Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Claire O. Finkelstein
– Presidential Accountability and the Rule of Law: Can the President Claim Immunity If He Shoots Someone on Fifth Avenue?, 24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 93 (2022)
Christina L. Kunz
Jennifer S. Martin
Elizabeth R. Schiltz
Learning Sales Law (West Academic, 2016; 2d ed., 2022)
– From Mandates to Governance: Restructuring the Employment Relationship, 81 Maryland Law Review 887 (2022)
Jon J. Lee
– Leadership Evolution: The Rise of Lawyers in the C-Suite, 96 Tulane Law Review 695 (2022)
Allison K. Hoffman
Howell E. Jackson
– A Public Option for Employer Health Plans, 20 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics 299 (2021)
– Fatalism and Indifference: The Influence of the Frontier on American Criminal Justice, 50 Crime and Justice 425-64 (2021)
– Doing Justice in Sentencing, 50 Crime and Justice 1-12 (2021)
Thomas P. Gallanis
– The Uniform Probate Code's New Intestacy and Class Gift Provisions, 46 ACTEC Law Journal 127 (2021)
James G. Hodge, Jr.
– Designing COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Colleges and Universities: A Roadmap to the 10 Key Questions, 9 Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1 (2022)
Richard J. Goldstone
Homer E. Moyer, Jr.
The Rule of Law in the 21st Century: A Worldwide Perspective (Globe Law and Business, 2d ed., 2022) (co-editor)
Alice Guerra
– Investing in Private Evidence: The Effect of Adversarial Discovery, 14 Journal of Legal Analysis 1-16 (2022)
Benjamin C. Silverman
Patrick Monette
Sara Kimble
Scott L. Rauch
Justin T. Baker
– An Ethics Checklist for Digital Health Research in Psychiatry: Viewpoint, 24(2) Journal of Medical Internet Research e31146 (2022)
Alice Guerra
Daniel Pi
– Liability for Robots I: Legal Challenges, 18 Journal of Institutional Economics 331-343 (2022)
Alice Guerra
Daniel Pi
– Liability for Robots II: An Economic Analysis, 18 Journal of Institutional Economics 553-568 (2022)
Christopher L. Peterson
– Public Compensation for Public Enforcement, 39 Yale Journal on Regulation 61 (2022)
Claire O. Finkelstein
– Restoring the Rule of Law through Department of Justice Reform, in Overcoming Trumpery: How to Restore Ethics, the Rule of Law, and Democracy (Norman Eisen, ed., Brookings Institution Press, 2022)
Will Stancil
– Neo-Segregation in Minnesota, 40 Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality 1 (2022)
Will Stancil
– Challenging Fair Housing Revisionism, 2 North Carolina Civil Rights Law Review 32 (2022)
Eleanor Brown
Naomi Cahn
– Fertility, Immigration, and Public Support for Parenting, 90 Fordham Law Review 2485 (2022)
– The Moral Obligation to Perform Contracts: Some Preliminary Thoughts, 15 Problema anuario de filosofía y teoría del derecho 7-28 (2021)
– Coercion, Function, and the “Why” of Law: Comments on Kenneth Einar Himma’s Coercion and the Nature of Law, 45 Revus. Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law/Revija za ustavno teorijo in filozofijo prava (2021)
– Board Diversity: A Response to Professor Fried, 27 Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance 173 (2022)
– Covid Concerns: Some Realism About Equitable Relief, 85 Law and Contemporary Problems 37 (2022)
Warren Cormack
Joseph Graen
Jennifer Novo
Quasi-Professional Negligence: A New Standard of Care for Volunteer Youth Sports Coaches, 20 Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 127 (2021)
Naomi Cahn
– Nonmarital Norms, in Exploring Norms and Family Laws across the Globe (Melissa L. Breger, ed., Lexington Books, 2022)
– Extraterritorial Damages in Copyright Law, 74 Florida Law Review 123 (2022)
Brad N. Greenwood
Gordon Burtch
– Who Watches the Watchmen: Evidence of the Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on New York City Policing, 38  Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 161 (2022) 
Leslie Bellwood
– Proposed Guidelines for Arbitral Disclosure of Social Media Activity, 23 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 1 (2022)
– Promoting Patent Practitioner Diversity: Expanding Non-JD Pathways and Removing Barriers, 24 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 57 (2022)
– Constitutionalized Human Rights Law in South Africa: Does It Help Refugees and Asylum-Seekers?, 53 George Washington International Law Review 177 (2021)