Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Deepinder Mayell, education and outreach coordinator for the James H. Binger Center for New Americans at the University of Minnesota Law School, was quoted in the Star Tribune about Thursday…

In its February 2, 2017 opinion Apotex, Inc. v. ADIR, Canada's Federal Court of Appeal quoted with approval Professor Thomas Cotter's 2013 book Comparative Patent Remedies:  A Legal and…

Prof. Meili was interviewed by WCCO Radio regarding the Robina Foundation's gift of $25 million to the Law School's newly named James H. Binger Center for New Americans. The Center provides legal assistance to…

Professor Steve Meili was interviewed on KSTP-TV regarding the 9th Circuitt Court of Appeals oral argument on the temporary stay of President Trump's executive order on immigration. Prof. Meili noted …

Professor Claire Hill will be a featured speaker at the Investments Institute of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans on Wednesday, March 15. She will deliver a lecture on behavioral finance…

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in an article about President Trump's recent executive orders. She stated, among other things, that “it invites error when you don’t ensure that executive orders that…

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on Minnesota Public Radio’s Tom Weber news show with guest host Mike Mulcahy, to discuss whether the January 27, 2017 executive order that President Trump issued on immigration is…

Professor Jill Hasday appeared in the “Good Question” segment on WCCO-TV News.  She discussed the constitutionality, power, and purpose of executive orders and reviewed the similarities and differences…

Professor Steve Meili was quoted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press concerning President Trump's draft executive order that would indefinitely prevent Syrian refugees from entering the United States…

Professor Alexandra Klass was interviewed on KARE 11 News regarding the legal effect of President Trump Obama's Executive Order directing the Army Corps of Engineers to take all necessary steps to grant the…

Professor Alexandra Klass was interviewed on Fox 9 News regarding the legal impact of President Trump's Executive Orders encouraging the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline.…

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was cited by two news outlets regarding the Trump administration's orders instructing EPA and USDA officials not to communicate with the public through official channels…