Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

– A Man's Home Is His Castle: How the Law Shelters Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment, 23 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 77 (2004)
– Guilty of the Crime of Trust: Nonstranger Rape, 75 Minnesota Law Review 599 (1991)
– Teaching Prostitution Seriously, 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 709 (2001)
Law and Violence Against Women: Cases and Materials on Systems of Oppression (Carolina Academic Press, 1994) (Supps. 2000, 2004)
Katie Trotzky
– Enforcement of the Domestic Abuse Act in Minnesota: A Preliminary Study, 6 Law & Inequality Journal 83 (1988)
– The Bounds of Professionalism: Challenging Our Students; Challenging Ourselves, 4 Clinical Law Review 129 (1997)
– The Wrong Way to Equality: Privileging Consent in the Trafficking of Women for Sexual Exploitation, 27 Harvard Women's Law Journal 137 (2004)
Mark J. Richards
– Jurisprudential Regimes in Supreme Court Decision Making, 96 American Political Science Review 305-20 (2002)
– Examining the Real Demand for Legal Services, 37 Fordham Urban Law Journal 255-272 (2010)
Peter Cane
The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research (Oxford University Press, 2010) (co-editor)
Steve H. Nickles
– Pawnbrokers, Police, and Property Rights--A Proposed Constitutional Balance, 48 Arkansas Law Review 793 (1994)
Rachel E. Iverson
– Personal Jurisdiction in the Bankruptcy Context: A Need for Reform, 44 Catholic University Law Review 1081 (1995)
Christian J. Lane
– Constructing a Jury that Is Both Impartial and Representative: Utilizing Cumulative Voting in Jury Selection, 73 New York University Law Review 703 (1998)
Arijit Mukherji
– Spin-Offs, Fiduciary Duty, and the Law, 68 Fordham Law Review 15 (1999)
Steve H. Nickles
– Tracing Proceeds to Attorneys' Pockets (and the Dilemma of Paying for Bankruptcy), 78 Minnesota Law Review 1079 (1994)
Torben Spaak
– Fuzzifying the Natural Law--Legal Positivist Debate, 43 Buffalo Law Review 85 (1995)
David E. Runkle
– Solving a Profound Flaw in Fraud-on-the-Market Theory: Utilizing a Derivative of Arbitrage Pricing Theory to Measure Rule 10b-5 Damages, 145 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1097 (1997)
Stuart Albert
– Law Redesigns Law: Legal Principles as Principles of Law Firm Organization, 51 Rutgers Law Review 1133 (1999)
– Toward a New Conceptualization of the Absolute Priority Rule and Its New Value Exception, 1993 Detroit College of Law Review 1446
Steve H. Nickles
– Amending the Article Nine Filing System to Meet Current Deficiencies, 59 Missouri Law Review 833 (1994)
James L. Baillie
– A Privatization Solution to the Legitimacy of Prepetition Waivers of the Automatic Stay, 38 Arizona Law Review 1 (1996)
– Law Firms on the Big Board?: A Proposal for Nonlawyer Investment in Law Firms, 86 California Law Review 1 (1998)
– A Market-Based Solution to the Judicial Clerkship Selection Process, 59 Maryland Law Review 129 (2000)
Steve H. Nickles
Thomas Harju Ressler
– Wedding Carlson and Schwartz: Understanding Secured Credit as a Fuzzy System, 80 Virginia Law Review 2233 (1994)
Steve H. Nickles
Susan Sande
William R. Shiefelbein
– A Revised Filing System: Recommendations and Innovations, 79 Minnesota Law Review 877 (1995)
Gordon B. Brumwell
James A. Glazier
– At the End of Palsgraf, There is Chaos: An Assessment of Proximate Cause in Light of Chaos Theory, 59 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 507 (1998)
Daniel Farber
– Beyond the Formalism Debate: Expert Reasoning, Fuzzy Logic, and Complex Statutes, 52 Vanderbilt Law Review 1243 (1999)
– Governance in Chapter 11 Reorganizations: Reducing Costs, Improving Results, 73 Boston University Law Review 581 (1993)
Karl D. Knutsen
– A Charitable Corporate Giving Justification for the Socially Responsible Investment of Pension Funds: A Populist Argument for the Public Use of Private Wealth, 80 Iowa Law Review 211 (1995)
Jim Chen
– Feudalism Unmodified: Discourses on Farms and Firms, 45 Drake Law Review 361 (1997)