William McGeveran

William McGeveran

William S. Pattee Professor of Law

Prof. McGeveran Interviewed on MPR About Privacy and "Cop Cams"

Professor William McGeveran was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio's "Morning Edition" broadcast and on WCCO Radio about privacy issues raised by police officers wearing video cameras that record their activities. In the wake of controversy around police conduct in the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting and other recent incidents, supporters see the cameras as a way to promote accountability and provide evidence of misconduct. McGeveran discussed how many private or intimate events might be captured by the cameras as well, and a bill in the Minnesota legislature that would reclassify the recordings as nonpublic records. "This happens all the time. We want to adopt some new gizmo as soon as possible that's going to be useful," said McGeveran, an expert in data privacy law. "Every time police go to new technology, we have to stop and take a breath and think about the privacy implications."