Andrew Markquart

Andrew Markquart

Staff Attorney, Great North Innocence Project
285F Mondale Hall


  • Wheaton College, B.A.
  • Columbia Law School, J.D.

Andrew Markquart is a staff attorney at Great North Innocence Project in Minneapolis where he investigates cases of wrongful convictions and represents individuals in connection with post-conviction litigation in state and federal court. Prior to joining Great North Innocence Project, he worked as a litigation associate at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP in New York. As a student at Columbia Law School, he co-authored with Professor James Liebman and others an extended law review piece examining the wrongful conviction and execution of Carlos DeLuna that was subsequently released in book form as The Wrong Carlos (2014).

Death Penalty

Innocence Clinic

Innocence Clinic Student Directors

Staff Attorney
Great North Innocence Project

In Minnesota Law Magazine

Spring 2024