Charlotte Garden

Charlotte Garden

Professor of Law
Julius E. Davis Professor of Law

Prof. Charlotte Garden Co-Authors Op-Ed in The Hill About How Collective Bargaining Can Counteract Intrusive Workplace Surveillance

Professor Charlotte Garden and co-author Michael Oswalt co-authored an opinion piece in The Hill about how collective bargaining can counteract intrusive workplace surveillance. 

The pair writes, "Invasive and often secret surveillance harms employees. Beyond the stress, anxiety, and paranoia prompted by prison-like observation, productivity auto-policing can weaken the relationships that make work bearable. No one takes a job to make friends, but friendship can be a natural consequence of the casual interactions and occasional breathers that make up the day. Technology is now filling those spaces with a forced choice: ask about a colleague’s weekend, or get back to work to protect a metric. If your job is on the line, keeping quiet is the obvious answer."