Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Barry Feld’s research on juveniles’ competence to exercise procedural rights was recently cited and quoted by the Washington and Iowa State Supreme Courts in the following cases: 

Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus Barry C. Feld’s most recent book, The Evolution of the Juvenile Court: Race, Politics, and the Criminalizing of Juvenile Justice (2017), has received the Academy of…

Within the past few months, two state supreme courts have cited Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus Barry Feld’s scholarship on juvenile justice:

Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus Barry Feld’s research on juvenile interrogation, adolescents’ diminished criminal responsibility, and school searches has been cited recently by a number of state…

Professor Barry Feld was interviewed and quoted in a New Yorker article examining how school administrators are receiving training in police interrogation tactics. Feld noted that because school…

Professor Barry Feld was featured in PBS Frontline commenting on President Obama's decision to end solitary confinement of juveniles in federal prisons. He was also interviewed on WCCO-Radio…

Professor Barry Feld was quoted extensively in Rolling Stone about juveniles' vulnerability to give false confessions. The Netflix documentary, Making of a Murderer, investigated the case…

Professor Barry Feld's most recent book, Kids, Cops, and Confessions: Inside the Interrogation Room (New York University Press 2013) received the 2015 Outstanding Book Award from the Academy of Criminal…
Four different state appellate courts have cited or quoted Professor Barry Feld's juvenile justice scholarship on issues ranging from youth's custody status for purposes of Miranda warning to use of delinquency…
Professor Barry Feld was interviewed by Michelle Martin on National Public Radio's "Tell Me More" program. Feld discussed the case of two 12-year-old Wisconsin girls charged as adults with attempted murder. He…
Professor Barry Feld's book Kids, Cops, and Confessions: Inside the Interrogation Room was highlighted in research sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Professor Barry Feld was quoted in a Star Tribune article entitled "Stops by Cops Increase in Downtown Minneapolis, North Side." With other Minneapolis areas seeing a decline in stops, many questions on…