Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Albert W. Alschuler
Laurence H. Tribe
Norman L. Eisen
– Why Limits on Contributions to Super Pacs Should Survive Citizens United, 86 Fordham Law Review 2299 (2018)
– The Declining Fortunes of American Workers: Six Dimensions and an Agenda for Reform, 70 Florida Law Review 189 (2018)
– An Honest Politician’s Guide to Deterrence: Certainty, Severity, Celerity, and Parsimony, in Deterrence, Choice, and Crime: Contemporary Perspectives (Daniel S. Nagin, Francis T. Cullen & Cheryl Lero Jonson, eds., Routledge, 2018)
Carmen Radecki Breitkopf
Kari G. Chaffee
Marguerite E. Robinson
Noralane M. Lindor
Deborah R. Gordon
Barbara A. Koenig
Gloria M. Petersen
– Attitudes Toward Return of Genetic Research Results to Relatives, Including After Death: Comparison of Cancer Probands, Blood Relatives, and Spouse/Partners, 13 Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 295–304 (2018)
– Private Ordering in Family Law, in Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law 257-272 (Elizabeth Brake & Lucinda Ferguson, eds., Oxford University Press, 2018)
– Patent Damages Heuristics, 25 Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal 159 (2018)
– Employee Handbooks and Policy Statements: From Gratuities to Contracts and Back Again, 21 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 307 (2017)
– Judicial Elections in the 2010s, 67 DePaul Law Review 387-423 (2018)  
Will Stancil
– Fair Housing and Stable Suburban Integration, in The Fight for Fair Housing: Causes, Consequences, and Future Implications of the 1968 Federal Fair Housing Act (Gregory D. Squires, ed., Routledge, 2018)
Amy Widman
Mark Totten
– Strategies of Public UDAP Enforcement, 55 Harvard Journal on Legislation 37 (2018)
– Are Youth Sports Concussion Statutes Working?, 56 Duquesne Law Review 7 (2018)
– Contract Law and the Common Good, 9 William & Mary Business Law Review 373 (2018)
Neil Vidmar
When Lawyers Screw Up: Improving Access to Justice for Legal Malpractice Victims (University Press of Kansas, 2018)
Leslie Joan Harris
Lee E. Teitelbaum
Rachel Rebouché
Family Law (Wolters Kluwer, 6th ed., 2018) (with teacher’s manual)
Naomi Cahn
– Jane the Virgin and Other Stories of Unintentional Parenthood, 7 UC Irvine Law Review 511 (2017)
– The Complexity and Challenges of Addressing the Conditions Conducive to Terrorism, in Using Human Rights to Counter Terrorism 166-194 (Manfred Nowak & Anne Charbord, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018)
Norval Morris
Policiamento Moderno (Editora da Universidade de Saõ Paolo, 2d ed., 2017) (co-editor)
– 比 较 视 角 下 检 察 制 度 的 差 异 性, 26(1) Journal of National Prosecution College 150-76 (2018)  
– Massimo Pavarini e L’eccezionalità Italiana, in Il Sistema Penale Messo in Discussione – L'opera di Massimo Pavarini tra Teoria, Ricerca Empirica e Impegno Sociale (Luigi Stortoni & Davide Bertaccini, eds., Universita Bononia Press, 2018)  
Rhys Hester
Julian V. Roberts
– A Measure of Tolerance: Public Attitudes on Sentencing Enhancements for Old and Juvenile Prior Records, 3 Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research 137 (2018)
– An Identity Theory of the Short- and Long-Term Investor Debate, 41 Seattle University Law Review 475 (2018)
Naomi Cahn
Nancy Levit
– Gender and the Tournament: Reinventing Antidiscrimination Law in an Age of Inequality, 96 Texas Law Review 425 (2018)  
– The Constitutional Right to Asylum: The Wave of the Future in International Refugee Law?, 41 Fordham International Law Journal 383 (2018)  
Maria Bigoni
Stefania Bortolotti
Ariel Porat
– Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, 14 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 527-547 (2017)
Donna Nagy
Margaret Sachs
Securities Litigation and Enforcement: Cases and Materials (Thomson/West, 1st ed., 2003; 2d ed., 2008, 3d ed., 2012; West Academic, 4th ed., 2017) (Teacher's Manual, 2003, 2008, 2012 & 2017)
Hon. Laura Thomas
Law in Practice (West Academic Publishing, 2014; 2d ed., 2018)
Isaac S. Kohane
– The Rise of Patient-Driven Research on Biospecimens and Data: The Second Revolution, in Specimen Science: Ethics and Policy Implications 317-34 (Holly Fernandez Lynch, Barbara E. Bierer, I. Glenn Cohen & Suzanne M. Rivera, eds., MIT Press, 2017)
– Juvenile Justice, in Reforming Criminal Justice—Introduction and Criminalization (Erik Luna, ed., Academy for Justice, 2017)
Matthew R. Ginther
Richard J. Bonnie
Morris B. Hoffman
Owen D. Jones
Kenneth W. Simons
– Decoding Guilty Minds: How Jurors Attribute Knowledge and Guilt, 71 Vanderbilt Law Review 241 (2018)
Norman V. Siebrasse
– Judicially Determined FRAND Royalties, in The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law​ 365 (Jorge L. Contreras, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018)