JaneAnne Murray

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Law School Clemency Clinic Case Highlighted in Star Tribune as one of 14 Local Stories from 2021 Worthy of a Second Read

The Star Tribune asked its metro reporters to identify which stories from 2021 "they felt were among the most memorable."  One of the 14 chosen was Stephen Montemayor's Nov. 7, 2021 article about a client of the Law School's Clemency Clinic, run by Professor JaneAnne Murray.  Kelli Caron is seeking the unprecedented: a second grant of executive clemency.  Upon her pro se petition in 2020, she received clemency for the first time from the Minnesota Board of Pardons for a violation of probation in a Minnesota state case that resulted in a 15-year sentence (the violation driven by her conviction in a federal drug conspiracy).  Now, with the benefit of the Law School's Clemency Clinic, she is seeking clemency on her federal case, for which she is serving a 14-year sentence, far from home.  As the Star Tribune notes, Caron "is testing President Joe Biden's emerging philosophy on the executive branch's power to forgive."  Montemayor's original article is available here.