James Coleman

James Coleman

322 Mondale Hall


  • Harvard University, B.A.
  • Harvard University, J.D.


  • Energy Infrastructure
  • Energy Law
  • Transportation

Professor James W. Coleman is a scholar of energy law. He specializes in North American energy infrastructure, transport, and trade. He is also a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute focused on energy policy.

Professor Coleman often writes interdisciplinary papers focused on addressing crucial policy questions and his research is frequently presented before key legal decision-makers in Washington, D.C., and across North America. He has testified before Congress on steps to speed up energy infrastructure permits. He worked with a team of experts as part of Alberta's Royalty Review to revise the Canadian province's management of its vast oil and gas resources.

Before joining Minnesota, Professor Coleman taught at Southern Methodist University's Dedman School of Law, the University of Calgary’s law and business schools, and Harvard Law School. Earlier, he practiced environmental and appellate law at Sidley Austin in Washington, D.C., and clerked for the Honorable Steven M. Colloton of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. 

Professor Coleman received two degrees from Harvard University—a J.D. (cum laude) and B.A. in biology (magna cum laude with highest honors in the field). As a result of his undergraduate thesis on butterfly genetics, which required fieldwork in Central Asia, a species of lycaenid butterfly was named after him—Agrodiaetus ripartii colemani.


Energy Law

International Energy Development


Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (West Academic Publishing, 8th ed., 2022)
John S. Lowe
Owen L. Anderson
Christopher S. Kulander
Monika U. Ehrman
Burke W. Griggs

Journal Articles

Derivatives Markets Fragilities and the Energy Transition, 61 American Business Law Journal 285 (2024)
Colleen M. Baker
Metals Derivatives Markets and the Energy Transition, 25 Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law 505 (2024)
Colleen Baker
Phylogeny of the Poritiinae (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Butterflies with Ant Associations and Unusual Lichenivorous Diets, 48 Systematic Entomology 422 (2023)
John H. Boyle
Marianne Espeland
Szabolcs Sáfián
Robert Ducarme
Alan J. Gardiner
Alan Heath
Stewart Fisher
Steve C. Collins
Dino J. Martins
Kwaku Aduse-Poku
Michel Libert
Even Dankowicz
Akito Y. Kawahara
David J. Lohman
Naomi E. Pierce
North American Energy in the Crossfire, 55 Cornell International Law Journal 215 (2022)
Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Paying for Energy Peaks: Learning from Texas' February 2021 Power Crisis, 23 Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law 463 (2022)
Colleen M. Baker
Rebuilding the Texas Railroad Commission, Oil, Gas & Energy Law Journal (2022)
State Energy Cartels, 42 Cardozo Law Review 2233 (2021)
The New Oil and Gas Governance, 130 Yale Law Journal Forum 51 (2020)
Tara K. Righetti
Hannah J. Wiseman
The Third Age of Oil and Gas Law, 95 Indiana Law Journal 389 (2020)
Energy and Eminent Domain, 104 Minnesota Law Review 659 (2019)
Alexandra Klass
Pipelines & Power-Lines: Building the Energy Transport Future, 80 Ohio State Law Journal 263 (2019)
Beyond the Pipeline Wars: Reforming Environmental Assessment of Energy Transport Infrastructure, 2018 Utah Law Review 119 (2018)
Country-level Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Liquefied Natural Gas Trade for Electricity Generation, 53 Environmental Science & Technology 1735 (2018)
Adebola S. Kasumu
Vivian Li
Jeanne Liendo
Sarah M. Jordaan
Policymaking by Proposal: How Agencies Are Transforming Industry Investment Long Before Rules Can Be Tested in Court, 24 George Mason Law Review 497 (2017)
How Cheap Is Corporate Talk? Comparing Companies' Comments on Regulations with Their Securities Disclosures, 40 Harvard Environmental Law Review 47 (2016)
Importing Energy, Exporting Regulation, 83 Fordham Law Review 1357 (2014)
Unilateral Climate Regulation, 38 Harvard Environmental Law Review 87 (2014)
An Empirical Analysis of Wealth Disparities in WTO Disputes: Do Poorer Countries Suffer from Strategic Delay During Dispute Litigation?, 29 Boston University International Law Journal 267 (2011)
Geoffrey Antell
Ratifying Kyoto via Local Actors: Accomplishments and Limitations of Local Cap and Trade Programs, 40 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 10,780 (2010)
Roger R. Martella
The Slow, Just, Unfinished Demise of the Buckley Compromise: Randall v. Sorrell, 126 S. Ct. 2479 (2006), 30 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 427 (2006) (comment)
Phylogeny of Agrodiaetus Hübner 1822 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Inferred from mtDNA Sequences of COI and COII and Nuclear Sequences of EF1-alpha: Karyotype Diversification and Species Radiation, 53 Systematic Biology 278 (2004)
Nikolai P. Kandul
Vladimir A. Lukhtanov
Alexander V. Dantchenko
Cagan H. Sekercioglu
David Haig
Naomi E. Pierce

Book Chapters

The Low-Carbon Transition in North America, in Handbook of Energy Law in the Low-Carbon Transition (Giuseppe Bellantuono, Lee Godden, Hanri Mostert, Hannah Wiseman & Hao Zhang, eds., De Gruyter, 2023)
Matching Commitments: A New Approach to Regulation of the Commons, in Law and Economics of Regulation (Klaus Mathis & Avishalom Tor, eds., Springer, 2021)
Reforming the Jones Act for American Energy Consumers, in The Case Against the Jones Act (Colin Grabow & Inu Manak, eds., Cato Institute, 2020)
Energy Competition: From Commodity to Boutique and Back, in New Developments in Competition Law and Economics (Klaus Mathis & Avishalom Tor, eds., Springer, 2019)
Energy Market and Policy Revolutions: Regulatory Process and the Cost of Capital, in Energy Law and Economics (Klaus Mathis, ed., Springer, 2018)
North American and Global Integration of Carbon Control Markets, in The Law of Climate Change in Canada (Dennis Mahony, ed., Canada Law Book, 2012)
Roger Martella
Jeffrey Gracer

Documents and Reports

Overcoming Local Roadblocks to Energy Transport and a Cleaner New Energy System (American Enterprise Institute, 2022)
Deep in the Heart of North America: Texas and the Future of North American Energy Trade (Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center, 2021)
Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez

Book Reviews

Book Review, 33 International Energy Law Review 220 (2015) (reviewing Research Handbook on International Law (Kim Talus, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014))

Other Publications

A Tribute for Professor Lowe, 76 SMU Law Review 13 (2023)
The Jurisdictional Anticommons, in Getting to Yes on Linear Infrastructure Projects (Macdonald-Laurier Institute, 2021)
Repeal the Jones Act for American Energy (Regulatory Transparency Project, 2017) (White Paper)
Clearing the Air: How Canadian LNG Exports Could Help Meet World Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals (C.D. Howe Institute, 2016) (E-Brief)
Sarah Marie Jordaan
Calibrating Liquefied Natural Gas Export Life Cycle Analysis: Accounting for Legal Boundaries and Post-Export Markets (Canadian Institute of Resources Law, 2015) (Occasional Paper)
Adebola S. Kasumu
Jeanne Liendo
Vivian Li
Sarah M. Jordaan
International Environmental Law: A Guide for Judges (Federal Judicial Center, 2015)
Roger R. Martella