Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Political Retributivism and Legal Moralism, 1 Virginia Journal of Criminal Law 179-204 (2012)
Obligacion y Significado: Derecho, Lenguaje y Normatividad (Fontamara, 2015) (collection of previously published essays, translated into Spanish, with a new Introduction)
– Boilerplate, Freedom of Contract, and "Democratic Degradation," 49 Tulsa Law Review 501 (2013) (reviewing Margaret Jane Radin, Boilerplate: The Fine Print, Vanishing Rights, and the Rule of Law (Princeton University Press, 2012))
Richard J. Pierce, Jr.
Cumulative Supplement to Administrative Law Treatise (Wolters Kluwer, 5th ed., annually 2014 - )
– Owning Hazard, A Tragedy, 1 UC Irvine Law Review 693-771 (2011)
Naomi Cahn
– An Intimate Look at American Families, 48 Family Law Quarterly 211 (2014) (reviewing Herbie DiFonzo & Ruth Stern, Intimate Associations: The Law and Culture of American Families (University of Michigan Press, 2013))
Catherine O'Rourke
– Gendered Transitional Justice and the Non-state Actor, in Contested Transitions: Dilemmas of Transitional Justice in Colombia and Comparative Experience 115-143 (Michael Reed Hurtado & Amanda Lyons, eds., International Center for Transitional Justice, 2010)
– Thinking about Punishment across Space and Time, in Kriminologie, Kriminalpolitik, Strafrecht: Festschrift fur Hans-Jurgen Kerner zum 70. Geburtstag (Klaus Boers, ed., Mohr Siebeck, 2013)
– Designing Countercyclical Capital Buffers, 18 North Carolina Banking Institute 123 (2013)
– The International Trade Commission: Reform or Abolition? A Comment on Colleen V. Chien & Mark A. Lemley, Patent Holdup, the ITC, and the Public Interest, 98 Cornell Law Review Online 43 (Apr. 2013)
Jonathan L. Entin
Douglas E. Ray
Robert N. Strassfeld
Jr. Thompson
– Tribute to Professor Calvin William Sharpe, 64 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1 (2013)
– Agreements in American Family Law, 4 International Journal of the Jurisprudence of the Family 115 (2013)
– Statutory Reading of Opaque Constructions - Errors and Purposes, 127 Harvard Law Review Forum 200 (Apr. 14, 2014) (response to Jill C. Anderson, Misreading Like a Lawyer: Cognitive Bias in Statutory Interpretation, 127 Harvard Law Review 1521 (2014))
Thomas F. Luce
– America's Racially Diverse Suburbs: Opportunities and Challenges, 23 Housing Policy Debate 395 (2013)
Kara S. Finnigan
Jennifer Jellison Holme
Thomas Luce
Sarah Diem
Allison Mattheis
Nadine D. Hylton
– Regional Educational Policy Analysis: Rochester, Omaha, and Minneapolis' Inter-District Arrangements, 29 Educational Policy 780 (2015)
Burkhard N. Schrage
– Home Country Governance Quality and the "Bonding" Hypothesis: Evidence From Industrialized, Emerging-Market and Less-Developed Countries, in Transformations in Global Governance: Implications for Multinationals & Other Stakeholders 264-297 (Sushil Vachani, ed., Edward Elgar Publishers, 2006)
– Behind Closed Doors: What Really Happens When Cops Question Kids, 23 Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy 395 (2013)
Wulf A. Kaal
– The Aftermath of Morrison v. National Australia Bank and Elliott Associates v. Porsche, 8 European Company and Financial Law Review 77 (2011)
Wulf A. Kaal
– Extraterritorial Application of US Securities Laws, 7 European Company Law 90 (2010)
– Remodeling American Sentencing: A Ten-Step Blueprint for Moving Past Mass Incarceration, 13 Criminology and Public Policy 503-33 (2014)
Naomi Cahn
– The Past, Present and Future of the Marital Presumption, in The International Survey of Family Law (Bill Atkin & Fareda Banda, eds., Jordan Publishing Ltd, 2013)
Naomi Cahn
– The Triple System of Family Law, 2013 Michigan State Law Review 1185 (2013)
Naomi Cahn
– Who's the Father?, 93 Boston University Law Review Annex 55 (2013) (on-line symposium on Adoptive Couple)
– Sworn to Fun, Loyal to None: Time Inconsistent Preferences in Investment Banking, 1 Virginia Journal of Criminal Law 334 (2013)
– The Complex Relationship between Taxes and Health Insurance, in Beyond Economic Efficiency in United States Tax Law (David A. Brennen, Karen B. Brown & Darryll K. Jones, eds., Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2013)
Dan L. Burk
– Ancillary Patent Markets and the Firm, 4 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 118 (2014)
Sioban Albiol
Sarah J. Diaz
– Re-Interpreting Postville: A Legal Perspective, 2 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 31 (2008)
Trey Hickman
– The Myth of the Magic Circle: Rejecting a Single Governance Model, 2 UC Irvine Law Review 537 (2012)
– Criminal Responsibility and the Emotions: If Fear and Anger Can Exculpate, Why Not Compassion?, 58 Inquiry 189-220 (2015)
– Legal Pragmatism and Intellectual Property Law, in Intellectual Property and the Common Law 211 (Shyamkrishna Balganesh, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2013)