Barry Feld ’69

Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus

Prof. Feld's Juvenile Justice Scholarship Cited in Appellate Courts

Four different state appellate courts have cited or quoted Professor Barry Feld's juvenile justice scholarship on issues ranging from youth's custody status for purposes of Miranda warning to use of delinquency convictions for sentence enhancement to lengths of sentences juvenile receive as adults. See State v. Hand, 2014 WL 4384131, Sept. 5, 2014 (delinquency priors for sentence enhancement); State v. Lyle, 854 N.W.2d 378 (Iowa 2014)(mandatory minimum sentences for juveniles convicted as adults); In the matter of J.T.M., 441 S.W.3d 455 (Tx. Ct. App. 2014)(juvenile's custody status for purposes of Miranda warning); Dortch v. State, 137 So.3d 1173 (1st Ct. App. Fl 2014) (applicability of Graham to lengthy terms of years sentence).