Steve Meili

Steve Meili

James H. Michael Chair in International Human Rights Law
Assistant Dean for Clinical Education
Professor of Law

Prof. Meili Interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio’s “Access Minnesota” About Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees

Professor Stephen Meili was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio’s public affairs program “Access Minnesota” regarding President Trump‘s Executive Order limiting entry to the United States by refugees and other immigrants. The Executive Order, which has been temporaily stayed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court, sought to suspend the U.S. refugee program for 120 days, prevent the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely, and barred the entry of all persons (refugees or other classes of immigrants) from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Suday, Syria and Yemen. Prof. Meili discussed the legal challenges to the Order under the U.S. Constitution, focusing on the Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment and the No Establishment clause of the 1st Amendment. Prof. Meili also commented on the culture of fear that Trump’s executive order has created throughout immigrant communities in Minnesota and elsewhere in the United States.