Eugene Kontorovich & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2016)
Daniel Pi
Asymmetries in Rent Seeking, in Companion to the Political Economy of Rent Seeking 73-91 (Roger D. Congleton & Arye L. Hillman, eds., Edward Elgar, 2015)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Eric Langlais
Bruno Lovat
Liability Rules: An Economic Taxonomy, in Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives 122-143 (Mauro Bussani & Anthony J. Sebok, eds., Edward Elgar, 2015) 
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Litigation as Rent Seeking, in Companion to the Political Economy of Rent Seeking 293-307 (Roger D. Congleton & Arye L. Hillman, eds., Edward Elgar, 2015)
Barbara Luppi
Biasing, Debiasing, and the Law, in The Oxford Handbook of Behavioral Economics and the Law (Eyal Zamir & Doron Teichman, eds., Oxford University Press, 2014)
Daniel Pi
Barbara Luppi
Classics in Comparative Law: An Introduction, in Classics in Comparative Law (Tom Ginsburg, Pier Giuseppe Monateri & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2014)
Tom Ginsburg
Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Harmonization of European Private Law: An Economic Analysis, in European Private Law: A Handbook (vol. 2) 363-380 (Mauro Bussani & Franz Werro, eds., Carolina Academic Press, 2014)
Comparative Law and Economics: Accounting for Social Norms, in Comparative Law and Society 92-104 (David S. Clark, ed., Edward Elgar, 2012)
Barbara Luppi
Punitive Damages and Class Actions, in The Law and Economics of Class Actions in Europe: Lessons from America 131-146 (Jurgen G. Backhaus, Alberto Cassone & Giovanni B. Ramello, eds., Edward Elgar, 2012)
Marta Cenini
Quantitative Methods in Comparative Law, in Methods of Comparative Law 306-316 (Pier Giuseppe Monateri, ed., Edward Elgar Pub., 2012)
Barbara Luppi
Subsidiarity for a Changing Union, in Research Handbook on the Economics of European Union Law 95-110 (Thomas Eger & Hans-Bernd Schafer, eds., Edward Elgar, 2012)
Emanuela Carbonara
Barbara Luppi
Countervailing Norms, in Production of Legal Rules 185-204 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2011)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
Customary International Law, in Production of Legal Rules 293-308 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2011)
Jef DeMot
Vincy Fon
Law and Economics: The Comparative Law and Economics of Frustration in Contracts, in Unexpected Circumstances in European Contract Law 33-51 (Ewoud Hondius & Hans Christoph Grigoleit, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2011) (commissioned); translated into Spanish, Comparacion Juridica y Economica de la Frustracion Contractual, 41 Ius Et Veritas (2012)
Marta Cenini
Barbara Luppi
Rules versus Standards, in Production of Legal Rules 43-53 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2011)
Barbara Luppi
Il Mercato Dopo la Crisi Finanziaria del 2008, in Capitalismo Prossimo Venturo: Etica, Regole, Prassi 313-328 (Valerio De Luca, Jean-Paul Fitoussi & Roger McCormick, eds., Universita Bocconi Editore, 2010)
Enrico Baffi
An Economic Analysis of the CISG, in CISG Methodology 151-170 (André Janssen & Olaf Meyer, eds., Sellier European Law Publishers, 2009)
Marta Cenini
Functional Law and Economics, in Theoretical Foundations of Law and Economics (Mark D. White, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Jonathan Klick
Prefazione, in Angelo Mangione, Analisi Economica del Diritto Penale e Criminalità Organizzata (Monforte, 2009)
A Law and Economics Perspective on Precontractual Liability, in Precontractual Liability in European Private Law 431-448 (John Cartwright & Martijn Willem Hesselink, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Eleonora Melato
Bargaining for Legal Harmonization: Jurisdictional Competition and Legal Obsolescence, in Internationalisierung des Rechts und seine ökonomische Analyse: Festschrift für Hans-Bernd Schäfer zum 65 339-352 (Thomas Eger, Jochen Bigus, Claus Ott & Georg Wangenheim, eds., Gabler, 2008)
