Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– Reprint of Jerome Frank, Law and the Modern Mind (Transaction Publishers, 2008) (editor)
Kenneth Einar Himma
Law and Morality (Ashgate, 2005) (co-editor)
– Legal Positivism and "Explaining" Normativity and Autonomy, 5:2 American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Law 5 (Spring 2006)
– Raz on Necessity, 22 Law and Philosophy 537 (2003), reprinted in Law and Morality (Kenneth Einar Himma & Brian Bix, eds., Ashgate, 2005)
– Parental Rights for All Parents: A Comment on Gregory, 36 Family Law Quarterly 189 (2002)
– Background Rules, Incompleteness, and Intervention, 2004 Wisconsin Law Review 379 (2004) (comment on Kostritsky)
– Ross and Olivecrona on Rights, 34 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 103 (2009), reprinted in Rights: Concepts and Contexts (Brian Bix & Horacio Spector, eds., Ashgate Publishing, 2012); translated into Portuguese, 2:13 Panoptica 199 (July 2008)
Teoria del Derecho: Ambicion y Limites (Marcial Pons, 2006) (collection of previously published essays, translated into Spanish, with a new introduction)
Philosophy of Law: Critical Concepts in Philosophy (vols. I-IV) (Routledge, 2006) (editor)
– State Interest and Marriage--The Theoretical Perspective, 32 Hofstra Law Review 93 (2003), reprinted in 18 Minnesota Family Law Journal 1 (Nov./Dec. 2004)
– Physician-Assisted Suicide and Federalism, 17 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 53 (2003)
– Everything I Know About Marriage I Learned from Law Professors, 42 San Diego Law Review 823 (2005)
– On Questions and Answers in Law's Quandry, 44 San Diego Law Review 85 (2007)
A Dictionary of Legal Theory (Oxford University Press, 2004); translated into Chinese (Law Press, 2007) and Spanish (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2010)
– The Public and Private Ordering of Marriage, 2004 University of Chicago Legal Forum 295 (2004)
– Problem: Conceptual Analysis (translated into Spanish), 5 Discusiones 197 (2005)
– How to Plot Love on an Indifference Curve, 99 Michigan Law Review 1439 (2001) (reviewing June Carbone, From Partners to Parents: The Second Revolution in Family Law (Columbia University Press, 2000)), reprinted in The Economics of Family Law (Margaret F. Brinig, ed., Edward Elgar, 2007)
– Perfectionist Policies in Family Law, 2007 University of Illinois Law Review 1055 (2007) (reviewing Linda McClain, The Place of Families: Fostering Capacity, Equality, and Responsibility (Harvard University Press, 2006))
– Can Theories of Meaning and Reference Solve the Problem of Legal Determinacy?, 16 Ratio Juris 281 (2003)
Jane K. Winn
– Diverging Perspectives on Electronic Contracting in the U.S. and EU, 54 Cleveland State Law Review 175 (2006)
Ira M. Ellman
Paul Kurtz
Elizabeth Scott
Lois A. Weithorn
Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems (LexisNexis, 4th ed., 2004) (Supp. 2008)
– Raz, Authority, and Conceptual Analysis, 50 American Journal of Jurisprudence 311 (2006)
– Philosophy, Morality, and Parental Priority, 40 Family Law Quarterly 7 (2006)
– Choice of Law and Marriage: A Proposal, 36 Family Law Quarterly 255 (2002)
– Domestic Agreements, 35 Hofstra Law Review 1753 (2007)
– State Interests in Marriage, Interstate Recognition, and Choice of Law, 38 Creighton Law Review 337 (2005)
– Premarital Agreements in the ALI Principles of Family Dissolution, 8 Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy 231 (2001)
– Form and Formalism: The View from Legal Theory, 20 Ratio Juris 45 (2007)
– An Outsider's Guide to Natural Law Theory, 1 American Philosophical Association Newsletter 126 (Fall 2001)
– Physician-Assisted Suicide, Abortion, and Treatment Refusal: Using Gender to Analyze the Difference, in Physician-Assisted Suicide 167-201 (Robert Weir, ed., Indiana University Press, 1997)