Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Rolling Stone profiled one of the clients represented by Professor JaneAnne Murray and the students in her Clemency Project at the Law School.

Professor Chris Soper spoke on MPR News about the ongoing bankruptcy of the St. Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocese. Soper explained one of the contentious issues in the case: whether non-debtor entities such as…

Professor Richard Painter—who served as chief ethics counsel during the George W. Bush administration—was interviewed on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos about President-elect Trump’s foreign business…

Professor Fred Morrison was interviewed by KMSP-FOX 9 News regarding the state of the Dakota Access Pipeline following the Army Corps of Engineers’ ruling to deny an easement that would have allowed…

The Center for New Americans Education and Outreach Director, Deepinder Mayell, was interviewed by the Star Tribune about 30 Minnesota churches that vowed to shelter immigrants facing deportation…

Professor Claire Hill was a panelist on WCCO's Business by Carlson radio news segment, Trump Stakes:  Business and Investment Strategies for 2017 and Beyond. Together with the other panelists,…

Professor Alexandra Klass was interviewed by KSTP Channel 5 News regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Army Corps of Engineers' ruling to not approve an easement that would have allowed the proposed…

Professor Susan Wolf has been appointed to the National Academies Committee on Science, Engineering, Medicine and Public Policy. This is the only committee that crosses all three National Academies -- Science,…

Professor Klass was interviewed by Corporate Crime Reporter for a feature on "eminent domain for private gain." In the interview, Professor Klass discussed the growing controversies over the use of…

Professor Myron Orfield, director of the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity, and research fellow, Will Stancil, published an op-ed piece in the Star Tribune in response to an ongoing study of…

In 2002, the Gifford Foundation established a Distinguished Lectureship in Real Property at the University of Hawai'i at Mãnoa William S. Richardson School of Law to honor David L. Callies, Benjamin A.…

Professor Richard W. Painter—former chief ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush—appeared on CNN to discuss President-elect Trump’s potential conflicts of interest and how he might order his business…