Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Emanuela Carbonara
Barbara Luppi
– Self-Defeating Subsidiarity, 5 Review of Law & Economics 741-783 (2009)
– Rule of Law: What Does It Mean?, 18 Minnesota Journal of International Law 293 (2009)
– Teaching the Rule of Law, 18 Minnesota Journal of International Law 403 (2009)
– Synergy and Serendipity, 89 Minnesota Law Review 1245 (2005) (The Faegre & Benson Symposium: Law, Information and Freedom of Expression)
– Concepts, Categories, and Compliance in the Regulatory State, 94 Minnesota Law Review 1151 (2010)
Elizabeth C. Borer
– Equitable Prescription Drug Coverage: Preventing Sex Discrimination in Employer-Provided Health Plans, 70 Louisiana Law Review 205 (2009)
– Law Enforcement Actions and The Rate of DWI and DWI Recidivism, Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association Journal (Winter 2005)
Shawn Brovold
Nic Ward
Max Donath
Craig Shankwitz
Janet Creaser
– The Use of Technology to Address Patterns of Risk among Teenage Drivers, 38 Journal of Safety Research 413 (2007)
– Staying Alive: Public Interest Law in Contemporary Latin America, 9 International Review of Constitutionalism 43 (2009)
Mychal S. Brenden
– Fairness and Taxation: The Law of Deferred Income Recognition for the Members of Agricultural Cooperatives, 23 Akron Tax Journal 81 (2008)
– Workers' Compensation, Social Security Disability, SSI, and Genetic Testing, 35:2 (special supp.) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 74 (2007)
– Expressing Our Values Through Our Actions, in The Spirit of Law Librarianship 233 (Roy Mersky & Richard Leiter, eds., Alert Publications, 2d ed., 2005)
Donald Dunn
Jacobstein & Mersky on Fundamentals of Legal Research, Sixth Edition and Legal Research Illustrated, Sixth Edition: Assignments (Foundation Press, 1994)
– Diversity Deferred, 90 Law Library Journal 561 (1998)
– The Best of Times and the Worst of Times: American Indian Communities, Sacred Knowledge, and the Internet, Proceedings of the XVII American Indian Sovereignty Symposium III-1 (2004)
Kay M. Todd
Principles of Power Research: Integrating Manual and Online Legal Research to Maximize Results And Minimize Costs (West Publishing Co., 1992)
Herbert E. Cihak
Leadership Roles for Librarians (William S. Hein & Co., 2002) (co-editor)
– Crossing the "Digital Divide": Yet Another Battle for American Indian Communities, Proceedings of the XVI American Indian Sovereignty Symposium 24 (2003)
– Expressing our Values Through Our Actions: The Privilege of Working with American Indian Communities to Address Library and Technology Concerns, Proceedings of the XIX American Indian Sovereignty Symposium V-29 (2006)
– The Leader As Mentor, in Leadership Roles for Librarians 155 (Herbert E. Cihak & Joan Howland, eds., William S. Hein & Co., 2002)
– Time to Hold 'Em or Fold 'Em?: American Indian Gaming and the Explosion of Internet Gambling, Proceedings of the XVIII American Indian Sovereignty Symposium VI-I (2005)
William H. Lindberg
The MacCrate Report: Building the Educational Continuum (American Bar Association, 1994) (co-editor)
– Let's Not "Spit the Bit" in Defense of "The Law of the Horse": The Historical and Legal Development of American Thoroughbred Racing, 14 Marquette Sports Law Review 473 (2004)
Donald Dunn
Instructor's Manual to Accompany the Assignments to Jacobstein & Mersky on Fundamentals of Legal Research, Sixth Edition, and Legal Research Illustrated, Sixth Edition (Foundation Press, 1994)
– The Leader As Leader, in Leadership Roles for Librarians 1 (Herbert E. Cihak & Joan Howland, eds., William S. Hein & Co., 2002)
Survey on Collection Development Policies and Selection Practices (William S. Hein, 2006)
– D.W.I.: 1982 & 1983 Legislative Changes..., 41 Bench & Bar of Minnesota 35 (Mar. 1984)
H. Laurence Ross
James Cleary
– License Plate Confiscation for Persistent Alcohol Impaired Drivers, 28 Accident Analysis & Prevention 53 (1996)
– The Recruitment of Minority Librarians: A Bibliography of the Literature, 1990-1998, 90 Law Library Journal 603 (1998)
Carelle Muellner Stein
– Spousal Support in Minnesota: Where Are You Going?, 6 Minnesota Family Law Journal 29 (1993)