Emanuela Carbonara
Entropy and the Asymmetric Coase Theorem, in Property Rights Dynamics: A Law and Economics Perspective 54-76 (Donatella Porrini & Giovanni Ramello, eds., Routledge, 2007)
The Economics of Legal Harmonization in European Tort Law, in European Tort Law: Eastern and Western Perspectives 103-120 (Mauro Bussani, ed., Stämpfli, 2007)
The Fall and Rise of Functional Property, in Property Rights Dynamics: A Law and Economics Perspective 19-39 (Donatella Porrini & Gionvanni Ramello, eds., Routledge, 2007)
Commentary B on Breton and Salmon [Bijural Services as Factors of Production], in Bijuralism: An Economic Approach 65-70 (Albert Breton & Michael J. Trebilcock, eds., Ashgate Publishing, 2006); translated into French, Commentaire: Les Services Bijuridiques Comme Facteurs de Production, in Le Bijuridisme: Une Approche Economique 65-70 (Albert Breton & Michael J. Trebilcock, eds., Les Editions ESKA, 2006)
Legislation and Countervailing Effects from Social Norms, in Evolution and Design of Institutions 25-55 (Christian Schubert & Georg Von Wangenheim, eds., Routledge, 2006)
Georg von Wangenheim
The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity: An Introduction, in The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity 1-9 (Mark F. Grady & Francesco Parisi, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Mark F. Grady
Commons and Anticommons, in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 74-83 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
Methodological Debates in Law and Economics: The Changing Contours of a Discipline, in The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers 33-52 (Francesco Parisi & Charles K. Rowley, eds., Edward Elgar, 2005)
Revenge and Retaliation, in The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior 141-168 (Francesco Parisi & Vernon L. Smith, eds., Stanford University Press, 2005)
Vincy Fon
The Economics of Tort Law, in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 87-102 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior: An Introduction, in The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior 1-10 (Francesco Parisi & Vernon L. Smith, eds., Stanford University Press, 2005); translated into Spanish, El Analisis Economico del Derecho del Comportamiento Irracional: Una Introduccion, 35 Ius et Veritas (2007)
Vernon L. Smith
The Origins and Evolution of Property Rights Systems, in Elgar Companion to the Economics of Property Rights 64-84 (Enrico Colombatto, ed., Edward Elgar, 2004), reprinted in Economics of Ancient Law (Geoffrey Miller, ed., Edward Elgar, 2010)
Liability for Pure Financial Loss: Revisiting the Economic Foundations of a Legal Doctrine, in Pure Economic Loss in Europe 75-93 (Mauro Bussani & Vernon Palmer, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2003)
The Market for Intellectual Property: The Case of Complementary Oligopoly, in The Economics of Copyright: Developments in Research and Analysis 158-171 (Wendy Gordon & Richard Watt, eds., Edward Elgar, 2003)
Ben Depoorter
Economic Foundations of Private Law: An Introduction, in Economic Foundations of Private Law ix-xxix (Richard A. Posner & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2002)
Richard A. Posner
Family Law and Succession, in Introduction to Italian Law 407-430 (Jeffrey Lena & Ugo Mattei, eds., Kluwer Law International, 2001)
Giampaolo Frezza
Coase Theorem and Transaction Cost Economics in the Law, in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 7-39 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 1999), reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 7-39 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
The Economics of Customary Law: Lessons From Evolutionary Socio-Biology, in Essays in Law and Economics IV: Public Law, Private Law, and Adjudication 245-269 (Claus Ott & Georg von Wangenheim, eds., Maklu, 1998)
Law as a Voluntary Enterprise, in The Jurisprudence of Liberty 111-128 (Suri Ratnapala & Gabriel Moens, eds., Butterworth, 1996)

