Richard Frase

Professor of Law Emeritus
Former Co-Director, Robina Institute of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice

Prof. Frase Quoted on MPR News on Conflicts between Free Speech and Public Safety

Professor Richard Frase was quoted in an article on MPR News entitled, "Trial underway for former nurse accused of assisting suicides." William Melchert-Dinkel was accused of seeking out, online, and encouraging the suicide of several people, two of whom did commit suicide. Melchert-Dinkel argued that Minnesota courts lack jurisdiction since both victims lived and died outside the state and that his communications with them were protected speech under the First Amendment. He waived a jury trial and agreed to not contest the basic facts alleged by the prosecution. Frase explained why defendants use this procedure rather than a jury trial or guilty plea. He also explained why the jurisdiction argument fails under Minnesota law and what the basic distinction is between protected speech and punishable aid or encouragement of crime or suicide.

Frase also spoke on MPR with Tom Crann on the case.