Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Reflexiones Sobre la Verdad en el Derecho, in Susan Haack: Premio Internacional de Cultura Jurídica 2020 117-130 ( Diego Dei Vecchi, ed., Marcial Pons Ediciones Juridicas y Sociales, 2024)
Naomi R. Cahn
– Redefining Public Benefits, 76 Rutgers University Law Review 631 (2024)
Claire Wright
Bill Rolston
– Las comisiones de la verdad y los legados coloniales: lecciones desde Colombia (2018-2022), 57 Antípoda: Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 29 (2024)
Frances Daniels
Efraín Torres
Frances Lawrenz
– Scientists' Perspectives on Ethical Issues in Research with Emerging Portable Neuroimaging Technology: The Need for Guidance on Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications (ELSI), NMR in Biomedicine e5243 (published online Sept. 8, 2024)
– The Conservative Case for ESG, 9 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law & Public Affairs 151 (2024)
Emanuela Carbonara
Philip A. Curry
– Institutional Flexibility in Tax Law and Enforcement, 79 International Review of Law & Economics 1 (2024)
Michael Widener
Histories of Legal Literature: A Hundred Years of English-Language Scholarship (Talbot Publishing, 2024)
– The Right to Fail, 77 Oklahoma Law Review 11 (2024) (invited symposium essay)
Erik Habich
Peter Georg Picht
– FRAND Offer, in FRAND: German Case Law and Global Perspectives 62 (Peter G. Picht, Thomas F. Cotter & Erik Habich, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
– US and German Approaches to FRAND Disputes: Like Ships that Pass in the Night, in FRAND: German Case Law and Global Perspectives 212 (Peter G. Picht, Thomas F. Cotter & Erik Habich, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
Peter G. Picht
Erik Habich
FRAND: German Case Law and Global Perspectives (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024) (co-editor)
– Competing Legal Positivisms, Methodology and Distinctive Visions of Law, in Law, Morality and Judicial Reasoning: Essays on W.J. Waluchow’s Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory 93-105 (Thomas Bustamante, Saulo de Matos & André L. S. Coelho, eds., Springer, 2024)
– John Gardner on the Scope of Legal Positivism, 24 Analisi e Diritto 17-26 (2024)
Kirsten A. Riggan
Nicholas V. Nguyen
Jackson S. Ennis
Debra A. DeBruin
Richard R. Sharp
Jon C. Tilburt
Erin S. DeMartino
– Behind the Scenes: Facilitators and Barriers to Developing State Scarce Resource Allocation Plans for the COVID-19 Pandemic, 166 CHEST 561-571 (2024)
Caitlin Glass
Kat M. Albrecht
– Prosecutorial Data Transparency and Data Justice, 119 Northwestern University Law Review 193 (2024)
The America Invents Act: A Guide to Patent Litigation and Patent Procedure (Thomson Reuters, 2021-2022 ed., 2021; rev. ed. 2023; rev. ed. 2024)
Mary Hagedorn
Lynne R. Parenti
Robert A. Craddock
Pierre Comizzoli
Paula Mabee
Bonnie Meinke
John C. Bischof
Rebecca D. Sandlin
Shannon N. Tessier
Mehmet Toner
– Safeguarding Earth's Biodiversity by Creating a Lunar Biorepository, BioScience (published online July 31, 2024)
– Legal Endearment: An Unmarked Barrier to Transforming Policing, Public Safety, and Security, 112 California Law Review 755 (2024)
– A Bipartisan Agenda for Defending Free Enterprise, Assuring Honest Government, and Fighting Climate Change, in Across the Aisle: Why Bipartisanship Works for America (Jill Long Thompson, ed., Indiana University Press, 2024)
– Stakeholder Engagement, 51 Florida State University Law Review 305 (2024)
Paul J. Gardner
Sharece Thrower
– Policy Implementation and the Judiciary, in The Handbook of Public Policy Implementation 286 (Fritz Sager, Céline Mavrot & Lael R. Keiser, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)
– OT '22 and the Path of Administrative Law, 71 Drake Law Review 435 (2024)
– Importance and Interpretive Questions, 110 Virginia Law Review 909 (2024)
Administrative Law Theory and Fundamentals: An Integrated Approach (Foundation Press, 1st ed., 2021; 2d ed., 2024)
– The Original Presidency: A Conception of Administrative Control, 16 Journal of Legal Analysis 26 (2024)
Arthur Lupia
David B. Allison
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Jennifer Heimberg
Magdalena Skipper
– Trends in US Public Confidence in Science and Opportunities for Progress, 121:11 PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (published online Mar. 4, 2024)
Alice Guerra
– Are Individual Care Investments Affected by Past Accident Experiences? An Experiment, 20 Review of Law and Economics 225-266 (2024)
Alice Guerra
– Second, But Not Last: Competition with Positive Spillovers, 15 Asian Journal of Law & Economics 231-242 (2024)
Daniel Pi
– Wealth Maximization Redux: A Defense of Posner’s Economic Approach to Law, 31 History of Economic Ideas 101-136 (2023)
E. Thomas Sullivan
Richard D. Freer
Robin J. Effron
Complex Litigation (Carolina Academic Press, 4th ed., 2024)