Faculty Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Recent books, book chapters, and journal articles published by the University of Minnesota Law School faculty.

To find earlier publications during a faculty member's tenure at the University of Minnesota Law School, search by faculty member and/or by words in the publications' citations using the search box on the right. Additional information can be found on the faculty biography pages via the faculty directory.

Jonathan Klick
– Functional Law and Economics, in Theoretical Foundations of Law and Economics (Mark D. White, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2009)
John T. Noonan Jr.
Professional and Personal Responsibilities of the Lawyer (Foundation Press, 1st ed., 1997; 2d ed., 2001; 3d ed., 2011)
– Entropy and the Asymmetric Coase Theorem, in Property Rights Dynamics: A Law and Economics Perspective 54-76 (Donatella Porrini & Giovanni Ramello, eds., Routledge, 2007)
Eleonora Melato
– A Law and Economics Perspective on Precontractual Liability, in Precontractual Liability in European Private Law 431-448 (John Cartwright & Martijn Willem Hesselink, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Philip A. Curry
– Creating Failures in the Market for Tax Planning, 26 Virginia Tax Review 943 (2007)
Vincy Fon
– On the Optimal Specificity of Legal Rules, 3 Journal of Institutional Economics 147-164 (2007); translated into Japanese, 15 Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy 319-343 (2012)
Vincy Fon
– Causation and Responsibility: The Compensation Principle from Grotius to Calabresi, 64 Maryland Law Review 108-135 (2005)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
– Legal Innovation and the Compliance Paradox, 9 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 837-860 (2008)
Vernon V. Palmer
Mauro Bussani
– The Comparative Law and Economics of Pure Economic Loss, 27 International Review of Law and Economics 29-48 (2007), reprinted in Economics of Comparative Law (Gerrit de Geest, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Eric Langlais
Bruno Lovat
– Crowding-Out in Productive and Redistributive Rent-Seeking, 133 Public Choice 199-229 (2007)
Vincy Fon
– The Formation of International Treaties, 3 Review of Law & Economics 37-60 (2007)
Emanuela Carbonara
– The Paradox of Legal Harmonization, 132 Public Choice 367-400 (2007)
Vincy Fon
– Judicial Precedents in Civil Law Systems: A Dynamic Analysis, 26 International Review of Law and Economics 519-535 (2006), reprinted in The Economics of Judicial Behaviour (L. Epstein, ed., Edward Elgar, 2013); translated into Spanish, Los Precedentes Judiciales en los Sistemas del Civil Law: Un Analisis Dinamico, 4 Jurisprudencia - Revista de Analisis Especializado de Jurisprudencia 481-501 (2008)
Nuno Garoupa
Jonathan Klick
– A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism, 128 Public Choice 147-168 (2006), reprinted in The Political Economy of Terrorism (Charles K. Rowley, ed., Springer, 2007) and Criminal Law and Economics (Nuno Garoupa, ed., Edward Elgar, 2009)
Vincy Fon
– The Hidden Bias of the Vienna Convention on the International Law of Treaties, 4 Review of Law & Economics 383-406 (2008)
Naomi Cahn
– Gender, Masculinities, and Transition in Conflicted Societies, 44 New England Law Review 1 (2009)
– General Competence of the Municipality, 30 (Supp) American Journal of Comparative Law 459 (1982)
– Legal Issues in the Nicaragua Opinion, 81 American Journal of International Law 160 (1987)
– The No-Gaps Approach to Parallel Application in the Context of the War on Terror, 40 Israel Law Review 563 (2007)
– The European Convention on Human Rights and its Prohibition on Torture, in Torture: A Collection 213-228 (Sanford Levinson, ed., Oxford University Press, 2004)
Vincy Fon
– Stability and Change in International Customary Law, 17 Supreme Court Economic Review 279-309 (2009), reprinted in Customary Law and Economics 628-658 (Lisa Bernstein & Francesco Parisi, eds., Edward Elgar, 2014)  
Robert D. Cooter
Recent Developments in Law and Economics (Edward Elgar, 2009) (co-editor)
Richard A. Posner
Economic Approaches to Law, vols. 1-20 (Edward Elgar, 2006-2013) (general co-editor)
Emanuela Carbonara
– Choice of Law and Legal Evolution: Rethinking the Market for Legal Rules, 139 Public Choice 461-492 (2009)
Emanuela Carbonara
Georg von Wangenheim
– Lawmakers as Norm Entrepreneurs, 4 Review of Law & Economics 779-799 (2008)
Robert D. Cooter
Foundations of Law and Economics (Edward Elgar, 2009) (co-editor)
Vincy Fon
The Economics of Lawmaking (Oxford University Press, 2009)
Robert D. Cooter
Legal Institutions and Economic Development (Edward Elgar, 2009) (co-editor)
A. James Casner
Estate Planning under The Tax Reform Act of 1976 (West Pub. Co., 2d ed., 1978)
– Probate Administration Study: Some Emerging Conclusions, 9 Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 596 (1974)