Myron Orfield

Myron Orfield

Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law
Director, Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity

Prof. Myron Orfield Quoted in Minnesota Lawyer about Hennepin County Tax Case to be Heard by U.S. Supreme Court

Professor Myron Orfield was quoted in the Minnesota Lawyer on a Hennepin County tax case that was recently announced to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. Hennepin County seized the condominium of a 93-year-old in 2015 due to the resident failing to pay her taxes. The county paid less than half of the market value of the condo, which the Pacific Legal Foundation, who is representing the plaintiff, calls "home equity theft." Professor Orfield commented, “It will be interesting how far they take the case in terms of the law and what sort of equity they require.”