Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Joan Howland was quoted in a National Law Journal article entitled "Plan to Allow Paid Law Student Externships Advances in ABA." Howland, chair of the ABA's Council of the Section of Legal Education…

Professor Hari Osofsky has received the University of Minnesota's 2015 Sara Evans Faculty Woman Scholar/Leader Award, which is sponsored by the Office for Faculty & Academic Affairs and the Women's Center. The…

Professor Paul Vaaler was interviewed on WCCO News Radio to discuss motivations for the recent CHS acquisition of an ethanol plant located in Illinois producing 100 million gallons annually. The Inver Grove Heights-…
Professor June Carbone's work on marriage markets with Naomi Cahn was featured prominently in an article in The Economist on the declining fortunes and family stability of blue collar men.

Professor Stephen Meili presented his research on Colombian refugees seeking asylum in Ecuador at the Latin American Studies Association annual Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He had also presented this research…

Professor William McGeveran was invited to serve as an expert on privacy law for the Minnesota International Center's "Great Decisions" series. As part of the dialogue, the Star Tribune featured his opinion…
Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in an Al Jazeera America article on the USA Freedom Act, which aims to rein in the National Security Agency's bulk metadata program. Kitrosser discussed the difficulty that…
Professor Paul Vaaler presented the keynote lecture at the annual meeting of the European School of New Institutional Economics (ESNIE) in Cargese, Corsica, France. His lecture asked how the march of political…
Professor Mark Kappelhoff was profiled in Minnesota Lawyer on his temporary assignment in the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, which landed him at the center of the public debate over…
At the 2015 American Law Institute Annual Meeting, Professor Claire Hill, who is an associate reporter on risk management on a new project on compliance, risk management, governance, and enforcement, together with…

Professor Paul Vaaler was interviewed by Africa Business magazine for an article on recent investment trends in Sub-Saharan Africa, which noted Vaaler's research findings on sovereign credit rating and…

Professor Paul Vaaler was interviewed by Africa Business magazine for an article on recent investment trends in Sub-Saharan Africa, which noted Vaaler's research findings on sovereign credit rating and…