Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter wrote an op-ed in the New York Times about the recent revelation that Attorney General Jeff Sessions communicated with Russia’s Ambassador to the United States during…

Professor Stephen Meili was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio’s public affairs program “Access Minnesota” regarding President Trump‘s Executive Order limiting entry to the United States by refugees and other…

Professor Amy Monahan was cited in MarketWatch about proposals to expand the use of Health Savings Accounts as part of efforts aimed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. She discussed how…

Professor Ruth Okediji was quoted in the New York Times about the election of ImeIme Umana as president of the Harvard Law Review, for whom Prof. Okediji has become an important…

Professor Robert Stein (’61), former executive director and chief operating officer of the American Bar Association, was quoted in the ABA Journal about Attorney General Janet Reno, who passed away on…

Professor Stephen Meili has published a legal analysis of President Trump’s recent Executive Order on Refugees, most familiarly known as the travel ban. The Order created a 120-day moratorium on the U.S.…

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in a story by NBC News about the historical prevalence of classified information leaks in the United States. She explained that, while many statutes criminalize…

Professor June Carbone particpated in “Family Inequality: Causes & Consequences in Europe & the Americas,” a Social Trends Institute Experts Meeting in Rome,…

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in an article in Politifact entitled "Are Leaks About Russia Contacts 'Illegal,' As Trump  Says?" She explains in the article that the federal…

Professor Richard Painter—former chief ethics lawyer for the George W. Bush administration—was interviewed by Tom Weber of MPR News about the meaning of Michael Flynn’s resignation, as well as the importance…

The Star Tribune's John Ewoldt interviewed Professor and Mooty Chair in Law & Business Paul M. Vaaler on rumors that the Minnesota-based and privately-held outdoor and sporting equipment retailer…

Professor Jill Hasday was featured on the WCCO radio program, “Steele Talkin’” with Jearlyn Steele (starting at 15:50 in the broadcast). Hasday discussed the history of executive orders and their…