Kelly Lyn Mitchell

Executive Director, Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice & Lecturer in Law

Robina Institute Executive Director Kelly Mitchell Quoted in Minnesota Lawyer Article Highlighting Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Lasting Impact on Minnesota’s Legal Community

For a recent article, Minnesota Lawyer reached out to several members of the Minnesota legal community to ask, “What, to you, is most important about the trail that [Ruth Bader Ginsburg] blazed?” Kelly Mitchell, executive director of the Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, responded stating, “Justice Ginsburg’s work on gender equality is what I find most meaningful. The work she did both in daring to be a lawyer as a woman and in litigating cases made it possible for me to grow up never questioning that I could do whatever I wanted to do and be whatever I wanted to be.”

Additional respondents include Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Minnesota State Senator Melisa Franzen, and U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota Erica MacDonald, among many others.