Paul Vaaler

Paul Vaaler

John and Bruce Mooty Chair in Law and Business

Prof. Vaaler Interviewed About Minnesota Supreme Court’s Decision Permitting Medtronic Shareholders to Sue Firm over Merger-Inversion Deal with Covidien

Star Tribune business reporter Joe Carlson interviewed Professor Paul M. Vaaler about the legal and business implications of the Minnesota Supreme Court’s decision on August 16, 2017 permitting Medtronic shareholders to forward with non-derivative direct claims for legal damages in connection with Medtronic’s merger-inversion deal with Covidien in 2014. Vaaler commented on the legal basis for the Court’s decision, and then opined on: 1) whether the decision created new and unexpected liability for Medtronic (yes); 2) whether the decision raised the costs of future merger-inversion deals by other Minnesota-based multinational firms (probably yes); and 3) whether the decision gave shareholders new rights to enjoin (stop) such merger inversion deals (probably no).