Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– The Role of Legal Theory in Law and Justice (in English and translated into Turkish), in Ankara Barosu Uluslarasrasi Hukuk Kurultayi, vol. 1, 82-99 (Ankara Barosu Baskanligi, 2009)
Lenguaje, Teoria y Derecho (Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2008) (collection of previously published essays, translated into Spanish, with a new introduction)
– Some Reflections on Contract Law Theory, 1 Problema 143 (2007)
Kenneth K. Wong
– Education Mayors and Big City School Boards: New Directions, New Evidence, in The Future of School Board Governance: Relevancy and Revelation 441 (Thomas L. Alsbury, ed., Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2008)
Kenneth K. Wong
– Political Economy of Charter School Funding Formulas: Exploring State-to-State Variations, in Money, Politics and Law: Intersections and Conflicts in the Provision of Educational Opportunity 171 (Karen DeMoss & Kenneth K. Wong, eds., Eye on Education, 2004)
– Explanations of National Punishment Policies and their Implications for Central and Eastern Europe, 47 Kriminologiai Tanulmanyok (2011) (in Hungarian)
The Law and Economics of Insurance (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012) (editor)
Dina Francesca Haynes
Naomi Cahn
– Criminal Justice for Gendered Violence and Beyond, 11 International Criminal Law Review 425 (2011)
– So Much More Than a "Harmless Drudge": Samuel Johnson and his Dictionary, The Colophon 3 (Spring 2009)
– Reflections on E-Marriage Papers, 2011 Michigan State Law Review 35 (2011)
Michael J. Gerhardt
– "Extraordinary Circumstances": The Legacy of the Gang of 14 and a Proposal for Judicial Nominations Reform, 46 University of Richmond Law Review 969 (2012)
Crawford v. Washington: What Would Justice Thomas Do?, 96 Minnesota Law Review Headnotes 18 (2012)
William Carson
– Cognitive Warfare and Young Black Males in America, 15 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 281 (2012)
– The Constitutional Dimension of Unilateral Change in Public-Sector Collective Bargaining, 27 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 165 (2012)
– Discipline and Discharge of Public-Sector Employees: An Empirical Study of Arbitration Awards, 27 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 195 (2012)
– Legal Mechanic: Where Are We Going? The Generalist vs. Specialist Challenge, 47 Tulsa Law Review 51-65 (2011) (reviewing Robert P. Burns, The Death of the American Trial (University of Chicago Press, 2009) and Lawrence Baum, Specializing the Courts (University of Chicago Press, 2011)) (review essay)
Marta Cenini
– Punitive Damages and Class Actions, in The Law and Economics of Class Actions in Europe: Lessons from America 131-146 (Jurgen G. Backhaus, Alberto Cassone & Giovanni B. Ramello, eds., Edward Elgar, 2012)
– Statutes as Contracts? The "California Rule" and Its Impact on Public Pension Reform, 97 Iowa Law Review 1029 (2012)
– Criminal Attempts, in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law 191-204 (Andrei Marmor, ed., Routledge, 2012)
– Betwixt and Between: The Ethical Dilemmas of Insurance Defense, in Lawyers in Practice: Ethical Decision Making in Context 131-151 ( Leslie C. Levin & Lynn Mather, eds., University of Chicago Press, 2012)
– Siblings in Law, 65 Vanderbilt Law Review 897 (2012)
Barbara Luppi
Shruti Rajagopalan
– The Rise and Fall of the Polluter-Pays Principle in Developing Countries, 32 International Review of Law & Economics 135-144 (2012)
– Of the Conditional Fee as a Response to Lawyers, Bankers and Loopholes, 1 American University Business Law Review 42 (2011-2012)
– Financial Regulation Reform and Too Big to Fail, 1 American University Business Law Review 113 (2011-2012)
– Sanitizing Interested Transactions, 36 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 903 (2011)
– Transparency and Contrarian Experts in Financial Regulation: A Brief Response to Professor Bradley, 1 American University Business Law Review 33 (2011-2012)
– The Past, Present, and Future of the Debate over Return of Research Results and Incidental Findings, 14 Genetics in Medicine 355-57 (2012)
– Race, Ethnicity, and Punishment, in The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections (Joan Petersilia & Kevin Reitz, eds., Oxford University Press, 2012)
– Linking Housing and School Integration to Growth Management, in Integrating Schools in a Changing Society: New Policies and Legal Options for a Multiracial Generation (Erica Frankenberg & Elizabeth Debray, eds., University of North Carolina Press, 2011)
Joan Petersilia
The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections (Oxford University Press, 2012) (co-editor)