Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Corporate Constituency Statutes and Employee Governance, 30 William Mitchell Law Review 1227 (2004)
Disney, Good Faith, and Structural Bias, 32 Journal of Corporation Law 833 (2007)
– The Curious Incident of the Workers in the Boardroom, 29 Hofstra Law Review 503 (2000) (reviewing Employees and Corporate Governance (Margaret M. Blair & Mark J. Roe, eds., Brookings Institution Press, 1999)) (review essay)
– Differential Compensation and the "Race to the Bottom" in Consumer Insurance Markets, 15 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 723 (2009)
– Redesigning Consumer Dispute Resolution: A Case Study of the British and American Approaches to Insurance Claims Conflict, 83 Tulane Law Review 735 (2009)
– The Great Lakes and International Environmental Law: Time for Something Completely Different?, 54 Wayne Law Review 1571 (2008)
– From "Predominance" to "Resolvability": A New Approach to Regulating Class Actions, 58 Vanderbilt Law Review 995 (2005) (selected for Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum (May 2005))
– The Substance and Illusion of Lex Sportiva, in The Court of Arbitration for Sport, 1984-2004 (Ian S. Blackshaw, Robert C.R. Siekmann & Janwillem Soek, eds., TMC Asser Press, 2006), reprinted in Lex Sportiva: What is Sports Law? (Robert C. R. Siekmann & Janwillem Soek, eds., Springer, 2012)
– Horizontal Federalism, 93 Minnesota Law Review 493 (2008) (selected for Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum (June 2008))
– Panarchy and Adaptive Change: Around the Loop and Back Again, 7 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 59 (2005)
– Framing Rules: Breaking the Information Bottleneck, 17 New York University Environmental Law Journal 75 (2008)
– Marine Ecosystem Management & A "Post-Sovereign" Transboundary Governance, 6 San Diego International Law Journal 113 (2004)
– The Police Power Revisited: Phantom Incorporation and the Roots of the Takings "Muddle", 90 Minnesota Law Review 826 (2006)
– Information-forcing Regulation and Environmental Governance, in Law and New Governance in the EU and the US 293 (Grainne de Burca and Joanna Scott, eds., Hart Publishing, 2006)
– Managing Transboundary Aquatic Ecosystems: Lessons from the Great Lakes, 19 Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal 209 (2006)
– Getting to "Let's Talk": Legal and Natural Destabilizations and the Future of Regional Collaboration, 8 Nevada Law Journal 811 (2008)
– "New Governance" in Legal Thought and in the World: Some Splitting as Antidote to Overzealous Lumping, 89 Minnesota Law Review 471 (2004)
– Information-forcing Environmental Regulation, 33 Florida State University Law Review 861 (2006)
– NEPA and the Curious Evolution of Environmental Impact Assessment in the United States, in Taking Stock of Environmental Assessment: Law, Policy and Practice 45 (Jane Holder & Donald McGillivray, eds., Routledge-Cavendish, 2007)
– "New Governance" in the Great Lakes Basin: Has Its Time Arrived?, 2006 Michigan State Law Review 1249 (2006)
– Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and Race Inequality, 84 New York University Law Review 1464 (2009)
– Post-Sovereign Environmental Governance, 4 Global Environmental Politics 72 (2004)
– Whither NEPA?, 12 New York University Environmental Law Journal 333 (2004)
– Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, 93 Minnesota Law Review 96 (2008), reprinted in Feminist Legal History: Essays on Women and Law 100-17 (Tracy A. Thomas & Tracey Jean Boisseau, eds., New York University Press, 2011), and reprinted in Women and the Law 819-75 (Jane Campbell Moriarty, ed., Thomson Reuters, 2010)
– Intimacy and Economic Exchange, 119 Harvard Law Review 491 (2005)
– Transboundary Ecosystem Governance: Beyond Sovereignty?, in Public Participation in the Governance of International Freshwater Resources (Carl Bruch et al., eds., United Nations University Press, 2005)
– Bottlenecks and Baselines: Tackling Information Deficits in Environmental Regulation, 86 Texas Law Review 1409 (2008)
Suzanne Thorpe
– Researching Labor Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Employment, 91 Law Library Journal 367 (1999)
– The Story of Holy Trinity Church v. United States (1892): Spirit and History in Statutory Interpretation, in Statutory Interpretation Stories (William N. Eskridge, Jr., Philip P. Frickey & Elizabeth Garrett, eds., Foundation Press, 2011)
David Weissbrodt
Mary Rumsey
Selected International Human Rights Instruments and Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights (LexisNexis, 4th ed., 2009)