Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Rules of Medical Necessity, 107 Iowa Law Review 423 (2022)
Naomi Cahn
Nancy Levit
– The Instrumental Case for Corporate Diversity, 40 Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality 117 (2022)
Andrea A. Curcio
Eileen Kaufman
– A Merritt-Orious Path for Lawyer Licensing, 82 Ohio State Law Journal 883 (2021)
Cooper Christiancy
– Reclaiming the Human Rights Foundations of the UN Standards of Conduct for Business on Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI People, 7 Business and Human Rights Journal 134 (2022)
– Closing the Accountability Gap in Corporate Supply Chains for Violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, 6 Business and Human Rights Journal 449 (2021)
– Board Diversity: People or Pathways?, 85 Law and Contemporary Problems 168 (2022)
– The Banality of Evil (?): The Strange(ly Quiet) Careers of Korematsu and Hirabayashi in the Federal Circuit Courts, 1943-2016, 6 University of Bologna Law Review 287 (2022)
Daniel Pi
Alice Guerra
– Access to Evidence in Private International Law, 23 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 77-96 (2022)
– Two Cheers for the US Health Security Infrastructure, 82 Ohio State Law Journal 823 (2021)
– Health-Based Proxy Discrimination, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data, 21 Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy 95 (2021)
Frederick H. Russell
– Just War and Crusades, in The Cambridge History of Medieval Canon Law (Anders Winroth & John C. Wei, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2022)
Kenneth S. Abraham
– Courting Disaster: The Underappreciated Risk of A Cyber Insurance Catastrophe, 27 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 407 (2021)
– Polarization and Partisanship in State Supreme Court Elections, 105 Judicature 65-75 (Fall/Winter 2021-22)
Beyond Imagination?: The January 6 Insurrection (West Academic, 2022) (with Mark C. Alexander et al.)
– Positivism’s Humbugs: Criminology and Its Cranks in Progressive America, in The Limits of Criminological Positivism: The Movement for Criminal Law Reform in the West, 1870-1940 196 (Michele Pifferi, ed., Routledge, 2022)
– Separation of Politics and State in the Aftermath of Donald Trump, 47 Ohio Northern University Law Review 509 (2021)
– Foreword: Nondelegation as Constitutional Symbolism, 89 George Washington Law Review 1079 (2021) 
– Toward a Definition of “Neurolaw”, 15 University of St. Thomas Journal of Law & Public Policy 174 (2021)
– ‘Soft Law’, Informal Lawmaking and ‘New Institutions’ in the Global Counter-Terrorism Architecture, 32 European Journal of International Law 919 (2021)
– The Corrosion Critique of Benefit Corporations, 101 Boston University Law Review 1421 (2021)
– Purpose in Business Association Statutes: Much Ado About Something (But Not Much), in Research Handbook on Corporate Purpose and Personhood (Elizabeth Pollman & Robert B. Thompson, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021)
Alice Guerra
– Injurers versus Victims: (A)Symmetric Reactions to Symmetric Risks, 22 B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 603-620 (2022) 
Martha F. Davis
Morten Kjaerum
Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021) (co-editor)
– Water Provision, Rights, and Poverty in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals, in Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Clean Water & Sanitation (Walter Leal Filho et al., eds., Springer, 2022)
– Digital Evidence in Court – Part VIII, 38 (issue 8) Computer & Internet Lawyer 3 (Sept. 2021)
– ABA CEELI/ROLI: Leader of the Rule of Law Movement, in Building the Rule of Law: Firsthand Accounts from a Thirty-Year Global Campaign (James R. Silkenat & Gerold W. Libby, ed., American Bar Association, International Law Section, 2021)
Supriya Bhavnani
Sean Deoni
Jed T. Elison
Damien Fair
Michael Garwood
Michael S. Gee
Sairam Geethanath
Kendrick Kay
Kevin O. Lim
Georgia Lockwood Estrin
Monica Luciana
David Peloquin
Karen Rommelfanger
Nicoline Schiess
Khan Siddiqui
Efraín Torres
J. Thomas Vaughan
– Emerging Ethical Issues Raised by Highly Portable MRI Research in Remote and Resource-limited International Settings, 238 NeuroImage (2021)
Gary E. Marchant
Mark Barnes
Ellen W. Clayton
– Liability Implications of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing, in Consumer Genetic Technologies: Ethical and Legal Considerations 15-25 (I. Glenn Cohen, Nita A Farahany, Henry T Greely, Carmel Schachar, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Joel T. Wu
Debra A. DeBruin
Thomas Klemond
Erin S. DeMartino
– Addressing a Missing Link in Emergency Preparedness: New Insights on the Ethics of Care in Contingency Conditions from the Minnesota COVID Ethics Collaborative, 21(8) The American Journal of Bioethics 17-19 (2021)
– What Do Americans Want in Their State Judges?, 105 Judicature 48-59 (Spr. 2021)