Steve Meili

Steve Meili

James H. Michael Chair in International Human Rights Law
Assistant Dean for Clinical Education
Professor of Law

Prof. Meili Quoted in Pioneer Press Article on Trump Executive Order Restricting Refugee Admissions to the U.S.

Professor Steve Meili was quoted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press concerning President Trump's draft executive order that would indefinitely prevent Syrian refugees from entering the United States and would bar refugees from all other parts of the world for up to 120 days. In addition, the order would suspend immigration of any kind from several predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Professor Meili noted that while the President has the authority to limit refugee admissions from particular countries, he cannot legally do so on the basis of any particular religion. Meili also observed that the vetting process for refugees is already extremely thorough, and that the executive order will stoke anti-Muslim sentiment and make it more difficult for refugees already in the United States to be reunited with their family members who remain in their home countries. Finally, Meili noted that the executive order will damage the United States' reputation as a force for protecting human rights around the world.