Ra'Shya Ghee

Ra'Shya Ghee ’13

  • Visiting Assistant Professor
470 Mondale Hall


  • University of Toledo, B.A. and M.B.A.
  • University of Minnesota Law School, J.D.

Ra’Shya Ghee is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota Law School. Her research focuses on the First Amendment, US democracy, and race. Her current work contemplates the impact of British colonial law on the evolution of Speech & Press jurisprudence. She teaches courses on constitutional law, criminal law, and race and the law. Prior to her current faculty role, she served as the inaugural Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) at the University of Minnesota Law School. As the Assistant Dean of DEI her efforts focused on fostering rehabilitative and community-oriented mechanisms for addressing breaches of the law school’s equity expectations. This work seeks to repair and restore a deepened sense of community among participants through student-led dialogue, using a non-punitive framework after student-to-student incidents that disrupt our sense of an equitable community. Before assuming the role of assistant dean, Professor Ghee worked with government agencies, universities, and non-profit organizations as an equity consultant where she helped organizations operationalize their equity commitments. She designed the law school’s Racial Equity & Justice Milestone and has facilitated hundreds of hours of training & education, conducted equity audits, and assisted with the implementation of new organizational structures that reflect equity objectives. In 2023, Professor Ghee led a federal government task force on a multi-state project to understand how ethnically and racially marginalized communities delivered culturally competent services to trafficking survivors. Before consulting full-time, she practiced criminal defense, family law, and represented human trafficking survivors in Ohio at the municipal, state, and appellate levels for several years. Professor Ghee has successfully tried both misdemeanor and felony cases to verdict in jury and bench trials and successfully briefed and argued appellate cases. While in practice she emphasized culturally competent representation as essential to equitable outcomes. She was a 2018 and 2020 TEDx speaker and has lectured all over the country about America’s racial trajectory. Professor Ghee attended college and graduate school at University of Toledo, earning her B.A. in Political Science with departmental honors and an MBA in Finance. After earning her master’s degree, she moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota where she graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School. She’s received numerous awards and recognition for her commitment to advancing our collective human condition. She currently resides in the Twin Cities with her husband, two kids, and their pets.

Critical Race Theory

Equal Protection: Race and the Civil Rights Acts

Racial Equity and Justice Milestone Instructor