Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Brian JM Quinn
Steven Davidoff Solomon
Mergers and Acquisitions: Law, Theory, and Practice (West Academic, 2016; 2d ed., 2019; 3d ed., 2023)
Privacy and Data Protection Law (Foundation Press, 2016; 2d ed., 2023)
Daniel W. Woods
Rainer Böhme
Josephine Wolff
– Lessons Lost: Incident Response in the Age of Cyber Insurance and Breach Attorneys, in Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (2022)
Josephine Wolff
Daniel W. Woods
– How Privilege Undermines Cybersecurity,  36 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 421 (2023)
– Uncoupling and the New Social Compact: A Paradigm Shift in Western Family Organisation, in Between Sexuality, Gender and Reproduction On the Pluralisation of Family Forms (Nina Dethloff & Katharina Kaesling, eds., Intersentia, 2023)
– The Many Faces of Modern Legal Realism, 2022/2 Revista Ordines 18-35 (2022)
Sharon Press
Juanita Freeman
– The Truth and Action Project: Addressing Systemic Racism in the Criminal Justice System in Minnesota, 38 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 539-596 (2023)
Renan Kalil
Mauro Pucheta
– Right-Wing Populism and the Deconstruction of Labour Laws in the Americas: Old Wine into New Wineskins, 39 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 19 (2023)
– Religious Family Agreements: Mahr, Ketubah, and Religious Upbringing Provisions in Recent U.S. Cases, 10 Journal of Law, Religion and State 252-267 (2023)
Assets & Finance: Intellectual Property in Mergers and Acquisitions (Thomson Reuters, 2020; rev. ed. 2021 & 2023)
The America Invents Act: A Guide to Patent Litigation and Patent Procedure (Thomson Reuters, 2021-2022 ed., 2021; rev. ed. 2023)
– Labor Relations at the Woke Corporation, 79 New York University Annual Survey of American Law 171 (2023)
Jackson S. Ennis
Kirsten A. Riggan
Nicholas V. Nguyen
Daniel B. Kramer
Alexander K. Smith
Daniel P. Sulmasy
Jon C. Tilburt
Erin S. DeMartino
– Triage Procedures for Critical Care Resource Allocation During Scarcity, 6(8) JAMA Network Open e2329688 (2023)
– Bureaucratic Autonomy and the Policymaking Capacity of U.S. Federal Agencies, 1998-2021, Political Science Research and Methods (published online Aug. 7, 2023)
Claire Wright
Bill Rolston
– Navigating Colonial Debris: Structural Challenges for Colombia’s Peace Accord, 11 Peacebuilding 62 (2023)
Robert C. Green
– Return of Results in Genomic Research Using Large-Scale or Whole Genome Sequencing: Toward a New Normal, 24 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 393-414 (2023)
Mark David Janis
Ted M. Sichelman
John R. Allison
Christopher Anthony Cotropia
Dmitry Karshtedt
Jeffrey A. Lefstin
Jason Rantanen
David O. Taylor
Shine (Sean) Tu
Patent Law: An Open-Source Casebook (Mark D. Janis & Ted Sichelman, exec. eds., Fall 2021; rev. 2023) (chapter editor)
– Reasoning Within and About (Legal) Practices, in New Essays on the Fish-Dworkin Debate 17-26 (Thomas Bustamante & Margaret Martin, eds., Hart Publishing, 2023)
Claire O. Finkelstein
– "You're Fired": Criminal Use of Presidential Removal Power, 25 New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 307 (2023)
Families by Agreement: Navigating Choice, Tradition, and Law (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
Advanced Introduction to Contract Law and Theory (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023)
Mark R. Thomson
– Textualism and the Administrative Procedure Act, 98 Notre Dame Law Review 2071 (2023)
Richard J. Pierce, Jr.
Christopher J. Walker
Federal Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press, 2023)
– Authority, Reason, and Competence in Issues of Legal Truth, in Legal Power and Legal Competence: Meaning, Normativity, Officials and Theories 247–258 (Gonzalo Villa Rosas & Torben Spaak, eds., Springer, 2023)
– The Partial Success of Judge Frankel’s Sentencing Commission, Fifty Years On, 35 Federal Sentencing Reporter 240–248 (2023)
– Doing Injustice: Exchanging One “Arbitrary, Cruel, and Reckless” Sentencing System for Another, 35 Federal Sentencing Reporter 293–299 (2023)
– Personal Jurisdiction’s Moment of Opportunity: A Reform Blueprint for Originalists and Nonoriginalists, 75 Florida Law Review 415 (2023)
David Weissbrodt
Laura Danielson
Howard S. Myers III
Sarah K. Peterson
Immigration Law and Procedure in a Nutshell (West Academic, 8th ed., 2023)
Naomi Cahn
– Supporting Families in A Post-Dobbs World: Politics and the Winner-Take-All-Economy, 101 North Carolina Law Review 1549 (2023)
Zonghu Han
Joseph Sushil Rao
Lakshya Gangwar
Bat-Erdene Namsrai
Jacqueline L. Pasek-Allen
Michael L. Etheridge
Timothy L. Pruett
John C. Bischof
Erik B. Finger
– Vitrification and Nanowarming Enable Long-Term Organ Cryopreservation and Life-Sustaining Kidney Transplantation in a Rat Model, 14 Nature Communications 3407 (2023)