Prof. Alan Rozenshtein Quoted in United Press International About Possible Outcome of TikTok Lawsuit

Prof. Alan Rozenshtein was quoted in United Press International about the legal dispute between TikTok and the federal government. TikTok parent company ByteDance filed a lawsuit earlier this month, challenging what it calls an “unprecedented step” taken by Congress to either force the sale of the app or ban it in the United States. Prof. Rozenshtein said ByteDance’s claim of First Amendment right of free speech is a strong argument, but he is not convinced it will win in court. “It's the best argument they could make. There are 170 million people in the United States that use TikTok. All of that activity is presumptively protected speech. More likely than not, ultimately the Supreme Court will allow this to stand. I’m not saying it’s a slam dunk.”