Professor Jill Hasday's op-ed, "On Roe, Alito cites a judge who treated women as witches and property," was published in the Washington Post.

Minnesota Law Students Working with Detainee Rights Immigration Clinic Help Secure Withholding of Removal and Obtain the Release of a South Sudanese Client

The James Binger Center for New Americans partners closely with several nonprofit legal services organizations throughout the Twin Cities to provide pro bono legal services to individuals in immigration proceedings. One such partnership involves a Court Observer Program at Minnesota’s Federal Immigration Court in Fort Snelling which is run by the Advocates for Human Rights. In late October 2021, a volunteer Court Observer witnessed a pro se individual struggling in Immigration Court.

Image of law students Ryann Freeman and Sarah Brickson

Professor Jonathan Choi was quoted by Mother Jones in an article discussing the preferential taxation of private equity firms. 

Prof. Tom Cotter's Extraterritorial Damages in Copyright Law, 74 Fla. L. Rev.

Professor Jill Hasday was quoted in the Boston Globe and the Toronto Globe & Mail discussing the recently leaked draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer to discussed the leaked U.S. Supreme Court opinion relating to Roe v. Wade.

Scott Dewey was the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Labor History Society. The theme of this year’s meeting was labor and environmental politics. Dewey spoke on the historical efforts working-class people have made to organize and fight for a cleaner environment.