Prof. James Coleman Interviewed on CTV About Presidential Politics Affecting U.S. - Canada Energy Policy

Professor James Coleman was interviewed on CTV News - Calgary discussing how the presidential election race provides two distinct views on energy policy and trade between the U.S. and Canada. Canadian oil shipments to the U.S. have reached record levels in recent months, and the two countries act as each other’s largest crude importer. While a Harris administration would likely follow current policies, or perhaps advocate for greater restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions, Donald Trump is pledging a 10 percent tariff on all imports and an increase in domestic drilling in order to reduce energy dependence. Describing the current energy policy between the two nations, Prof. Coleman said, “It continues to be the world’s most important bilateral energy relationship. So one of the things to watch out for is, is this a broad-based attack on trade? Or is it more about removing dependence on the strategic competitors?”