Prof. James Coleman Quoted in Bloomberg Law About Regulations Allowing the Transport of Natural Gas by Train

Professor James Coleman was quoted in Bloomberg Law as opening arguments begin regarding a Trump-era Department of Transportation regulation that allows companies to transport liquefied natural gas by train. Oral arguments at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit this week come as the country’s natural gas infrastructure races to keep up with domestic and international demand. At the same time, a coalition of environmental groups is warning of possible “catastrophic consequences” in the event of derailments or other accidents, which will disproportionately impact low-income communities near natural gas sources and rail hubs. How the government should assess the railway risk for a substance like liquefied natural gas, which is already in the truck and ship markets, will be an issue of first impression for the court. Prof. Coleman said, “We don’t really have a precedent to point to. But if we analogize with the vessel market, it seems like something that can be done pretty safely.”