Mondale Hall at sunset


Immigration and Human Rights Clinic Helps Honduran Woman Win Asylum

On Feb. 12, U.S. Immigration Judge Audrey Carr granted asylum to a Honduran woman who is a client of the Law School’s Immigration and Human Rights Clinic.

While working as a transit police officer in Honduras, the client refused to accept bribes from gangs who sought to procure drivers licenses for their members and information about police operations. Because she refused to comply, the client was threatened by the gang and eventually she and her family were attacked by gunmen at their home. The client fears that if she returns to Honduras, she will be killed.

2L Brittany Turany, 3L Natacha Garcia, 3L Emily Ortlieb and Professor Stephen Meili

Immigration and Human Rights Clinic Helps Honduran Woman Win Asylum

On Feb. 12, U.S. Immigration Judge Audrey Carr granted asylum to a Honduran woman who is a client of the Law School’s Immigration and Human Rights Clinic.

While working as a transit police officer in Honduras, the client refused to accept bribes from gangs who sought to procure drivers licenses for their members and information about police operations. Because she refused to comply, the client was threatened by the gang and eventually she and her family were attacked by gunmen at their home. The client fears that if she returns to Honduras, she will be killed.

2L Brittany Turany, 3L Natacha Garcia, 3L Emily Ortlieb and Professor Stephen Meili

International Human Rights Advocate Michael Posner Headlines HRC 30th Anniversary Event

At a special program celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Human Rights Center, Professor Michael Posner, a former top U.S. State Department official and well-known human rights advocate and scholar, marked the occasion with a celebration of the progress made on human rights in the last three decades and exhortation to continue to build on that work.

Michael Posner, professor of ethics and finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business and director of the Center for Business and Human Rights

Human Rights Center Hosts Legal History Expert

On April 26, Professor John Bessler, a visiting researcher at the Human Rights Center, gave a book talk on his latest book, The Celebrated Marquis: An Italian Noble and the Making of the Modern World (2018). The book provides a fascinating account of the Italian criminologist and economist Cesare Beccaria (1734-94), and his landmark work that inveighed against judicial torture, the death penalty, and religious intolerance.

Professor John Bessler, visiting researcher at the Human Rights Center

2L Rebecca Rosefelt Receives MWL Equal Justice Award

Minnesota Women Lawyers (MWL) recently named 2L Rebecca Rosefelt as the 2018 recipient of the MWL Equal Justice Award.

MWL annually invites all Minnesota law students to submit papers on topics involving law and social justice for consideration for the Equal Justice Award.

2L Rebecca Rosefelt

Prof. Ní Aoláin Appointed to U.N. Human Rights Post

The United Nations Human Rights Council has appointed Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, University Regents Professor and holder of the Robina Chair in Law, Public Policy, and Society, as the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism.

Fionnuala Ní Aoláin