Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Anthony N. Doob
Youth Crime and Youth Justice: Comparative and Cross-National Perspectives (University of Chicago Press, 2004) (co-editor)
David P. Farrington
Crime and Punishment in Western Countries, 1980-99 (University of Chicago Press, 2005) (co-editor)
Lloyd E. Ohlin
David P. Farrington
Human Development and Criminal Behavior: New Ways of Advancing Knowledge (Springer-Verlag, 1991)
David P. Farrington
Building a Safer Society: Strategic Approaches to Crime Prevention (University of Chicago Press, 1995) (co-editor)
Jordan Paradise
Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Efrosini Kokkoli
Ralph Hall
Jennifer Kuzma
– Developing Oversight Frameworks for Nanobiotechnology, 9 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 399 (2008)
– Rethinking Trademark Fair Use, 94 Iowa Law Review 49 (2008)
– Four Free Speech Goals for Trademark Law, 18 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 1205 (2008)
– Shareholder Bylaws, Shareholder Nominations, and Poison Pills, 3 Berkeley Business Law Journal 205 (2005)
– Bylaw Reforms for Delaware's Corporation Law, 33 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 651 (2008)
Dan Burk
– Patents, Tax Shelters, and the Firm, 26 Virginia Tax Review 981 (2007)
– Sticky Defaults and Altering Rules in Corporate Law, 60 SMU Law Review 383 (2007)
– Convergence in Corporate Governance--Possible, But Not Desirable, 47 Villanova Law Review 341 (2002)
Dan Burk
– The Goldilocks Hypothesis: Balancing Intellectual Property Rights at the Boundary of the Firm, 2007 University of Illinois Law Review 575 (2007)
– Professor Bainbridge and the Arrowian Moment: A Review of The New Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice, 34 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 139 (2009) (reviewing Stephen M. Bainbridge, The New Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2008))
– Getting Stuck Between Bottom and Top: State Competition for Corporate Charters in the Presence of Network Effects, 31 Hofstra Law Review 681 (2003)
– Two Cheers for Corporate Law Federalism, 30 Journal of Corporation Law 99 (2004)
– ESOP's Failures: Fiduciary Duties When Managers of Employee-Owned Companies Vote to Entrench Themselves, 2000 Columbia Business Law Review 199 (2000)
Stone v. Ritter and the Expanding Duty of Loyalty, 76 Fordham Law Review 1769 (2007), reprinted in Corporate Governance: Directors' Duties (K. Janardhanacharyulu, ed., Amicus Books, an imprint of Icfai University Press)
Daniel Farber
– Why (and How) Fairness Matters at the IP/Antitrust Interface, 87 Minnesota Law Review 1817 (2003)
– SOx Appeals, 2004 Michigan State Law Review 505 (2004)
Melvin A. Eisenberg
– Expectation Damages and the Theory of Overreliance, 54 Hastings Law Journal 1335 (2003)
– The Economists' New Arguments, 88 Minnesota Law Review 86 (2003)
Daniel A. Farber
– "Is There a Text in this Class?" The Conflict Between Textualism and Antitrust, 14 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 619 (2005)
– Recent Skirmishes in the Battle Over Corporate Voting and Governance, 2 Journal of Business & Technology Law 349 (2007)
– Banks and Venture Capitalists: Are the New Rules Too Tough, Too Weak, or Just Right?, 1 Minnesota Journal of Business Law & Entrepreneurship 13 (2002)
– Employee Primacy, or Economics Meets Civic Republicanism at Work, 13 Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance 334 (2008)
– Lessons from the Rise and (Possible) Fall of Chinese Township-Village Enterprises, 45 William & Mary Law Review 953 (2004)
Disney, Good Faith, and Structural Bias, 32 Journal of Corporation Law 833 (2007)
– Corporate Constituency Statutes and Employee Governance, 30 William Mitchell Law Review 1227 (2004)
– The Curious Incident of the Workers in the Boardroom, 29 Hofstra Law Review 503 (2000) (reviewing Employees and Corporate Governance (Margaret M. Blair & Mark J. Roe, eds., Brookings Institution Press, 1999)) (review essay)