Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Stephen Meili recently presented his research on the constitutionalization of human rights in Ecuador to the annual conferences of the Law and Society Association in New Orleans and the Latin…

Professor Alexandra Klass was quoted in an article in Think Progress reporting on the increased opposition to interstate oil pipelines being built to transport new sources of oil and gas from production…

Professor Chris Soper commented to both the Star Tribune and MPR News on the Archdiocese…

Professor Francis Shen was featured in an interview in the April issue of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter. Prof. Shen discussed his innovative work in neurolaw…

Professor Christopher Soper spoke to Minnesota Public Radio about the ongoing Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis bankruptcy case. The Archdiocese claims that the assets of the separately incorporated…

In its amicus brief in support of Chelsea Manning's appeal of her conviction and sentence under the Espionage Act, the ACLU cites Professor Heidi Kitrosser's 2008 article, Classified Information Leaks and…

In an op-ed in The Guardian US, Professor Myron Orfield writes about the state of American residential segregation in urban and suburban contexts, and how each plays into how school integration and…

Professor Christopher Soper spoke to MPR News about the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis bankruptcy proceeding, which is currently pending in Minnesota federal bankrutpcy court. The Archdiocese will likely…

Professor Stephen Meili was quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in connection with an asylum application filed by the cousin of one of 43 Mexican college students who disappeared in 2014 while on…

Alaska Dispatch News captured Professor Richard Painter’s appearance as an expert witness in a federal court trial held earlier this month in Alaska over the constitutionality of state laws…

The National Law Journal recently published an interview with Professor Daniel Schwarcz regarding a new draft article—co-authored with Dion Farganis (‘17)—showing that …