Charlotte Garden

Charlotte Garden

Professor of Law
Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett Professor of Law

Prof. Charlotte Garden Quoted in the Star Tribune About a Union Complaint Filed Against a Closed Minneapolis Restaurant

Professor Charlotte Garden, Julius E. Davis Professor of Law, was quoted in the Star Tribune about a union representing former workers at the now-closed Kim’s restaurant in Minneapolis. The union has filed a federal labor complaint against the business, alleging the owners refused to negotiate with the union as required before making the decision to close. Prof. Garden said the union appears to have a case if it turns out that the business didn’t include the union in discussions about the impacts of shutting down and that union negotiations on the impact of a closure, also known as “effects bargaining,” are typically required. That can include bargaining for severance payout and lining up jobs for workers at other company branches. She added that union negotiations are required regardless of the reason for the closure. “Whether the closure was for economic reasons or anti-union reasons, the effects bargaining is still required.”