Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was a panelist on the nationally syndicated NPR show, "To The Point" discussing FBI Director James Comey's recommendation that Hillary Clinton not be indicted over her use of a…

Professor Claire Hill was interviewed about banking culture on "The Inquiry," a BBC World Service series. Prof. Hill discussed the findings and conclusions of her book Better Bankers,…

For the third time in a year, the New York Times Editorial Board has called for action based on reports issued by the Law School's Institute on…

The Law School's Clemency Program, established in the fall of 2014 by Professor JaneAnne Murray, was…

At its annual meeting held last month in Pittsburgh, Professor Laura J. Cooper was elected as a Vice President of the National Academy of Arbitrators. The Academy is an honorary and professional…

Professor Robert A. Stein ('61) has coauthored an article, with Vice President Walter Mondale ('56) and Caitlinrose Fisher ('15), addressing the challenge of ensuring that our constitutional liberties are not…

Professors Jill Hasday and Heidi Kitrosser were featured in a two-part, one-hour special on The Mary Hanson Show, a long-running series on Twin Cities Public Television. Profs. Hasday and Kitrosser…

Professor JaneAnne Murray, founder of the Bloomsday Celebration of the Irish American Bar Association of New York, was featured in the New York Law Journal along with U.S. Court of Appeals for the…

Professor Paul M. Vaaler commented in the Star Tribune on the business implications for Minnesota-area companies should the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union in the June 23, 2016 national…

The Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial board urges action based on a recent IMO report. The piece includes, "That’s why a report from the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Metropolitan…

Professor Prentiss Cox published an op-ed in the StarTribune suggesting Richard Cordray as the Democratic pick for Vice President. Cordray currently is Director of the Unite States Consumer…