Book Reviews

Friction Theory and Conflict Prevention in Legal Analysis, Journal of International Economic Law (published online Aug. 30, 2024) (reviewing Pier Giuseppe Monateri & Mauro Balestrieri, Quantitative Methods in Comparative Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023))
Donatella Porrini

Entries in Reference Works

Customary Law, in Encyclopedia of Political Thought 792-793 (M.T. Gibbons, ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)
Jef DeMot
Analisi Economica del Diritto, in Diritto Civile 61-69 (Silvio Martuccelli & Valerio Pescatore, eds., Giuffre Editore, 2011)
Teoria dei Giochi e Diritto, in Diritto Civile 1742-1749 (Silvio Martuccelli & Valerio Pescatore, eds., Giuffre Editore, 2011)
Enrico Baffi
Coase Theorem, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 855-861 (Steven N. Durlauf & Lawrence Blume, eds., Macmillan Ltd., 2d ed., 2008), reprinted in Coase Theorem (Francesco Parisi & Richard A. Posner, eds., Edward Elgar, 2012)
Augusto Graziani (1865-1944), in Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives 675-676 (David Scott Clark, ed., Sage Publications, 2007)
Giampaolo Frezza
Entropy, in Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives 481-483 (David Scott Clark, ed., Sage Publications, 2007)
Law and Economics, in Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives 451-458 (David Scott Clark, ed., Sage Publications, 2007)
Reciprocity, in Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives 1272-1276 (David Scott Clark, ed., Sage Publications, 2007)
Coase Theorem and Political Markets, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 85-91 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Commons and Anticommons, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 102-104 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Ben Depoorter
Customary Law, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 136-140 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Legal Precedents and Judicial Discretion, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 343-347 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Ben Depoorter
Political and Cultural Nationalism, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 409-411 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Frank Buckley
Public Choice from the Perspective of Law, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 214-235 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004), reprinted as The Perspective of Law, in Readings in Public Choice and Constitutional Political Economy 227-264 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2008)
Reciprocity, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 472-477 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Rules versus Standards, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 510-516 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
The Efficiency of the Common Law Hypothesis, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 195-198 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
The Law and Economics Movement, in Encyclopedia of Public Choice 341-343 (Charles K. Rowley & Friedrich Schneider, eds., Kluwer, 2004)
Spontaneous Emergence of Law: Customary Law, in Encyclopedia of Law & Economics, vol. 5, 603-630 (Boudewijn Bouckaert & Gerrit de Geest, gen. eds., Edward Elgar, 2000)
Achille Loria (1847-1943), in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 392-402 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 1999), reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 607-617 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
Giampaolo Frezza
Augusto Graziani (1865-1944), in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 316-324 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 1999), reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 522-530 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
Giampaolo Frezza
Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794), in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 281-293 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 1999), reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 475-488 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
Giampaolo Frezza
Pietro Trimarchi (1934-), in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 492-508 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 1999), reprinted in The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics 709-726 (Jurgen Backhaus, ed., Edward Elgar, 2d ed., 2005)
Giampaolo Frezza
Teorema di Arrow, 19 Digesto Italiano (Diritto Civile) 287-296 (4th ed., 1999)
Teorema di Coase, 19 Digesto Italiano (Diritto Civile) 296-315 (4th ed., 1999)
Choice of Law, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law 236-241 (Peter Newman, ed., Macmillan Reference, 1998)
Larry Ribstein
Conflict of Laws, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law 387-395 (Peter Newman, ed., Macmillan Reference, 1998)
Erin Ann O'Hara
Customary Law, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and Law 572-578 (Peter Newman, ed., Macmillan Reference, 1998); translated into Chinese, 2 Guanghua Faxue Law Journal 3-23 (2008)
Learned Hand Formula of Negligence, 10 Digesto Italiano (Diritto Civile) 463-443, 4th ed., (1993), reprinted in Materiali di Economia e Diritto 285-292 (Universita Di Roma La Sapienza, 1997)

Other Publications

Laudatio: Ariel Porat, 19 Review of Law & Economics 1-11 (2023)
Notes, C.E.D. - Archivio Novita (seven notes for the Italian Supreme Court database)
Coase Theorem: An Introduction, in Coase Theorem (Francesco Parisi & Richard A. Posner, eds., Edward Elgar, 2013)
Richard A. Posner
Foreword, in Frank Fagan, Law and the Limits of Government: Temporary versus Permanent Legislation (Edward Elgar, 2013)
Market, Votes, and "The Calculus of Consent," 152 Public Choice 451-453 (2012)
Production of Legal Rules: An Introduction, in Production of Legal Rules viii-ix (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2011)
Foundations of Law and Economics: An Introduction, in Foundations of Law and Economics (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Robert D. Cooter
Legal Institutions and Economic Development: An Introduction, in Legal Institutions and Economic Development ix-xvi (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Robert D. Cooter
Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Legal Education, 6 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 347-357 (2009)
Recent Developments in Law and Economics: An Introduction, in Recent Developments in Law and Economics (Robert D. Cooter & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Robert D. Cooter
Laudatio: Pietro Trimarchi, 3 Review of Law & Economics art. 2, 3-9 (2007); translated into Spanish, 37 Ius et Veritas 16-23 (2008)
Private Choices and Public Law: Richard A. Posner's Contributions to Family Law and Policy, 17 Journal of Contemporary Health Law & Policy 403-427 (2001)
Ben Depoorter
Richard A. Posner and the Economics of Private Law, in The Economics of Private Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A. Posner: Volume II) 9-30 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2001)
Richard A. Posner and the Economics of Public Law, in The Economics of Public Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A. Posner: Volume III) 9-33 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2001)
The Evolving Principles of Italian Family Law, 9 The Digest 1-22 (2001)
Giampaolo Frezza
The Legacy of Richard A. Posner and the Methodology of Law and Economics, in The Economic Structure of the Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A. Posner: Volume I) 9-34 (Francesco Parisi, ed., Edward Elgar, 2000)
Rethinking Opinio Iuris: A Law and Economics Perspective, 4 International Legal Theory 21-22 (1998)
Law and Economics: An Introduction, in Law and Economics 3-57 (Richard A. Posner & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 1997)
Richard A. Posner
Normative Knowledge and Self-Enforcing Rules in International Law, 2 International Legal Theory 27-30 (1996)
Public Choice Theory and International Institutions: One More Comment on Richard Falk, 1 International Legal Theory 45-48 (1995)
Institute for Law and Economics